Feb 2025 - Misssing Pieces (T4PA)
Association for Compensatory Educators (ACET) - Winter 2025

Smore Access: bit.ly/t4pa-cbi-acet25w
This presentation is intended solely to provide general information and guidance to participants and reflects the Region 14 ESC current understanding of the presentation topics and applicable state and federal guidance. The content of this presentation is subject to change as a result of additional information and guidance provided by state and federal agencies with regulatory oversight. These presentation materials are subject to change and may be republished by Region 14 ESC with revisions. Participants may choose to seek legal counsel regarding the information and guidance provided in this presentation.
The purpose of the CCNA is to help schools develop a clear focus that will lead to improved student performance.
The purpose of Objectives and Measurable Outcomes (OMOs) is to help school districts document how they will spend Title IV, Part A federal funds to make the biggest impact on improving student achievement.
The purpose of tracking progress and evaluating effectiveness is to ensure increased student academic achievement with programs and activities provided by Title IV, Part A funds.
LEA shows evidence of evaluation in DIP or other auditable documentation.
Session Feedback for the Capacity Building Initiative
πHelp us meet our objectives!π
By providing a record of your attendance and feedback on this session, you assist our team in continuing to provide effective tools and resources for Title IV, Part A.
Resources & Sources
- SAMHSA Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults
TEA Title IV, Part A β Student Support and Academic Enrichment Webpage
T4PA Center Assisting LEAs With the Use of Evidence-Based Practices and Programs (2022)
T4PA Center Selecting Evidence-Based Programs and Practices for T4PA Activities
U.S. Department of Education - Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)