Middleton Update
September 6, 2024
Dear Middleton Families,
Another fun-filled week at Middleton has come to an end! It was great to have our kindergarteners join us officially on Thursday. There were a lot of tired smiles as they were leaving. I have always thought Kindergarten teachers should start a notebook with all the cute things they hear each year. One of my favorites so far this year was...
Kindergarten student: "Where are all the beds?"
Teacher: "What beds?"
Kindergarten student: "The ones the teachers sleep in."
Teacher: "Well the teachers don't sleep here. They have homes like you do."
Kindergarten student: "WHAT?" 😆
We have a few fun school events coming up in the next few weeks. We hope you'll join us on September 26th for our Back-to-School Night. The format of this night will be different than it has been in the past, and students are invited. You'll find more detailed information below. And mark your calendars for our Fun Run on October 10th. More detailed information will be coming soon!
Happy Weekend,
Back to School Night
- Who: All Middleton families are invited
- When: September 26th from 5:30-7:00
- What: Back to School Night in a new format! Instead of formal presentations, this year's Back-to-School Night will be an Open House Style. Start in your child's classroom where you will receive a Bingo Card. You will have a chance to:
- Visit your child's classroom, as well as all of the areas where they learn.
- See some of your child's work.
- Meet many of the adults who work in our school.
- Share a treat on the playground.
- Learn about what your child will be learning this year.
- Please Note: With so many families visiting each classroom in just an hour-and-a-half, this will not be a time for teachers to talk to each family about student progress. Time will be provided for these conversations during conferences at the end of October.
Fun Run
More information will be coming soon about our Fun Run, but for now, we wanted to send out the schedule so you can mark your calendars.
PreK/Kindergarten - 8:15 - 8:40
2nd Grade - 8:50 - 9:15
5th Grade - 9:25 - 9:50
4th Grade - 10:00 - 10:25
3rd Grade - 10:35 - 11:00
1st Grade - 11:05 - 11:30
Fun Activities This Year!
The Middleton PAC is seeking volunteers for the 2024-2025 school year! We have many fun activities planned for the year and it's a great way to get connected. If you are interested in volunteering, please follow this link and let us know which activities you might be able to help with. And don't forget a new background check is required at the beginning of every school year in order to volunteer. Questions? Email board@middletonpac.org.
Health Updates
Additionally, our health room is always in need of gently used clothing in the event that students have accidents of any sort. If you have hand-me-downs to send our way, we'd appreciate it!
Student Store
Middleton’s student store will open next Friday, September 13th! The store will operate out of our library from 7:30 to 7:50 am with doors closing at 7:45 am. We need volunteers! This is a quick, fun way to get involved. Click here to sign up to help. The student store will typically be open every 2nd and 4th Friday of the school year with the exception of a few months where we will notify the changes via our PAC Facebook page.
Students may bring small bills to purchase items like:
Scented pencils
Sports pens
Straw toppers
Pencil Decor
Temporary glow in the dark tattoos
Drawstring bags
And much more!!
Items are priced at $0.25, $0.50, and $1.00. Exact change is appreciated, but we can make change if students have small bills $5.00 or under.
Backpack Food Program
As we begin our school year, volunteers at Sherwood Helping Hands are also beginning their work with the Backpacks for Kids program. This program is designed for children and families who may need additional support with nutritious meals at home over the weekends. Every Thursday during the school year, children enrolled will receive a bag that’s pre-packaged with food before leaving school for the day. All children will receive their bag in a confidential and private manner.
If you feel the Backpack Food Program would be helpful for your family or would like additional information, please contact Alyssa Olson, our School Counselor, at 503-825-5304 or Aolson@sherwood.k12.or.us. Enrollment is quick, easy, and confidential.
Upcoming Dates
September 11, 18, 25 | Early Release @ 1:15
September 26 | Back to School Night | 5:30-7:00
October 1 | Fall Pictures
October 10 | Fun Run
October 11 | No School: Statewide Inservice Day
October 24 & 25 | Conferences | No School
Helpful Information
Previous Middleton Updates
About Us
Website: https://me.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 23505 Southwest Old Highway 99W, Sherwood, OR, USA
Phone: 503-825-5300