Weybridge Family News
March 10, 2023

Weybridge Family News
Weybridge Elementary Calendar
Calendar notes:
November 18-26 - Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, 11/28, 6:00 - FOWE meeting - Childcare and pizza
Thursday 1/30, 6:00-8:00 - Askable Adults program - Childcare and more pizza
Monday, 12/4 - Picture Retake Day
Wednesday, 12/20 - Gifts for Giving
December 22-January 1 - Winter Break
ACSD School Board Meetings - 208 Charles Avenue, Middlebury
Monday, November 27, 6:30-8:30
Monday, December 11, 6:30-8:30
Thanksgiving lunch celebration
Meal Order
Below you will find the form to complete before November 27th, Monday morning at 7:30am for ordering breakfast and lunch for your student/s. Note that the order form will not be available to complete until November 18th. Please click on the button and complete. Thank you
Barn Dance
Dear Families,
The Thanksgiving Feast: Breaking bread together at its best! It was so lovely to share it with so many of you. Thanks so much to Barbara for all the planning and prep and to Erica Castle, Sally Norton, Sylvie Doutriaux, Karrie Sinks, Mo Bissonnette, Courtney Aucoin, Charice Lawrence, and Maggie Ryan for their help in prep, service, and cleanup. Thanks as well, to Gillian Quayle, Jasiu Murphy, and Miles Prouty for their invaluable help with set-up and service and, last but not least, thanks to Samantha for keeping track of the guest list and her warm welcome as people came, and to Monty for setting up the tables and chairs the night before. The meal is a perfect example of how the community comes together - students, staff, and volunteers.
Barn Dance: I’m sorry to have missed the Barn Dance. It sounds as though it was a truly wonderful evening! Thanks to all who made it happen so beautifully.
Lunch volunteers: The week after vacation we still need lunch coverage for Monday, Wednesday and Friday! I’ve shared the calendar for the rest of November and the month of December with those of you who have already volunteered so you can just go in and sign up. If you’d like to volunteer for the first time, please email Samantha or me. Thank you.
I’m at the airport now, heading to London to spend time with my family! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I will miss you.
Ice Rink
Several students have been wanting a skating rink at the school. To accomplish this we would need some adult support. The things we need are:
- Adult finance
- Build
- Maintain
If you are interested please contact Christina at cjohnston@acsdvt.org
Thank you
Harper Nelson and Elliott Hendy
Addison Central SEPAC
The Addison Central Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is an organization led by parents (defined broadly) that focuses on improving the education and experiences of students with special needs and disabilities in the Addison Central School District (ACSD). (Learn more at: www.AddisonCentralSEPAC.org)
Support families through information, events, and community.
Collect community input and help district leaders understand the concerns of families and students.
Collaborate with ACSD to improve district policies and practices.
Don’t miss out on SEPAC resources and events! Sign up for updates at the link below.
School ACSD Calendar Update
We have updated our School Calendar to include the meal ordering link on Fridays. Please know that each week Barbara updates the form and so you can only place the order starting on Friday for the following week. Orders should be in before 7:30 am Monday morning for the week. If you would like to sync your google calendar with the school’s calendar you can do this by going to the full calendar page: https://weybridge.acsdvt.org/calendar and then clicking the little gray button with the speaker symbol above "Saturday". Follow the directions for subscribing, hoping this is helpful for families going forward.
Community News
Electric Bike Loans
The Ilsley Public Library partners with Frog Hollow Bikes, Local Motion, and Middlebury Safe Routes to loan out three e-bikes available in different sizes. E-bikes have an electric assist that helps riders get around with less effort and scale hills that previously seemed impossible. E-bikes are available to borrow from May through October.
Loan Rules
· E-bikes are borrowed for a period of three days (Tuesday – Thursday or Friday – Monday).
· Each individual may borrow an e-bike up to one Tuesday-Thursday period per month, and one Friday-Monday period per season.
· Individuals must submit a waiver to Frog Hollow Bikes.
· E-bikes must be ridden away from the shop or transported by a truck or trailer.
· E-bikes must be returned fully charged.
· Individuals must have a library card to borrow an e-bike. Middlebury residents and students in ACSD are eligible for free cards. *Non-residents that require financial assistance in purchasing a library card should ask a librarian about the Friends Assistance Program.
How to Borrow an E-Bike
· To reserve, visit the library's main desk or call the library at (802) 388-4098. A library staff member can let you know which dates are available and reserve an e-bike for you.
· Fill out the waiver and bring it to Frog Hollow Bikes. You can get a copy of the waiver at the library; download and print it at home from ilsleypubliclibrary.org/find-it/library-of-things-e-bike/ or get a copy at Frog Hollow Bikes. The waiver must be signed and submitted before you may checkout your bike.
· Pickup your e-bike at Frog Hollow Bikes (74 Main Street). You must be prepared to either ride the bike home or have a truck or trailer to transport it; these bikes are too large to fit in a car or vehicle bike rack.
· Return your e-bike to Frog Hollow Bikes on Tuesday or Friday, as appropriate to your loan period, fully charged.
Engage and Connect!
TELEPHONE: 802-545-3302
FAX: 802-545-3305