Sells eNews
June 27th, 2023

From Mr. Sachtleben's Desk...
Back to School!
I am excited to welcome all of students back to school for the 2024-25 year! This includes all of our new students who are joining us for the first time as they begin their middle school journey. We are all excited to see everyone and I know the students are just as excited to be back (at least that is what I am going to keep telling myself!).
I would like to also introduce our new Assistant Principal! Mrs. Katy O'Neal is joining our Admin Team. She comes to us after having been the Admin Intern at Scottish Corners. Previous to this, Mrs. O'Neal was a math teacher at Karrer MS. We are excited to add her to our Sells team and the energy she has already demonstrated has been infectious! Welcome Katy!
Please be sure to read through the information that is included in this first Weekly Update. You can expect further communication through the week next week as we get closer to the start of school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or Katy O'Neal. Our email addresses are included below.
Matt Sachtleben - sachtleben_matt@dublinschools.net
Katy O'Neal - oneal_katy@dublinschools.net
Important Dates
6th Grade Orientation
We are excited to welcome our 6th grade students to Sells MS! On Wednesday, August 7, we will be hosting our 6th Grade Orientation! This event will start at 6:00pm. We invite all of our new 6th grade students and their parents to this event in order to learn more about Sells as we prepare for the first day of school.
Our students will meet their teachers, learn how to read their schedule, learn how to access their locker, take a tour of the building, get their picture taken for their school ID and yearbook and meet their new classmates! Parents will spend time with me learning about our approach to a positive school climate and what it means to be a student at Sells!
Please join us next Wednesday for this exciting event as your student transitions to their middle school years!
All Grades Walkthrough
The Walkthrough will take place on Thursday, August 8 (11:00am - 6:00pm). During this time, students will be able to walk their schedule, locate their locker and get their picture taken for their school ID and yearbook. Teachers will NOT be available during this time. Students will be able to pick up their school supply kits if one was ordered in the spring. We will have a copy of each student's schedule should they need this.
Student Schedules and Bus Information
As we gear up for the new school year, here are the essential dates and information you need to know:
Schedules and Classroom/Homeroom Assignments:
- Posted in Infinite Campus: August 5
- To Access:
- Students in grades 6-12: Use district Google credentials to access the Infinite Campus Student Portal via single sign-on. Instructions are linked below.
**Please note that schedule changes MUST be brought to their school counselor's attention and are NOT guaranteed. Schedule changes will take place if a student is missing a class or if there is more than one class in any given period.
Bus Route Information:
- Posted in Infinite Campus: Approximately August 8-9 (one week before the start of school)
School Information
School Counselor Assignments
Last names A-F: Mrs. Erin Bissell
Last names G-M: Mrs. Jessica Lanka
Last names N-Z: Mrs. Dawn Wolf
REMINDER - Summer Reading (There is still time!)
Dublin City Schools believes that reading is a key to success in all areas. While middle and high school students have required reading, all students are encouraged to read all summer long. Grade level assignments and other resources can be found on the district's website.
School Supply Kits - 2024-2025
If you ordered a school supply kit for your child last spring, these will be available for pick up during the 6th Grade Orientation and Walkthrough days (August 7 and 8). These will be located in the band room. Once you pick up your child's kit, all supplies can be stored in their locker should you choose not to bring them home.
DCS Info
ACTION REQUIRED! Time for Annual Updates!
Before the start of each school year, families must complete the Annual Update. Items that can be confirmed or changed as part of the Annual Update include street address, phone number, email, and emergency contacts. Parents will also acknowledge our district handbooks, student code of conduct, and technology/network use agreements during the Annual Update process.
To access the Annual Update, please follow steps 1-7 below.
Log-in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Click “More” in the Main Menu or “Annual Update” under district announcements
Select “Online Registration Update”
Click “24-25 (Current School Year) Existing Student Registration.” Please make sure you select Existing Student Registration, not New Student.
Under Action, click “Start”
Click “Begin Registration”
Fill out your back-to-school forms
- For best results, complete the Annual Update from a computer or tablet.
- A change of address requires two proofs of residency. A list of acceptable residency documents can be found on our Enrollment Required Documentation page.
Thank you for completing this very important back-to-school process. The information gathered as part of the Annual Update supports the efficient operation of our district and is critical regarding our ability to communicate with parents in the event of an emergency.
Issues Accessing Infinite Campus??
If you are having issues accessing Infinite Campus Parent Portal, please reference the tutorials and frequently asked questions on our website.
For help with password resets, adding parents, updating contact information, and missing students, please contact the building.
Meal Prices Add Up! Apply Now for Free/Reduced School Meals
Check a back-to-school box off your list by going ahead and filling out the Free and Reduced Meal Application for your students. Apply online through PaySchools Central or use one of our printable forms (translated in multiple languages) to submit your information.
Upcoming Events
August 7 - 6th Grade Orientation, 6:00pm
August 8 - All-Grades School Walkthrough, 11:00am-6:00pm
August 16 - 6th Grade Chromebook Distribution
August 20 - Open House, 6:00-8:00pm
August 29 - All-School Tailgate (sponsored by PTO), 3:15-4:45pm