HOA Happenings: Back to School
August 19, 2024
Required Orientation: August 28
All new & returning students are required to attend orientation on August 28. During Orientation, students will check out their Chromebook, meet their teacher(s), and learn about being a successful online student! Parents are required to attend as well. Parents will review & update their student's information, set up your Parent Observer account, and get information on how to support your online learner.
- K-6 is hosting 4 sessions @ our Tamarack location: 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:30 PM
- 7-8 is offering 6 sessions for their families @ our Tamarack location: 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM
- 9-12 has 2 sessions offered at our Oak Street Campus location: 1:00 PM & 5:00 PM
Please scan the QR code below to sign up for your orientation time. If you have questions, please call us at 503-844-1050.
Back to School Flyers
Schedule Corrections?
for Middle & High School students
Adding and dropping a course must occur during the first two (2) weeks of a semester. A student will receive a WF (withdraw fail) after the first two weeks unless there are extenuating circumstances. All adds/drops must receive Counselor &/or Administrator approval.
Requests must be submitted via the Google Form: https://forms.gle/WExtBuq3Egugmry3A
Students concurrently enrolled to HOA must get approval from their building counselor.
School Photos
HIGH SCHOOL: Wednesday, September 4 (11:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
K-8th GRADE: Monday, October 7 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Picture day information, online ordering, and the customer service advocate for Dorian is at your fingertips! Scan the QR code or visit mydorian.com, search for Hillsboro Online Academy, and click on the green Order button or yellow Help button associated with your student's picture day.
You can order online now and up to 4 days after picture day!
**For families not wanting to order online, order forms will be in the back-to-school packets being mailed home.
***We need 3 parent volunteers for each picture day. Volunteers receive Picture Package "C" for free as a thank you. Volunteers need to be approved through HSD's Volunteer Application process.
Back-to-School Packets
Be on the look out for the arrival of our annual Back-to-School Packets! In addition to the information above, your student's schedule will be included.
We are not mailing Student Profiles but will be asking parents to review them and make necessary changes during Orientation.
Suggested School Supplies
The following is a suggested list, we encourage families to first utilize supplies within the home.
Note: As your student moves through their curriculum you may find they need additional supplies, such as spiral notebooks or a three ring binder. Each student is unique and may require extra items to support learning or stay organized. We encourage you to purchase minimal supplies at first and add more as needed. Please reach out to your student’s teacher if you need help gathering supplies or have questions.
- HSD Chromebook
- pencils
- markers or crayons
- paper for writing and drawing
- various household items may be needed on occasion such as baking soda and vinegar for a science experiment. Anything not typically found at home or not easily attainable at a grocery store will be supplied by school, for example litmus paper for an acid/base lab
- HSD Chromebook
- pencils/pens
- notebooks (1 per class for taking notes during lessons)
- markers or crayons
- ruler
- calculator
- access to a printer (Items can also be printed at school, contact your student’s teacher and they can arrange printing and a pick up time.)
- some courses will ask for specific items that can be found under the course's description.
Technology Updates
Student Internet Use Reporting
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, parents/guardians will have access to their student’s internet use history on personal or district Chromebooks when the student has logged in using an HSD account. This measure is being implemented to both enhance student safety and ensure appropriate technology usage.
Parents/guardians will receive a weekly email with a summary of the day of the week their student is most active online and the top websites visited. Excluded from the report will be any internet use on a personal device that is accessed with non-HSD credentials.
Parents/guardians also have the option of creating an account for the Lightspeed Parent Portal that will provide them access to additional features, including a detailed report of browsing history for the past seven days and the ability to pause internet access outside of school hours.
This is a change from past practice; however, we believe it is an appropriate step to keep our students safe and focused on learning while using District technology and credentials.
Chromebook Policies
As part of our commitment to providing students with technology to access their learning materials, we offer each student the use of a Chromebook computer.
With more than 18,000 students in our schools, this equates to a significant volume of technology that’s subject to damage and loss. While we understand that accidents happen, we also must take steps to contain our costs and responsibly manage resources.
Therefore, the following protocols will be in effect for the 2024-25 school year:
Damage and Replacement Fees:
Chromebook First Replacement - $200*
Chromebook Additional Replacement - $400
Chromebook First and Second Repair - $0
Chromebook Third Repair or First Repair After Replacement - $75
Chromebook Additional Repair - $150
Charger Replacement - $20
*The fee for the first replacement is subject to the district fee reduction process, described below. Other fees noted are not subject to the fee reduction process and will be assessed at full value, if necessary. Students and families are reminded that district-issued devices should be handled with care, according to the Acceptable Use Guidelines in the Standards of Student Conduct (p. 30). If your family needs help with home internet access, please report this to your child’s teacher on Family Connection Day or call our Family Digital Navigator at 503-844-1500 ext. 60241. For technology support, please visit the Student Tech Support website, call 503-886-8956 and leave a message, or email techhelp@hillsboro.incidentiq.com.
Homeschool Partnership
Orientation is 3 weeks away for enrolled families! Please scan the QR code to select one of our two sessions on September 3.
There is only one more summer virtual info meeting remaining before school starts. Please be sure to let all of your homeschooling friends know who might be interested. Our final summer virtual info meeting date is tonight, August 15! Please feel free to pass the link on to any interested families, but do not post publicly to maintain the security of the meeting. We will meet at 6:00 at the below link.
Google Meet joining info
Or dial: +1 208-715-5558 PIN: 301 042 563#