Franklin County Middle School | August 23, 2024
Notes from Mr. Liggett
Welcome back Wildcats and Greyhounds! We are off to a great start here at FCMS. We have made it through those first few days, where it was difficult to open lockers and with finding our classes, but things are smoothing out.
I am impressed with the overall respect that our students are showing towards our teachers as well as towards their peers. I am also impressed at the caring attitude our teachers are showing towards our students. In my 33 years of education, I can truly say that this was the best start to a school year that I have been a part of.
Looking ahead, we want the year to be a memorable one where students enjoy coming to school. To do that, we encourage our parents to communicate with their kids in relation to how school is going and relay any issues to our teachers and administrators. By working together we can be proactive when it comes to potential problems. I look forward to great year and am very blessed to be a part of this school family.
Mr. Liggett
FCMS Principal
Staff Spotlight: Mrs. Ratz
My name is Mrs. Ratz and I am starting my second year as the School Counselor at Franklin County Middle School. I look forward to meeting all of the new students and welcoming everyone back from a great summer. Please stop by my office for any guidance counseling needs including scheduling and student support services. Make sure to introduce yourself if we have not met. I am here to help make your middle school experience the best it can be.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” -Abraham Lincoln
You can always email me- rratz@fccsc.k12.in.us
Wildcats Win!
Both 7th AND 8th grade football teams won against North Decatur last Tuesday!
Dance Energy
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA is sponsored at FCMS by Derek Herbert. Kids and teachers meet in the library around 7:45 every Friday morning to hang out and learn how to be better Christ followers. If anyone is interested, see Mr. Herbert, Mrs. Noah, or Mrs. Edwards, or just show up!!!
From Mrs. Riffle
If there are any 8th graders who are interested in being ag ambassadors this year, have them email me by the end of next week.
If there are any 7th graders who would like to join FFA who do not have Ag until next semester, they can stop by my room during SRT to pick up a form.
Our August chapter bonding activity will take place during Ag Classes on Friday, August 23.
Our chapter kickoff will be a barn dance at the Franklin County 4-H Fairgrounds on Saturday, September 14 - more details to follow.
Teams are currently forming for the following contests: Horticulture, Livestock Skillathon and Soils Judging. If anyone is interested in forming a middle school FFA team, please let me know. Teams must have at least 3 members.
6th Grade News
Clark Sherwood Is participating in a cohort called Civics Empowers All Students (CEAS.) The curriculum is centered on a textbook/program called, "We the People." He is 1 of 12 teachers from Indiana to have this amazing privilege to learn more about Civics and how to teach it to our students. He recently took part in a four day workshop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. All expenses were paid by the Indiana Bar Foundation.
“Random Emoji Power Paragraph “ for the win! Mrs. Ariens’ 6th grade ELA classes honed their paragraph writing skills by generating 5 emojis to construct 5 sentence paragraphs. The challenge was tying 5 random emojis together to write paragraphs that made sense. We had lots of giggles and creative amusement.