The Howler
Back to School Announcements

The Howler
September 1, 2024
What an Amazing Start!
We have had an amazing start to the school year. Our Timberwolves have come in and are ready to learn. They are spending time this week learning and connecting with each other. Newsletters are sent on the 1st and the 15th of the month, to make sure you stay informed. Other ways you can connect is through our website-https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/timberline and Facebook-Timberline Elementary. All of our newsletters are kept on the Timberline website.
This year our amazing PTO will be purchasing grade level t-shirts for all students. These shirts will be used Timber Trot (Our new run), field trips, and field day. Your support for our PTO helps this become possible.
Thank you for a great start!
Mrs. Bowens, Principal
Mr. Inhelder, Assistant Principal
Every Child, Every Day
Regular daily school attendance is a critical factor in school success. Students who are chronically absent from school are at risk of falling behind in academic learning. Poor attendance in early grades can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade. By sixth grade, chronic absence can be a predictor of whether a student is at risk for dropping out of school. Help us meet our goal of having every child in school every day. If your family anticipates an issue with attendance this year, please reach out to our office and we will make a plan to ensure your student gets to school.
Learn more about why attendance matters, the new CCSD policy, and how CCSD can help.
Would you like to celebrate your child's birthday or half birthday? Their name can be showcased on our marquee for the day of their birthday. All money will be used to support student activities like assemblies, PAWS celebration and prizes, and school fun. What an exciting way to celebrate their birthday!
Scooters, Bicycles, and Skateboards
Any of these items need to be walked or carried on school grounds until you are on Killarney. We have many students and people on school grounds during arrival and dismissal. Please help us create a safe environment by walking your bike, scooter, or skateboard when on the school premises.
Dogs on Campus
Please keep all animals off school grounds between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm. This includes bringing dogs to drop off and pick up. We have students who are allergic and also some who have been bitten by animals. The school grounds need to provide a feeling of safety for all our children.
Please make sure your child brings a snack and water bottle every day. If you need support due to financial need, please contact the office.
Official Back-to-School Sale
Time is Running Out! Don't forget to place your orders for the Timberline back-to-school sale! You'll save 30% off the entire site. These are the lowest the prices will be all year. In addition, all orders over $75 will receive free shipping. Shop Now!