Patriot Press
Week of November 4, 2024

Greetings Poynter Families!
As you know, tomorrow is election day. Everyone who is eligible to vote is encouraged to do so by 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 5.
Watching the Seahawks game yesterday, there were political ads every break. The political divides we face were on full display and I was left thinking about our school. Our community at Poynter is made up of individuals that reflect the broader state and national population. We know that the results of the election, which may not be known right away, will affect individuals in various ways. Some will be joyful or excited. Others will be disappointed or fearful. And some will be indifferent. What I want everyone to know, is that you and your students are valued, regardless of what your political beliefs are. We have intentionally fostered a community of dignity and respect at Poynter and will continue to focus on the goal of preparing students to pursue their dreams. Please see this article by the Hillsboro School District that provides resources for families.
Go Patriots!
Jeremy Corwin
Upcoming Dates
- 11/1 - No School (Teacher Grade Preparation)
- 11/7 - PoynterGreen Intermediate Band Concert 6:30 @ Poynter
- 11/11 - No School
- 11/12 - Latino PAC Meeting 6:00pm
- 11/25 - No School (Staff Professional Development)
- 11/25 - 4:30pm-8:00pm Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 11/26 - 8:00am - 11:30am Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 11/27-11/9 - No School
Student Health Survey
The 2024 Oregon Student Health Survey (SHS) collects crucial data on student health, safety, mental and behavioral health, and school climate. This information is essential for improving student well-being across our district. The survey will be administered to all 6th, 8th, and 11th graders during the week of Nov. 18th. For information (including an opt-out option), take a look at this letter.
November 7: Poynter Green Intermediate Band Concert
This is a short concert that will showcase our Intermediate Band's work that they've done so far this year. Free admission!
Latino PAC Meeting Rescheduled
It will now be next Tuesday, 11/12/24 at 6:00pm.
November 25 & 26: Conferences
Students will not have school the week of November 25th. That week is conferences and Thanksgiving. We will have drop-in conferences November 25th from 4:30pm-8:00pm and then again November 26 from 8:00am-11:30 am. There is no appointment needed for these drop-in conferences and will give you an opportunity to get a quick update on how your student is doing.