Natick Redhawks
Your Weekly Update from Natick High School

From the Principal's Desk
Dear Natick High School Families,
It is the time of year when the sunscreen and beach toys start to disappear on the store shelves in favor of school supplies and - dare I say - pumpkins. As an educator, this time of year has always been full of hope and new beginnings, and that is especially true this year as I begin as your principal. Over the last few months, I have been meeting with members of the NHS Leadership Team, members of the NPS Central Office Team, NHS staff members, students and families, and it has been a joy to hear about the many opportunities for learning here, both in and out of the classroom. I have also enjoyed reading your responses to my Entry Plan Survey. If you have not had a chance to fill it out yet, please access it here.
Below you will find important back-to-school information. Please read through it with your high schooler whenever it makes sense for you. (While I eagerly await their arrival August 30th, I recognize that your children may be like mine -savoring the precious last days of summer.) In these last few days, I hope you have an opportunity to do something that brings your high schooler some joy and relaxation. Please give them by best, and tell them that I cannot wait to meet them in the halls of NHS on Wednesday, August 30th, if not before,
Kind Regards,
Josepha Blocker
Principal, Natick High School
Academic Information
Accessing Student Schedules
On August 21st at 3 pm, the student and parent PowerSchool portals will open for students in grades 9-12 to view their schedules and for 9th graders to see their locker assignments.
Parents and caregivers, when you log into PowerSchool for the first time this year, you will be prompted to fill out the necessary annual forms for each of your students. It is essential that you attend to those forms.
Having trouble accessing your PowerSchool account? Email pssupport@natickps.org for help.
Red/Blue Schedule - Weeks 1 & 2
All students, grades 9-12, are expected at school at 7:30 am on Wednesday, August 30th.
11th and 12th graders will report to the auditorium for a Junior-Senior Class Meeting.
9th and 10th graders will report to CDS, as typically scheduled.
REMINDER: Summer Reading and AP Summer Work
All students are expected to engage in this summer reading.
Students taking AP courses should be sure to complete any required summer work as outlined here: NHS AP Summer Work.
Upcoming Events
Mentor and PAC Training
Thank you to all students who volunteered to be Mentors and who are serving on the Principal's Advisory Council (PAC). There is a mandatory training on Monday, August 21st from 1 pm - 3 pm to prepare for the 9th grade and New Student Orientation.
9th Grade and New Student Orientation
Welcome Natick High School Class of 2027 and to ALL new students!
Please join us on August 22nd from 10:30 a.m. - 2:35 p.m. for our annual 9th Grade & New Student Orientation.
Ninth Grade and New Student Orientation activities include opportunities for students to meet peers from both of our incoming middle school classes, bond with their freshman mentor group, tour the building, do team-building/icebreaker activities, experience their class schedule, and meet their upperclass mentors to name a few. It is the best way for students to get acclimated to the school that will shortly become their second home!
If you have not yet signed up, please fill out this form: 9th Grade & New Student Orientation 2023 RSVP Form
We look forward to meeting each of our incoming new students!
Boston Students' Ice-Cream Social
Join other METCO students from partnering districts at the Brooke High School (200 American Legion Highway, Boston) on Wednesday, August 23rd from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm for a Back-to-School Ice-Cream Social.
Red Hawk Fest!
Please join us for this annual free event open to all high school students who live in or attend school in Natick! More info available here.
Updates From.....
Guidance and Tech Departments - Important Info for Seniors Applying to College
If you have already set up other personal email accounts to apply for college, you will be able to access your personal email on your school-issued device to continue.
Prior to leaving the school district, we strongly encourage all students to use the Google Takeout feature , as all student-managed accounts are permanently disabled and removed when students graduate or transfer out of the Natick Public Schools.
Food Services
You can pre-order lunch from the dining hall!
With Nutrislice, students can pre-order their lunches, so they are ready when they get to lunch. Just order through this link by 9:30 a.m. each day, and lunch will be ready to pick up in the far left line near the salad and sandwich area. Students' names will be on the receipt attached to their orders. Just grab and go!
Bus Transportation
Student Parking
Juniors and Seniors are permitted to park on campus, with a parking permit decal displayed on their vehicles, in the following locations:
- Seniors are permitted to park in the Memorial Football Lot or the Mahan Baseball Field Lot.
- Juniors are permitted to park only in the Mahan Baseball Field lot.
- No students are permitted to park in the Faculty or Visitor lots without individual approval from administration.
Obtaining a Parking Permit
To obtain a parking permit, students must register their cars. There will be two in-person registration days prior to the start of school. Both will take place outside, in front of the building.
- Wednesday, August 23rd - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Thursday, August 24th - 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Students must bring photocopies of the following to obtain a permit:
- A copy of their driver's license*
- A copy of the car's registration*
- This form filled out an signed by a parent/guardian and the student
- $200 - Cash or check accepted. (Checks should be made out to Natick Public Schools.)
* Please note that we will be KEEPING these photocopies for our records, and will NOT be able to photocopy anything on the days of registration.
Parking permits are distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.
Athletics - NHS Sports
Welcome! Natick is a community that enjoys a rich tradition of excellence in athletics. Thank you for supporting all of our teams. Please access the following website during any season to view a full slate of our athletic contests:
Health Clinic
For the 2023-2024 school year, we are offering office hours for medication drop off and consultations on Monday, August 22nd and August 29th thru September 1st. You may use the following link HERE which takes you to the signup genius to schedule a time slot. If you would like to make an appointment for a different day and time, please send an email to highschoolnurses@natickps.org. Please remember to bring the medication in a pharmacy labeled container along with MD orders and parent permission forms. These forms are located HERE and on the NPS website under Departments: Health Services: Health Guidelines. Please take a moment to review the medication policy.
Parents/Guardians of Grade 11 Students: Please make sure to provide the health office with a recent copy of your student's physical. This needs to be received no later than September 29th. This may be emailed to highschoolnurses@natickps.org or faxed to 508-651-7167.
Parents/Guardians of Grade 11 and Grade 12 Students: if your student is age 16 or over, per Massachusetts State requirements, the Health Office must have documentation of your student's Meningococcal Conjugate (MenACWY) vaccination on file. If you have already provided documentation (i.e. included in a recent physical), please disregard. This documentation may be emailed to highschoolnurses@natickps.org or faxed to 508-651-7167.
Additionally we would like to stress the importance of completing the online PowerSchool Emergency Forms for your student(s). These must be completed each school year. The nurses use these forms to access important health information and contact numbers. These forms also include permission to administer Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen; please note that these medications will not be given without a signature from a parent/guardian.
Thank you,
Your NHS Nurses,
Nicole Marcinkiewicz, RN, Carrie Harding, RN, Kelly Keene, RN
Student Attendance
Thank you to our PTSO for their ongoing support to our students and faculty. Our PTSO is looking for more volunteers to assist them with their work for the school year. You can learn more about the NHS PTSO, and how to get involved by visiting their website. Thank you in advance for your help!
You can subscribe to their monthly newsletter at the top of their webpage.
Reminder for Parents Who Want to Volunteer--CORI Checks
Reminder If you want to volunteer in schools, you must have a CORI check conducted and you must go into the building with identification (drivers license or passport) to do this. Click here for description of what a CORI check is and does. Without a CORI check, you cannot volunteer in the school. Here is the form to fill out for a CORI.
Quick Links
Speak Up, Natick!
Send us your questions or ideas via Speak Up, Natick!
Bullying Incident Report Form
Use this form to report a bullying incident.
Student Support
PowerSchool Support
Technology Support
COVID-19 Updates
View the latest COVID-19 updates from NPS.