Reardan Weekly
Middle School Update
We are excited to be partnering with Jaydin Ludeman and Rural Resources for outreach and support around building positive relationships between peers. Jaydin will be coming to visit the MS students during lunch on Thursdays and interested students can work with her to create a SPHYR club (Students Promoting Healthy Youth Relationships). Jaydin will also partner with Mrs. Hamilton’s health classes and work with students to build skills around empathy, emotions, feelings, and moods. Please reach out to Principal Debi Newsum with any questions.
Next week is MAP testing for all middle school students. We will be on an altered schedule in order to test in the morning. This assessment will give us valuable information in order to fine tune our skills prior to the state SBA assessments in May. Please encourage your child to do their best on these assessments so our teachers can plan for success on the state tests.
As part of our focus on digital citizenship, we celebrated Phone Free Friday today. Students came to Ms. Vesneske’s classroom and traded their cell phones for doughnuts. We had sixty students participate, roughly half of our middle school. Students who don’t own cell phones were also given doughnuts as they are phone free every day! We plan to celebrate Phone Free Fridays once a month, so if you ever have trouble getting ahold of your student during the school day, please call Mrs. Lillengreen in the elementary office, and we will be happy to put you in touch with them.
Our Middle School T-shirts arrive this morning and will be handed out at lunch on Friday. Students earned shirts by earning points for good grades, no office referrals, and participation in extracurricular activities and sports. Students can continue to work toward earning a MS spirit shirt anytime. See Ms. Newsum for a form and shirt. Wearing these shirts on Friday, or any Reardan spirit shirt or school colors maroon and gray, earns students a small treat after lunch. Go Screaming Eagles.
WinterFest starts 1/18!
This is a friendly competition between Reardan and Davenport that benefits both communities and culminates with the awarding of the coveted Golden Plunger at the Basketball Games Tuesday,January 24th in Reardan.
Points are awarded to each school for dress-up day participation, food drive items, game attendance, Half-time Games and the Principals are going to have a free throw contest!
January 26th from 5:30-7:00 RECAP and RESD will be hosting a Fun Math Night. Dinner will be served at 5:30. Come join the fun!
Elementary Highlights
Our Lost and Found is multiplying daily! We are overrun with items that have lost their owners; Sweatshirts, coats, water bottles, etc. If your student is missing items, please have your student check the lost and found. Items will be donated to charity at the end of the semester.
End of 1st semester is January 27th. This is an early release day (11:30 a.m. dismissal) for Elementary students.
The Read2Ride program is back. Reading logs will go home with your students this week. If your student spends at least 10 hours reading for FUN, and have either a teacher or parent initial the reading log, students will receive a Silverwood Theme Park ticket. If you have any questions, please reach out to your students’ teacher or librarian.
Options Students partner with Ms. Borland's Shop Class!
The Options' students are teaming up with Ms Borland's shop class to build planter boxes for the new outdoor learning space in the elementary school. Some high school students are taking the lead and teaching the Options' students what goes into a building project!