CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #21: January 17, 2025
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
We are working in collaboration with our PTO to potentially offer parent workshops to support your child(ren) at Chapelfield in academics, behavior support and emotional wellbeing. Please take a moment to take this survey to see if we have enough interest to offer this FREE opportunity: CLICK ON THIS LINK TO BEGIN THE SURVEY.
We do not have school on Monday, January 20 in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Please enjoy the long weekend. See you on Tuesday! Go Buckeyes!
Nikki Miller
Related Arts Spotlight
Art Updates from Mrs. Karr
Kindergarten and 1st grade are doing an amazing job as they continue to work with shapes and lines to draw pictures. Our young artists looked at pictures of animals and figurines to find shapes that we know and used these observations to begin an animal drawing of their choice. Students are also using animal figurines in our choice art centers as they use their imagination and creativity to create habitats and environments.
2nd graders are continuing to study landscapes and recently learned how to identify a horizon line by finding the line where the sky seems to touch the land. We looked at artwork that showcases the range of features such as seasons, time of day, weather, landforms and animal life. Next, students will create their own unique landscape painting.
3rd graders are studying the bright and cosmic art of Peter Max. We are just getting started by examining Max’s artwork and discussing composition. We’ve sketched some different compositions by changing the size and location of objects on the page. Students are off to a great start as they begin to create a unique space-themed painting. It’s been fun to hear all about their connections to the Wit + Wisdom Space module.
4th graders are working on finishing up their slab containers. We are reviewing the phases of clay and have begun the process of brushing glaze onto our pieces. They will need to be fired a second time before they are ready to come home.
5th graders are finishing up their dragon eyes and WOW- they are impressive! Each dragon eye has a unique style with miniature coils and curls that bring them to life. Way to go, 5th grade!
NWEA MAP Testing Schedule
Acadience Testing in January
Recess Update-Dress Warm!
As you all know, the weather in Ohio is constantly changing. Some days are warmer than others while other days are just plain cold! Please make sure to check the forecast so that your child is prepared as we will be going outside for recess as long as the temperatures are above 20 degrees.
We kindly ask that ALL visitors follow the steps below each and every time you visit Chapelfield:
1. Once at the front, exterior doors of the school, press the buzzer. A member of the office staff will ask your reason for visiting Chapelfield.
2. Once inside the vestibule, you will enter your drivers' license or state ID into the scanner. ALL visitors/guests/guardians need to scan their drivers license EACH and EVERY time they visit Chapelfield.
3. Once your license has been scanned and processed you will be permitted to enter the main office area to pick up your visitor/volunteer badge.
4. If you have NEVER had your driver's licensed scanned at Chapelfield before, this will take a longer time. You will want to plan accordingly.
**As a reminder, if there is a non-guardian planning to visit Chapelfield for any reason (to eat lunch, read a book in the classroom, visit the bookfair, take your child to an appointment etc.), we ask that the guardian email the teacher and front office (gilzows@gjps.org ) to let us know prior to the visit.
Our Vestibule
The vestibule will be a place you have to wait if you are picking up a student, dropping off a book bag or lunch box.
The office is a busy place and there are times that we are dealing with student confidential issues. The vestibule will be a place to wait. It also allows us to keep our building safe. We want to keep students and staff safe including keeping confidential information safe. Thank you for understanding.
Inclement Weather Procedures
How to Know if School is a Go!
As we have entered the colder months of the year, we wanted to share our preparations for the potential impact of inclement weather on our school day. In the event of inclement weather, at approximately 4:15 a.m., a team of District administrators will begin the process of making a decision concerning students safely arriving to school. The group of administrators will analyze the weather, current community conditions and receive updates from the Gahanna Division of Police, with the goal of making a decision for delay or closure by 5:30 a.m.
If a delay or closure is deemed necessary, families will be notified by:
A phone call, text message and email
A post on Gahanna-Jefferson social media pages
A pop-up alert on the GJPS website, www.gahannaschools.org.
The following media outlets will also be notified: WCMH NBC4, WBNS 10TV, WSYX ABC6, WTTE FOX28 AND WTVN/WNCI.
If you are unsure, please be sure to check any variety of these platforms for an official announcement if there is a closure or delay.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
*Please come to our Pancakes and Pajamas with The PTO on January 22nd 6:00-7:30 p.m..
*Family Night will be held on Friday, January 24th. Please sign up to volunteer or donate items for the event here.
5th Grade Committee Updates:
Art Night February 6th 6:30-8:00 $20/painter. RSVP due by January 31st.
Mad River snow tubing is booked for Monday, February 17th from 12:30-2:30 p.m.. Tickets are $35/person. If you are not tubing you do not need to pay. RSVP’s and waivers will be coming home with students next week. RSVP’s, waivers and payment will be due back to the school by February 5th. Students, families and friends are welcome to join us. You must provide your own transportation to Mad River.
Community Connections
GJPS Families,
Please be the biggest cheerleader for GJPS by volunteering for the 2025 Biggest Pep Rally Ever!
Please click on the following link, review available slots and sign up today! Volunteer Sign Up
Thank you for being involved! Go Lions!
GJPS Heart and Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
January Important Dates
Monday, January 20: MLK day; NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 21: Kindergarten MAP testing-Math for Oberlin and Pijor's classes
Wednesday, January 22:
*3rd grade MAP testing-Reading
*PTO Pancake Dinner from 6-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 23: 3rd grade MAP testing-Math
Friday, January 24: PTO Family Bash
Tuesday, January 28: 5th grade MAP testing-Reading
Wednesday, January 29:
*5th grade MAP testing-Math
*GJPS State of the School @ 7 p.m. in MSW's auditorium
Friday, January 31:
*Learning Communities at 8:30 a.m.
*Yearbook Sales END: Here is the link to order.
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230