Loveland City Schools Newsletter
April 6, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Loveland Tiger Community,
We have been working this year to gather more feedback from our community, and I’m really happy with the results. Nearly 500 of your friends and neighbors have completed our Districtwide Survey. It’s a chance for you to tell us how we are doing as we work to meet the goals of our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision, like Student Success and Fiscal Responsibility. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, please take a moment to do that by following this link.
We held four town halls this year and had great conversations with community members and parents. The feedback we’ve gathered there is already available on our website at this link.
Before the end of the school year, I’ll prepare a report for the Board and the Community about the feedback we’ve gathered and how it’s already impacting our decision-making.
We announced some staffing changes last month, and you can read all about them here. One thing I want to highlight is our new Director of Learning Pathways. Brian Lee will be taking on this new position and will focus on helping students develop real-world skills so they can make informed choices about college and careers. We consistently get feedback from parents and community members that they want students to have an opportunity to explore careers and get hands-on learning experiences. We have an amazing Loveland Tiger Pathways program that has students interning with more than two dozen local organizations. I’m excited to grow that program and connect students with even more opportunities. And we are making this move by reallocating an administrative position, so we’re making this happen in a fiscally responsible way.
We’re getting into an exciting time of the year, all leading up to graduation next month!
If you have any questions, please let me know: mikebroadwater@lovelandschools.org.
Go Tigers!
Mike Broadwater
Loveland City Schools
Treasurer’s Message
Loveland Tiger Community,
Last month, we announced the creation of a State School Funding Committee to work together to identify state school funding problems that impact Loveland and advocate for solutions. More than 30 people have agreed to participate, and the group’s second meeting will take place in a few days. The group will continue working to identify ways to have a positive impact on the amount of funding the District receives from the state.
If you have questions about district finances, please contact me at espyjo@lovelandschools.org.
John Espy
Loveland City Schools
Loveland City School District to Purchase Property
Thankful Thursdays in Loveland!
Between now and the end of the year, you’ll see “Thankful Thursday” posts popping up on our district social media. LHS students are taking the time to thank teachers across the district who have made a difference in their lives. LHS Senior Aaron Spjut has been interning in the Central Office and has been leading this social media campaign. Thanks, Aaron!
Hope Week Celebration at Loveland High School
Students at Loveland High School heard from Brandon Saho during Hope Week. Saho is a former sports reporter and host of “The Mental Game” podcast. He shares the story of his mental health challenges and interviews celebrities to help break mental health stigmas. During an all-school assembly, Saho encouraged students to seek help from family, friends, and trusted adults when they are facing struggles. His visit was part of Hope Week, organized by Hope Squad, a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program.
Congrats Jack Gerber on Acceptance to West Point
Congressman Greg Landsman
Senator JD Vance
Congratulations to Loveland senior Jack Gerber for accepting an appointment at West Point! He was nominated by both Senator Vance and Congressman Landsman for this high honor. Way to go!
LHS Student Council Collects Pillows for Families in Need
Loveland High School Student Council completed a successful pillow drive for New Life Furniture Bank. New Life provides beds to families in need in our community, and now they will receive pillows too. LHS Student Council set a goal of raising funds for 60 pillows, but they exceeded expectations and collected 80! Local families will sleep easier thanks to generous donations from our Loveland community!
Find Your Stripes Day
Last month, students at Loveland Elementary School participated in Find Your Stripes Day. The day gives students a chance to learn about cool clubs and activities they can get involved with as they move up through the grades here in Loveland. Loveland High School students spent the day presenting to LES kiddos about physics, robotics, yearbook, marching band, and more. It’s a great opportunity for high school students to take a leadership role and inspire younger students. Thank you to the staff and students who put in the time and effort to make the event a success!
LHS students presenting at LES
Keynote speakers Mike Broadwater and WLWT News Five's Randi Rico
LES Students Finding Their Stripes!
Impact Night Success!
Students in the Loveland High School Tigers Inc. program led an awesome event last month- Impact Night! They worked for weeks to encourage the community to eat, shop, and support local businesses. The crowd in downtown Loveland wearing orange for the “show of support” to kick off Impact Night on March 14 looked fantastic. Thank you to everyone who attended!
Vote for Custodian of the Year!
David Smith, our awesome head custodian at LIS and LMS, is in the running for Custodian of the Year! David keeps the campus looking great for our students and staff. He’s a hard worker who is kind-hearted and a great presence in the building for our students. Cintas will award $10,000 to the winning custodian and $5,000 in Cintas and Rubbermaid products and services to the winner’s school. Follow this link to vote - just click on his photo, then click the “vote” button. Vote daily between now and April 12!
Thank You to our Speed Mentors
Loveland High School students participated in a “Speed Mentoring” program last month at the Oasis Golf Club and Conference Center. Students chatted with local business community members to ask questions and learn about various jobs and career opportunities. Students rotated tables every few minutes to meet new mentors and learn more. Thank you to the Clermont Chamber of Commerce for helping to coordinate this fun, fast-paced event—and thank you to the speed mentors who volunteered their time!
Congratulations to Loveland Robotics!
Loveland Robotics has been busy - with four teams competing in State Championship events.
FLL Team 52346 Roaring Robots was at the Ohio First Lego League Championship in Troy. The team achieved one of its top robot scores of the season and students did a great job presenting their innovation project, robot design, and core values to the judges. Congratulations on a great season!
LMS VEX Team 97310A Arbacy was at the Ohio VRC Middle School Championship in Marion and finished the qualification rounds ranked 9th out of 60 teams in the state, and made it to the quarterfinals. Nice work!
Our high school FTC teams, 10464 The Bionic Tigers and 5040 Nuts & Bolts, competed in the Ohio FTC Championship in Troy. Team 5040 won the Motivate Award, recognizing their efforts to promote FIRST Robotics. Team 10464 won the Think Award, the second-highest judged award. Fantastic job!
Jamie Brown from Team 10464 was selected as one of three Dean’s List Awards Finalists for Ohio in recognition of Jamie’s work as a student leader. Finalists will advance to the FTC World Championship in Houston!
Congratulations to Team 10464 mentor Rich Alden, who was second runner-up for the Compass Award. And a very special thank you to Christine Rasmussen and her entire family, who won the FIRST Family Award in recognition of their volunteer work supporting robotics. Christine has been a tireless leader for the robotics program and the Loveland Robotics Boosters. Congratulations, and thank you for all you do!
Bionic Tigers and Nuts and Bolts
LMS VEX Team 97310A Arbacy
Roaring Robots 52346
Jamie Brown Deans List
Urgent Need for Bus Drivers
We have an urgent need for bus drivers. If you know of someone who would like to drive a bus for Loveland City Schools, send them our way. We provide paid training, health insurance, and retirement benefits. Apply online by following this link, or contact our Transportation Department at (513) 683-3103.
Get Involved
Looking for ways to support Loveland City Schools? Several organizations raise funds and provide extra support to programs in our Loveland Tiger community. Follow the links for membership information:
Loveland Elementary PTA (LEPTA): https://www.lovelandelementarypta.org/
Loveland Middle/Intermediate PTSA: https://www.lovelandmintptsa.org/
Loveland High School PTO: Google Form
Loveland Athletic Boosters: https://lovelandathleticboosters.com/
Loveland Music Boosters: https://www.lovelandmusicboosters.com/
Loveland Robotics Boosters: https://www.lovelandroboticsboosters.org/
Loveland Schools Foundation: https://www.lovelandschools.org/Page/135
Check out the 2023-24 Loveland Schools Quality Profile
Loveland City School District
Email: setteran@lovelandschools.org
Website: www.lovelandschools.org
Location: 757 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovelandcityschools/
Twitter: @LovelandTigers