Bi-County Times
December 2022
From Our Executive Director: Jeanne Sullivan
Happy New Year!!! I can't believe it's 2023 and that we are already in January!!! Time goes by so quickly!!!
During the month of December, several of our classes were able to practice their skills in the community. BICO students went out for breakfast, shopped for gifts, attended a play, etc... On the surface these experiences are fun opportunities but they are also essential opportunities for our students to practice and generalize the skills that they have learned in the classroom with the support of classroom staff. While going out for breakfast, students are expected to practice social skills, communication skills, money math all while enjoying being with each other. This is true of our other trips as well.
As we approached the Holiday Break we held three BICO wide events, door decorating, a BICO Spirit Week and a Collaborative Wide Zoom Meeting. These opportunities are wonderful ways to bring our students and staff together when we are not under the same roof. Thank you to Ms. Brousseau and Mrs. Jones for creating the Sprit Week and Ms. Ludwig, Mrs. DeBlois, Ms. Metell, Mrs. Winston, Ms. Masseur, Ms. Trumbull and Mrs. McMorrow for helping to facilitate our Zoom Meeting. You will see in the pictures below that our staff and students really enjoyed participating in some of the events. Thank you also to everyone who decorated their classroom/office doors.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the importance of staying healthy. As we have seen in the news and experienced to some degree there are lots of germs going around including COVID, RSV and Flu. Please be sure to wash your hands, stay home / keep students home if they are not feeling well. If you have not already done so please consider getting your COVID vaccine/booster and Flu vaccine. Please stay well!!!!
I wish you all a Happy, Healthy 2023!!!
Happenings Around the Collaborative!
PDLP & EDLP: Mansfield
This month we have all been very jolly! Spirit week brought us a lot of fun & cozy outfits, great crafts, and even reading an immersive, sensory-based version of "The Polar Express"! This holiday cheer was extremely exciting, and we even celebrated raising $800 for our program through our Card Fundraiser! We wish everyone a happy & healthy new year, and are looking forward to being back in 2023! :)
SEAP: Plainville
TEAP : Wrentham
SEAP: Bellingham
TEAP: Plainville
SELC: Walpole
7 Dogs of Summit!
Staff and Students had a special visit from 7 therapy dogs.
SLBP: Bellingham
TEP: Foxboro
AMS: Franklin
LREP: Bellingham
SMS: Wapole
Art and Culture
Mrs. Crosby’s Art Class- Middle School students at Summit School, have been learning about the purposes and processes of ancient art. After viewing images of ancient art, students then explored the styles and techniques of native cultures of Mexico and North America. Some of the artwork created were pottery and yarn art.
SHS: Wapole
STAP: Walpole
STAP had some fun before the break.
Students made cookie jars and potpourri bags to take home.
We had a family STAP breakfast as well, where students cooked and enjoyed eggs, bacon, and a waffle bar!
LRTC (9-12): Walpole
LRTC (18+): Wapole
The month of December was a very busy month. Students worked hard on holiday decorations for the classroom. The students did a nice job working together to create a Gingerbread house.