Highview Happenings
June 26, 2024
From the Principal's Desk...
Dear Highview Families,
As we approach the end of another remarkable school year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our journey together and extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your unwavering support, dedication, and partnership in education.
This year has been filled with both challenges and triumphs, and throughout it all, our school community has remained resilient and strong. Together, we have navigated changes, adapted to new ways of learning and connecting, and continued to prioritize the well-being and growth of our students.
I am incredibly proud of our students for their hard work, perseverance, and positive attitudes. They have shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity and have continued to demonstrate their curiosity and eagerness to learn. Their achievements, both academic and personal, are a testament to their determination and the support they receive from each of you at home.
I also want to express my deepest appreciation to our dedicated faculty and staff. Their commitment to providing a nurturing and enriching environment for our students is truly commendable. Their creativity, passion for teaching, and unwavering dedication have made a lasting impact on the lives of our students and our school community as a whole.
As we look forward to the summer break and the opportunities it brings for rest, rejuvenation, and family time, I encourage you to cherish these moments together. Take time to celebrate your child’s accomplishments, reflect on their growth, and nurture their passions and interests.
Looking ahead to the next school year, we remain committed to providing an exceptional education and fostering a supportive and inclusive community where every child can thrive. We will continue to prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of our students and staff while maintaining high academic standards and nurturing a love of learning.
Thank you once again for your partnership and for entrusting us with the privilege of educating your children. Your support and involvement are invaluable to the success of our school, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work together in service of our students.
Wishing you all a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable summer break. May it be filled with laughter, adventures, and cherished memories.
Matthew Lutz
Charter Shout-Outs for the Week
On a rotating basis, classroom teachers nominate two students from their classes to receive a Charter Shout-Out. The class charter is a RULER tool used in all classrooms to help students develop expectations for success as learners and members of the community. The Charter Shout-Out gives teachers the opportunity to highlight students who are living up to their classroom charters.
This week, students from the following classes received shout-outs and were recognized over morning announcements: Mrs. Stead (3KS) and Mr. Nye (4TN). Congratulations to Justin (3KS), William (3KS), Elena (4TN), and Austin (4TN). See their proud picture below!
Eat-and-Play Challenge
In early September, our School Counselor, Ms. Lipson, and School Social Worker, Mrs. Weiss launched a monthly Eat-and-Play Challenge for our students. The goal is for classes to work together to follow the Eat-and-Play rules during the lunch/recess periods. They have the opportunity to color in a "square" on an incentive chart. The class with the most "squares" colored at the end of the month gets to shop on our FABULOUS prize cart! There will be at least one winner each month in both grade levels.
For the month of May, Mrs. Philip (3KB), Mrs. DeGennaro (3PD), Ms. MacRobbie (3MR), and Mrs. Mitlof (3-4AM)'s classes won the third-grade challenge. Mrs. Collins, Mrs. McGuire, and Mrs. Cooney's classes won the fourth-grade challenge. Congratulations to our final Eat-and-Play winners for the 2023-2024 school year!
Highview Elementary School
Email: mlutz@nanuetsd.org
Website: highview.nanuetsd.org
Location: 24 Highview Avenue, Nanuet, NY 10954
Phone: (845) 627-3460
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NanuetPublicSchools
Instagram: @nanuetschools
X (Formerly Twitter): @nanuetschools