Blevins Bulletin
December 8th , 2023

August 9th 2024 Principal's Message
Please join us for Back to School Night! On this night, you will have the opportunity to hear from school leadership, meet the teachers, gain helpful information, and explore the building.
- Lockers will be available upon request after school begins.
- No need to bring personal school supplies to Back to School Night.
- You are welcome to donate school supplies.
- Student schedules are accessible on ParentVue. Here is a guide for using ParentVue.
6th & 7th (N-Z) Grade Counselor: Kirsten Bovbjerg, kbovbjerg@psdschools.org
7th (A-M) & 8th Grade Counselor: Anna Burris, annab@psdschools.org
Academic Dean: Erin McCain, emccain@psdschools.org
On this evening, our team will also be available to support families with the following:
Athletic paperwork and athletic fees - Questions? nicolew@psdschools.org
Immunization records and student meds - Questions? nicolew@psdschools.org
We can't wait to see you there!
Joe Zappa, Principal
Important Dates
Friday, August 9th: Student Schedules available on ParentVue (guide for using ParentVue)
- Football Pre-Season Camp (7th, 8th Grade) 9:00-10:00 (Information Below)
Monday, August 12th: Football Practice 9:00-11:00 (Information Below)
⭐Tuesday, August 13th: Football Practice 9:00-11:00 (Information Below)
- GT Parent Meeting 5:00-5:30 (Blevins Library)
- Back to School Night 5:30-7:00
⭐ Wednesday, August 14th: 6th Grade Starts 7:30-2:25
- Football Practice 2:45-5:00 (Information Below)
- Girls Volleyball Camp 3:00-6:00 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
⭐Thursday, August 15th: ALL Grades in Session 7:30-2:25
- Cross Country Pre-Season Practice 2:45-4:00 (6th, 7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Girls Volleyball Camp 3:00-6:00 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Tennis Practice Starts 3:00 (6th, 7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
Friday, August 16th:
- Girls Volleyball Camp 3:00 6:00 (7th, 8th Grade) 3:00-6:00 (Information Below)
Monday, August 19th:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
Tuesday, August 20th:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Football Parent Meeting 5:10 (Gym 101)
Wednesday, August 21st:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
Thursday, August 22nd:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Cross Country Parent Meeting 5:00-5:45 (Auditeria)
Friday, August 23rd:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
⭐Tuesday, August 27th: Picture Day (Watch for More Information)
Monday, September 2nd: NO SCHOOL/Labor Day
Monday, September 16th: Bruin Club Starts 2:30-5:00 (Watch for More Information)
Blevins Student Drop Off and Pick Up
New Bus Card Information from PSD
Poudre School District has partnered with Zūm to bring transparency and convenience to school transportation with the Zūm App for parents. Starting this school year, Zūm will replace the “Here Comes the Bus” app for families of students who ride a PSD bus. Families will receive an email from Zūm with further details about the app.
Zūm App for Parents
Download the Zūm App for parents to track rides: https://app.ridezum.com/. Log in using the email and phone number you have on your student's profile with the school district. Your student’s bus rides will be available in the app a few days before the first day of school.
Zūm Bus Cards
Starting Aug 14, 2024, your student(s) will be able to use a Zūm Bus Card when boarding and getting off their bus. These cards enhance efficiency, improve safety, and increase transparency in the transportation process. Your student will receive a second card with their name and route information.
Zūm Bus Card FAQs
Q: What is a Zūm Bus Card?
A: Zūm Bus Cards are plastic cards the size of an ID card. They allow students to quickly and easily tap when getting on or exiting the bus, similar to metro transit passes. Zūm Bus Cards are uniquely assigned to students and cannot be shared. They have the student’s first name and last initial printed on them to help with identification in case they are misplaced.
Q: How does the Zūm Bus Card work?
A: Zūm Bus Cards use the same contactless RFID technology found in metro transit passes, corporate access cards, and other ID cards. Each Zūm Bus Card holds a unique code. When tapped on the card reader on a Zūm Bus, the card wirelessly transmits the unique code to the tablet on the bus, which knows which student is assigned to that code. Zūm Bus Cards are not GPS devices and cannot be tracked or follow your movements.
Q: Have schools been informed?
A: Yes, your school administrator has been informed about the cards and will be distributing your student’s card.
Q: How should my student use their Zūm card?
A: Once received, your student should use their card for each ride to swipe-on and swipe-off the bus - a quick tap on the reader and they’re on their way. It’s as simple as that. *Please note, your student(s) CAN ride the bus in the event their card is misplaced, lost, or forgotten and the replacement is being processed.
Q: What should I do if my student loses their Zūm card or has an invalid Zūm card?
A: If their card is lost, you or your student can request a replacement card from their school administrator. A new card will be delivered to your school site within 5-7 business days, which your school administrator will deliver to your student.
Q: How can you help make this implementation successful?
A: Make sure your students have their cards ready to board the bus each morning. If they lose their card, they can request a replacement from your school administrator.
Contact PSD Transportation at 970-490-3232 or transportation@psdschools.org.
Visit https://www.ridezum.com/faqs/zum-app/ to learn more about the Zūm App.
Bus Requests for 2024-2025
PSD aims to transport as many students as possible to and from school. To ensure families needing transportation receive this service, riders must apply for busing each year, even if they’ve had busing before.
PSD Code of Conduct
Each year, parents/guardians and secondary students must acknowledge that they have reviewed the Student Rights and Code of Conduct. Parents/guardians are not given access to ParentVUE until they electronically sign the acknowledgment.
Here's how to complete your acknowledgement:
- Parents/guardians:
- Log into the ParentVUE parent portal.
- Read the Acknowledgement text box.
- Click on the link at the bottom of the page to download the Code of Conduct.
- Write your name on the signature field exactly as it appears on your ParentVUE account.
- Click “Yes.” Parents/guardians will not be given access to ParentVUE until they electronically sign the acknowledgment.
- Parents of secondary students (6-12): Your student will also be asked to acknowledge having received and reviewed the Code of Conduct when logging into StudentVUE for the first time this school year.
- Families new to PSD who have never accessed their ParentVUE account will receive a separate email with instructions for how to log into ParentVUE.
- If you have questions, see the ParentVUE FAQ or contact your school.
Free Meals for 2024-2025
Power your day with school breakfast and lunch
This will be the second year all PSD students can use a finger scan to check out of school breakfast and lunch lines. View school menus at this link. PSD will also continue to serve meals free of charge to all students. However, families who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals under federal income guidelines should still fill out a free/reduced meal application in order to qualify for discounts on utility bills, school and community activity fees, and more. Find the 2024-25 application at this link.>>
Supply Lists
Daily Schedule, Silver & Burgundy Calendar, PSD Calendar
7:10-7:25 Breakfast Served (for those who want it)
7:30 Period 1 Starts
2:25 School Ends
Blevins Football (7th & 8th Grade)
2024-2025 Blevins Football Information
- Coach Ben Rees brees@psdschools.org
Pre-Season Camp:
- August 8th and 9th 9:00-10:00am @ Blevins' Football Field
- Equipment Needed for Camp: Cleats, Water, Medical Necessities (Inhaler/Epi-Pen/etc)
- NO FEE or SILVER CARD Required for Camp
Regular Season Practice: (SILVER CARDS and FEE REQUIRED)
- August 12th 9:00-11:00: Meet at West Entrance Doors
- August 13th 9:00-11:00: Meet at West Entrance Doors
- August 14th 2:45-5:00 (Equipment Handout 8th Grade 2:45, 7th Grade 3:15)
- August 15th-remainder of season 2:45-5:00
- Equipment Needed: Cleats, Water, Medical Necessities, Mouthpiece
Parent/Coaches Meeting
- August 20th 5:10 in Gym 101
Blevins Cross Country (6th, 7th, 8th Grade)
Altitude Running (2531 S Shields #2N) will offer Blevins runners 15% off on running shoes and other merch on August 20th and August 24th
Blevins Girls Volleyball (7th, 8th Grade)
Blevins Girls Volleyball (7th, 8th Grade)
RMHS Volleyball Pre-Tryout Camp
Blevins Tennis (6th, 7th, 8th Grade)
- Boys Tennis Coach: Andrew Kiser akiser@psdschools.org
- Girls Tennis Coach: TBD
- 1st Regular Season Practice August 15th at 3:00 (SILVER CARDS and FEE REQUIRED)
Transportation Change for Athletic Competition Events
"Starting with the 2024-25 school year, student transportation for all athletic events will be one-way only, meaning district busses will only be taking athletes to the competition sites. Parents/families will be responsible for ensuring that their athletes are picked up from the competition sites. Please contact Athletic Director Scott Schreiner with any questions or concerns."
Silver Cards are required to participate in all sports. To obtain a Silver Card, students will need to complete the following 3 steps:
- Students must have a hard copy of the Physicians Certification form on file in the Front Office.
- Students must have paid the athletic fee. Payment can be made through Schoolpay at https://psdschools.schoolpay.com or cash and check payments can be made in the Front Office. If it is a cut sport then you would pay to tryout then be refunded if your student doesn't make the team.
- Students must have completed the online registration at https://www.psdathletics.org/msreg or complete and return registration packet to the Front Office.
Support Blevins
Who To Contact
Joe Zappa, Principal
Dusti Sanger, Assistant Principal
Scott Schreiner, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Michele Trujillo, Office Manager
Kirsten Bovbjerg, 6th/7th Grade Counselor
Anna Burris, 7th/8th Grade Counselor
Erin McCain, Academic Dean* & School Counselor
*Guidance for academic supports for Blevins students
Volunteers are needed across PSD to support our Teachers & Students!
Volunteers are needed across Poudre School District to support our Teachers & Students!
PSD sends frequent emails to currently registered volunteers, but those are getting lost in some recipients' junk mail folders. If you are registered as a volunteer with PSD, please check your junk mail & mark those sent by "Volunteer Coordinator" as safe to receive.
For those who are not yet registered to volunteer but want to help in our schools please visit - Volunteer Registration