January Newsletter
Stissing Mountain Jr./Sr. High School
1/1 - School Closed (New Year's Day Holiday)
1/20 - School Closed (MLK Day Holiday)
1/21 - 1/24 - Regents Exams
1/24 - 2nd Marking Period Ends
1/29 - Recess Day - No School for Students (Lunar New Year Holiday)
📏 Peer Tutoring Available
Beginning January 2nd, students in AP Spanish and Math Honor Society will be offering peer tutoring in the Library after school. Spanish will be on Mondays and Math will be Monday - Thursday.
✍🏻 Attendance Notes
If your child is absent or late to school, please be sure to communicate the reason to Ms. Weaver at the Attendance/Greeter's Desk. Written notes can be sent to school with your child or you may email Ms. Weaver at d.weaver@ppcsd.org. Absences and/or arriving late to school without a note will be documented as unexcused. Students who accumulate 5 or more unexcused absences and/or late arrivals will be subject to disciplinary referrals.
📘There's still time to order a yearbook...
Free Program Offered by CAPE of Dutchess County
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Please continue to follow us on facebook.
Chris Boyd
Chris is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters