It's Fall, Y'All!
Lawnside Public School
October Dates
6th-8th- LPS Girls Basketball Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser
10th- PTA Social Media Presentation for Parents @ 6 pm
10th- Board Meeting 7 pm
11th- Half Day for Students
11th- LPS Girls Basketball Welcome Back Dance (Grades 6-8) 6pm-9pm
15th- Fall Pictures
19th- LPS Girls Basketball Coin Drop
22nd- 5th Grade Trip to Peter Mott House
25th- PBSIS Kick Off Assembly 2 pm
25th - PK to 8th Costume Party
26th- Trunk or Treat 12pm-4pm
LPS Girls Basketball's Welcome Back Dance
Who: Grades 6-8
When: October 11th
- $5 at lunch
- $7 at the door
LPS Girls Basketball's Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser
October 2nd -6th
LPS Girls Basketball Coin Drop
October 19th
9am- 12pm
Community Events
If anyone has any question, Please email lawnsideyoungatheart@gmail.com or if interested in doing their car, Please fill out the attached link.
School Climate Survey
Lunch Order Form
Good Morning Lawnside Families,
The Leopards Cafe is excited to introduce our new online ordering form. This form will allow parents of students in Pre-K through 5th grade to order both breakfast and lunch online for the current month.
Please take a moment to review and fill out the form for your child. If you have any questions or concerns about the form, please reach out to us at lps@nsfm.com or via phone at 856-546-4850, extension 2260.
Class Dojo
Stay Connected
To create an account in Class Dojo please click this link!
Photo Consent Form
If you would NOT like us to showcase your child's academic excellence through
the use of photography, please fill out the form below. Please address envelope Attn: Technology Coordinator. Then drop it
off in the main office
September's Legendary Leopards
Pre-K-2: Ty'Meyah C.
"Ty'Meyah is student who comes to school everyday waiting and wanting to eagerly learn. Ty'Meyah is always being a classroom role model by showing others that she is organized and ready for the lesson by having all her supplies out and ready before she's even told to do so. Ty'Meyah is always caught doing the right thing, helping a friend/classmate when they are sad, turning in her homework assignments on time, and being respectful to her teachers and classmates." - Mrs. Sahina-Hill
3-5: Korri W.
"Korri consistently gives her all to her learning. She completes all assignments without complaint, she's respectful to all of her teachers, and is a role model for her peers. She takes her job as a safety very seriously and makes sure all students are safely making their way through the hallways. In class, Korri is the first one to follow all directions. She is also extremely helpful towards her teachers and other classmates who may be struggling with their classwork." - Mrs. Yerkes
Middle School: Elias W.
"Elias always comes to class prepared and ready to learn. Elias works hard and takes his time when completing assignments and always makes sure his work is completed and submitted. He's done an excellent job making the transition from elementary school to middle school so far." - Mr. Kraft
September's Safety Of The Month
“Janiyah’Lynn has been a stand out safety patrol member since last school year. She is never afraid to tell any student or staff member how to walk safely down the hall. This school year, she has taken on the responsibility of leading the other safeties in her hall. I hear how she coaches them and shows them the right things to do. Most of the safeties under her guidance now model her exemplary behavior.“
Message From The Superitendent
Please find the attached list of accomplishments that have taken place within the Lawnside School District since 2010. While we have come a long way, we still have work to do! Will you assist us on this journey?
School Safety
As we begin the new school year, it's crucial to recognize the importance of National Preparedness Month. National Preparedness Month aims to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies. Emergencies can occur without warning, and being prepared can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety of our schools and communities. By actively participating in National Preparedness Month, staff and students can help protect their families, friends, and community members while fostering a culture of preparedness. Here are some simple steps everyone can take:
- Make A Plan: Families may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to create plans that outline how they will contact each other during an emergency.
- Build a Kit: Assemble emergency kits containing essential supplies like water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and important documents. Ensure these kits are easily accessible and periodically updated.
- Ready Kids: Engage students in age-appropriate preparedness activities. Utilize FEMA’s “Ready Kids” resources to teach children about emergency planning.
- Pet Preparedness: Pets are important members of families too, so they need to be included when making a plan.
Board Office
Aid in Lieu of Transportation
Please see the information below regarding Aid in Lieu Transportation. We hope this helps clarify any questions or concerns you have regarding the programs.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for aid in lieu of transportation, non public school students must:
- Reside in a district which provides transportation to and from school for remote public school students.
EXCEPTION: Nonpublic school transportation services are not required when the only transportation provided by the local board of education is for students attending special education, vocational/technical, or other specialized programs. - Reside remote from their school of attendance.The words, “remote from the schoolhouse” shall mean beyond two and one-half (2 ½) miles for high school students and beyond two (2) miles for elementary students, except for handicapped students. (NJAC 6A:27-1.2)
- Attend a private school located in New Jersey twenty (20) miles or less fromtheir residence.
- Attend a nonprofit private school.
- Meet the age requirement of their resident district and be enrolled in grades kindergarten through 12.
It is the obligation of the non public school to:
- Obtain the “Application for Private School Transportation” (B6T) forms from the public school district in which the nonpublic school is located.
- Supply applications (B6T) to the parents/guardians of the students upon registration in the nonpublic school.
- Annually collect the applications for transportation (B6T) and submit them to the Commission within 30 days of the student’s registration in the nonpublic school or by March 15th of the school year preceding the year for which transportation is being requested. Late applications shall be forwarded to the Commission upon receipt.
- Certify on forms (B8T) prescribed by the Commissioner of Education that the named students were enrolled for the first and second semesters of the academic year. The forms (B8T) shall be returned to the Commission as prescribed by the Commission.
- Submit the school calendar to the Commission by May 15th preceding the school year for which transportation is being requested.
- Immediately notify the Commission when a student eligible for transportation has a change in address or withdraws from the nonpublic school.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
It is the obligation of a parent/guardian to:
- Complete the “Application for Private School Transportation” (B6T) annually and submit it to the private school on or before March 10 preceding the school year for which transportation is being requested. Late applications: An application received after March 10 is a late application. Eligible students will receive transportation or aid in lieu of transportation based upon the date the application is received by the Commission. The Commission will notify the parent/guardian as to the determination of each application by August 1.
- Submit a signed “Request for Payment of Transportation Aid” (B7T) voucher upon the Commission request.
Income Eligibility Forms
If you have not already done so, please complete the Income Eligibility Form. We kindly request your cooperation in completing and returning this form to the school. We kindly urge every family to participate in this process, irrespective of their perception of eligibility. It's important to note that your school's funding is directly influenced by the number of applications submitted to the district. Put simply, a higher number of applications translates to increased funding for crucial programs. Thus, we strongly encourage you to take a moment to complete the application and have it returned to your child's teacher.
Curriculum Department
New Jersey State Learning Assessment Scores and Public Presentation
Greetings Lawnside Families,
The New Jersey State Learning Assessment scores are in district, and we have began the mailing process. There will be a public presentation of the NJSLA data on October 10, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Board Conference Room. All are welcome to attend. If there are any questions regarding your child's NJSLA scores please contact Mrs. Miller at amiller@lawnside.k12.nj.us.
Department of Special Services
Department of Student Services
Uniform Policy
Student Reminders:
*Uniform colors are NAVY Blue( NO LIGHT BLUE), yellow, or white tops (shirts) and NAVY blue
*Hoodies can be worn - same colors as the shirts.
*Crocs should be worn in sports mode & cannot be worn for gym class.
*Water bottles are only permitted in class with water ONLY!
*All students must sign-out when leaving the classroom and have a hall pass at all times.
Contact Us
Dr. Ronn Johnson, Superintendent- ronnjohnson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mrs. Karen Willis, School Business Administrator- kwillis@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mr. Mark Gordon, Assistant School Business Administrator- mgordon@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mrs. Alyssa Miller, Director of Curriculum & Instruction- amiller@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Dr. Carmen Henderson, Director of Special Services- chenderson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. Niphon Kirk, Assistant Principal- nkirk@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. ShaNell Wilson, Technology Coordinator- swilson@lawnside.k12.nj.us