Steele Stallion Press
Sept. 25, 2024

October 25, 2024
Upcoming Events
Oct 31 - Halloween Parade
Nov 5 & 6 - Steele Dines Out @ Chook
Nov 9 - Hollywood Glamour Auction at DMNS
Nov 12 - CSC/PTA Meeting w/ Parent Education Speaker
Nov. 25-29 - No School/Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 10 - Colorado Gives Day
From the Principal
Dear Steele families,
We’ve been getting a lot of questions about Steele’s attendance policy lately. Steele follows the CDE Attendance Guidance as well as the DPS Attendance Policy which you can find in the Steele Family Handbook. Here are the basics you need to know:
Examples of Excused Absences:
Temporary illness or injury
Physical, mental, or emotional disability
Legal custody by public agency
Examples of an unexcused absence are:
Absences that are not called in
No specific reason is given for absence
Students who are absent 10 or more days per school year, whether they are excused or unexcused, are considered chronically absent. All late arrivals and early dismissals can add up to full absences.
Check out this week’s Caught in the Act Winners!
Have a great weekend!
Auction Corner
Get Your Tickets for the Steele Auction TODAY! November 9th | 6-11pm
DOWNLOAD the Handbid app on Apple or Google Play to register, purchase tickets, and bid on items. Handbid is your resource for tickets, viewing items, alerts and bidding!
The teachers and staff at Steele are an integral part of what makes our community so special. We are very excited to have a record number of our educators signed up to attend this year's auction!! Please consider donating to the TEACHER TICKET FUND, even if you've already purchased your own tickets or you're not even planning on attending. This could be a wonderful way to support our Steele Community!
Check out our helpful guides to get you ready for the night:
School News
Steele’s Halloween parade will begin at 8:30 on Thursday, 10/31. Students will do 2 laps around the track. We ask that families stand in the inner field and do not block the track. Once each class has done their 2 laps they will find a spot on the field for a class pic.
If your child’s class is having a party right after the parade there is no need to check in at the office. If your child’s class party is later in the day please check in at the office if you plan to join.
Students may come to school in costumes but must have normal clothing underneath or to change into for the remainder of the day. Learning still happens on Halloween and we want to limit distractions after the parade and party. To make sure all of our students feel comfortable please follow these costume guidelines:
No masks- we need to know who our students are:)
No weapons or things that resemble weapons (swords, guns, light sabers, etc.)
No facepaint- this is distracting for the remainder of the day
No gore or scary costumes. We want all of our students to feel safe.
Halloween at Steele is Spooktacular!
In addition to the Halloween parade, each classroom will also organize its own party. Please look for specific information from your student's teacher and/or classroom parent.
Lost & Found
Lost & Found will be collected for donation next Friday, Nov 1! Please make sure to check it out for any lost items. The rack is located in the lobby next to the lunch room.
Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15-October 15 was Hispanic Heritage Month! Students learned about Hispanic leaders, artists, scientists, activists, writers, and more in their classrooms. They also spent the month trying to find the faces of 16 notable Hispanic figures around the building. Did your child find all 16?
Lunchroom Updates
DPS has started an A La Carte program for students. This means that students can purchase additional items with their lunch. To do this, students must have money in their My School Bucks account. Steele is working to get a list of items being sold as well as their ingredients. We will keep families informed once we receive this information.
Here is what we have received from DPS:
A la Carte Program
We believe that all foods fit into a balanced diet and strive to offer a diverse range of menu and a la carte options. All items are Smart Snack approved and align with the DPS Wellness policy.
Al la carte smart snacks
Are 50% or more whole grain by weight
Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food
Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetabl
Meet the USDA nutrient standards for calories, sodium, sugar, and fats
The DPS "Your Voice/Tu Voz" Survey
The DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” survey will be open from Oct. 7th through Nov. 1st! What does this mean for you?
WHAT? The “Your Voice/Tu Voz” Family Survey is designed to measure the extent to which Denver Public Schools is helping parents and guardians feel welcomed, involved, and informed. Your input will help us learn how to better support you so that you can best support the academic success of your student(s).
Questions take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
All responses are anonymous and confidential.
WHY? At the school level, your input helps principals, teachers, and school staff understand what is working well and what needs to be addressed to improve our schools. At the district level, your feedback helps evaluate the performance of DPS leadership. Your voice matters greatly.
WHO? If you are the parent or guardian of a DPS student, we want to hear from you.
Last year, only 22% of DPS families shared feedback. We want to hear from everyone! Your feedback is important to helping the district understand how to best serve each student.
Our goal is to get to 35% family participation by 2025.
The survey is available online through Nov. 1 and can be completed at any time, day or night.
The Your Voice/Tu Voz Family survey is currently offered once per school year. DPS teams will have additional surveys on other topics throughout the year.
HOW? There are three ways to access the survey:
Click on the URL.
Scan the QR code with the camera on your smartphone.
Type the URL into your internet browser: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/3hYhCO.
Shop and Support Steele
King Soopers Loyalty Program
Link your King Soopers Loyalty Card to Steele
Go to kingsoopers.com and log in or create a new rewards account.
Click My Account
Click Community Rewards
Search Steele Elementary School or EG710 and then click Enroll
No cost to sign up. King Soopers donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending at no cost to you. This does NOT affect your membership rewards.
Don't have a loyalty card? Grab one at any King Sooper customer service desk then follow the steps listed to link it to Steele.
Please email Adrianna Abbott (adrianna_amc@hotmail.com) with additional questions.
Get New Family Portraits and Raise Money for Steele!
Book a Holiday-Styled Studio Mini Session with Suzy at Lily Red Studio.
Limited spots are available in November. Enter the code: STEELEPTA during the booking process for $15 off the $175 session fee - 15% from every session booked will go directly to Steele Elementary. Sessions are 10 minutes long and include up to five family members, two pets, three holiday-styled backdrops, and five digital files (with the option to purchase additional files). Sessions take place at Lily Red Studio located in East Wash Park. Click this link for more details or to book your session: https://www.lilyred.com/holiday-minis-2024
Regal Movie Ticket Bundle
We have a new fundraising partnership with Regal! Until November 17, 25% of each Regal Movie Ticket Bundle is being donated back to Steele Elementary School! Help us smash our fundraising goal and enjoy the latest blockbusters. This offer is redeemable online or in-store at your nearest Regal location. Friends and family are welcome to join in, so please share this link with anyone interested: grouprai.se/regalcinemas48725m. Thanks!
Box Tops for Education
Download the app and Select Steele Elementary when prompted
Shop and find items that contain the Box Tops logo
Scan your receipt (paper and digital) in the Box Tops app and PTA receives money back on your box top items. It's that easy!
King Soopers, Safeway, Costco, WholeFoods, Target receipts all accepted! Please email Adrianna Abbott (adrianna_amc@hotmail.com) with any questions.
Community News
Find information here for an educational hands-on day camp coming up during Thanksgiving school break, they would love for your students to attend!
Quick Links & Helpful Information
STEELE INFO: School Calendar| Lunch Menu | My School Bucks Login | Specials Rotations | Steele Directory | DONATE NOW
AFTERSCHOOL INFO: Discovery Link Login | Discovery Link Info
PTA INFO: Sign-up to Volunteer | PTA Website | Contact PTA
COMMUNITY INFO: Merrill Middle School News | South High School Raven News
To submit information to this weekly Friday newsletter, send concise and edited content to steelecommunication@gmail.com by 12 PM on the Wednesday before publication.
Vice President of Communication: Mike Moore
Press Editors: Jamie Nicolson and Laura Bushek