Holland Happenings
Week ending February 10, 2023
- The Parent Chat scheduled for 2/9/23 has been postponed. A new date/time will be shared out soon. Thank you for your understanding.
- School will be closed for President's Weekend, Friday, February 17th and Monday, February 20th.
Global Play Day Was a Success!
Middle School Assembly-February 14, 2023
Many thanks to the Holland Township PTO for sponsoring Mykee Fowlin's "You Don't Know Me Until You Know Me.," In his one-man presentation, Dr. Mykee Fowlin takes the audience on an experiential journey, having them reexamine core precepts that were taught to us from as early on as 1st grade. He uses many of his gifts – humor, performance art, poetry, storytelling, psychology, theatrical monologues, and his personal journey – to create a moving experience for all who are open to this evolution.
He encourages all age groups, from pre-teens to adults alike: “We are capable of transforming the world, for the good, but this work starts from within; it is the process of turning our hurt into self-reflection, healing, and then action. It is our simple, but intentional, behaviors where significant change takes place. The gesture of us smiling, acknowledging the existence of another, is as powerful as any other deed done in the world. Let us be like
the oyster, turning our pain into something more valuable, but never forgetting the final piece in this transition. The value of the pearl takes place when someone else receives it, not if the oyster keeps it.”.
Dr. Fowlin's recent visit to Alexandria and Kingwood Schools was informative and well-received!
Elementary Assembly-TBD- March 2023
Many thanks to the PTO for supporting the cultural arts at Holland School.
Contact Us:
Email: sward@hollandschool.org
Website: www.hollandschool.org
Location: 710 Milford Warren Glen Road, Milford, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-995-2401