RMS September 2024 Newsletter

September 6, 2024
Back to School ENewsletter
Our August 16 Back to School enewsletter contains important Roosevelt Middle School (RMS) information that can be helpful to you year-round. Click on the Back to School logo to take you directly to that newsletter.
The first week of school is always full of exciting beginnings and RMS staff is here for it! Welcoming RMS scholars this week has been great. Staff worked hard to kick off this new school year, getting ready to help RMS scholars feel welcome and set up for success. As I walked the halls and peaked in learning spaces, I observed a lot of smiles on the faces of staff and students. I saw students engaging in lessons, asking questions and sharing stories while getting to know their fellow peers, their teachers and other RMS staff here to support them on their journey. Our core commitments are to empower students as learners and remind them that they belong and are an important part of the RMS community.
In Royal Rally, there was a lot of information shared around safety, RMS routines/systems (like entering and exiting the building) as well as the ways and the people in place to support them throughout the school year. Chromebooks were also distributed. Please remind your scholar to take care of their chromebook so they can continue to access this tool for learning. We also strongly encourage families to consider the device protection plan for those unpredictable times when accidents happen and a device needs repair or replacement.
You can expect a monthly newsletter from the school moving forward. Additional communications may occur as needed. Thank you for your partnership in empowering your learner(s). We’ve had a great first week!
As we work out the first week hiccups please remember parent drop off and pick up is at door 2 (northwest corner of the building). Families should not drop students off on the shoulder of the highway or in the parking lot.
We have staff on the sidewalk near door 2 to help manage the parent drop off/pick up traffic and help keep kids safe. During pick up please remind your student(s) to wait on the sidewalk near door 2 instead of meeting you at the back of the line or in the parking lot. We know the line can get long, however, we are prioritizing keeping children safe.
Thank you for your understanding and effort to follow the system we have in place.
Every Meal
Every Meal provides Roosevelt Middle School families access to food each week. This is an optional program provided free of charge. If you would like to enroll your student in this program, please complete the Every Meal Google form.
Email Kara Alger, School Social Worker, with questions.
Dear Families,
We are so grateful you are a part of the school community this year.
One of the aims at our school is to equip young people for all the realities of today’s world. With that in mind, we have partnered with CharacterStrong - an organization that provides training for educators and social & emotional learning curriculum for students. Their work in grades 6-12 focus on 3 main outcomes: increasing a sense of belonging for all students, improving skills that support student well-being, and deepening student engagement in their academics, in their school, and in their community.
Here’s what the data tells us:
- A sense of belonging in school is one of the most important conditions for learning and a fundamental support for social and emotional well-being. Nearly 1⁄3 of all students report a weak sense of belonging in their schools. Roughly half of 6th - 12th grade students say they don’t enjoy coming to school most of the time.
- Mental health challenges for teens have been increasing and 7 out of 10 teens in the U.S. (between 13 and 17 years old) have named anxiety or depression as a major problem among their peers.
- Student engagement drives learning and supports school success.
This curriculum was created to support school communities as they engage in the work of preparing young people to thrive in the 21st century. The research supports the effectiveness of social & emotional learning in schools to increase student’s academic success and college & career readiness. The lessons focus on developing skills and mindsets around building positive habits, understanding our emotions, and increasing empathy for people and communities who have lived different lives than us. The curriculum helps students think about things they want to improve in their school, their relationships, and their world and then provides tools for them to work individually and in teams to close the gaps they’ve identified.
One of the key parts of nearly every lesson is the “CharacterDare” for Middle School students and the “To Be List” for High School students. These are invitations near the end of most lessons to put the content that they are learning into action in the real world. If you ever want to play an active role in the CharacterStrong curricula, simply ask your student about the most recent CharacterDare or To Be List challenge. Maybe they’ll invite you to try one yourself!
To learn more about CharacterStrong, check out characterstrong.com to discover other resources for students and families.
Looking forward to a great year!
Tech Protect: Plans available to cover your student’s district-issued Chromebook
Technology plays an important role in preparing students for life, and Chromebooks are utilized as a daily learning tool in Anoka-Hennepin middle and high school classrooms. Anoka-Hennepin students in grades 6-12 are assigned a Chromebook from the school district to ensure access to technology systems that support classroom learning.
Over 28,000 Chromebooks are distributed to students the first week of school. As careful as students and schools are, accidents do happen each year - and thousands of Chromebooks are returned at the end of the school year with damages.
Families have the option to enroll in the Device Protection Plan.
The Technology Protection Plan is optional; it is not required, however, by electing not to participate in the Protection Plan, families may be required to reimburse the school district for the replacement or repair of damaged Chromebooks assigned to their student/s. Damaged or broken screens may cost between $50 to $150 depending on parts needed; or the replacement cost for the entire device could be up to $410.
Families can opt-in to the Device Protection Plan by logging into A-HConnect, and selecting "My Student Information," and "Fees." Parents must select or decline coverage under the Device Protection Plan. Enrollment began on July 1, 2024.
The plan cost is $20 per student or $60 per family per school year.
If the student qualifies for free or reduced-price school meals in the 2024-25 school year, the cost of the Protection Plan will be reduced to $0.
Repairs with the Protection Plan are subject to a $20 deductible.
View the Device Protection Plan flyer to learn more. (PDF)
School Pictures are Ready!
Dear parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
Learn more about the SmileSafe program.
Thank you!
Order your yearbook today!
Go to jostens.com/backtoschool or call 1-877-767-5217 to order a Roosevelt Middle School Yearbook for $41.00.
Please order by September 20, 2024.
Our Volunteer Needs
Here are the current volunteer needs at RMS.
Thanks for supporting our students & staff.
Handing out Prizes for our Fundraiser on Thursday, September 26, and Friday, September 27, during lunches (11 am-1:30 pm)
Supporting Every Meal Distribution
Supporting Photo Retakes on Friday Oct 11, 2024
To become an RMS volunteer, please complete/update your RMS Volunteer Application & Background Check Permission.
Current RMS volunteers log into MyVolunteerPage.com to sign up.
For questions about volunteering, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Jenny Johnson: JenniferA.Johnson@ahschools.us or 763-506-5970
It's been great to see all the familiar faces back in school along with some new ones! Community Ed has lots of options for middle school students this fall. We try to serve as many students as we can, but sometimes due to space constraints, classes could fill early. Be sure to sign up for classes soon to avoid missing out!
Boys Soccer - Starts September 9
Athletes will learn the skills and strategies of soccer with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Games will be played on a regulation soccer field using a 9v9 team format. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Games will be on Wednesdays: September 18, 25 and October 2, 9 starting at 4:00pm.
7th and 8th Grade Girls’ Volleyball - Starts September 9
7th and 8th Grade Girls’ Volleyball
Players will learn the skills and strategies of volleyball with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. A and B teams will be formed based on each player’s skill level. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Matches will be on Mondays: September 16, 23, 30 and October 14 starting at 4:00pm.
Flag Football - Starts September 10
In this flag football league, players will learn the skills and strategies of flag football with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Game dates will be on Thursdays: September 19, 26 and October 3, 10. Games start at 4:15pm.
Judo/Jujitsu Club - Starts September 23 - FREE
Looking to build confidence and physical skills while learning to self defense? Classes will focus on the mental and physical aspects of self defense using judo techniques. You will learn the Judo principles in a positive environment. Physical techniques will include throws, falls, pins, grappling, and trips. Students will also learn the mental aspects of self defense including awareness of self, the environment, and how to handle situations they may find themselves in.
Howling with the Wolves - September 27
Join us at the Wildlife Science Center, the area's premier wildlife facility, to learn about some of Minnesota's most fascinating animals. Resident wolves, mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, lynx and raptors will be the focus of this informative program. At the end of the program, toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while the wolves fill the darkness with their incredible wild song.
*Please check their website at www.wildlifesciencecenter.org or call the Wildlife Science Center for further information or direction to their new site. Phone: 651-464-3993.
Cheer Clinic - Starts September 30
Calling all cheerleaders! Come learn team cheers, chants, tumbling, stunts, and meet new friends. There will be a competitive Performance Cheer class held later in the school year.
Dungeons and Dragons - Learn to Play - October 1
Dungeons and Dragons - Learn to Play
Dungeons & Dragons Learn to Play is for students who are interested in playing a tabletop role playing game that leads them on a fantastical adventure. Students will learn how to create characters with unique characteristics and back stories, build worlds with their imaginations, and through their own choices and actions, determine where the story goes. This is a one time class for beginners and the curious. Price reduced with grant money from Blaine Creating Community.
Chess Club - Starts October 7
Get into the game you love to play! The focus is on developing a player’s chess skills, knowledge, analytical abilities and intellectual strength through lessons, puzzles and practice. Our team will compete against other teams at team meets and local and state tournaments. Create a checkmate today.
Presented by Youth Enrichment League.
Dungeons and Dragons - Tabletop Gaming - Starts October 8
Dungeons and Dragons - Tabletop Gaming
Join a professional Game Master as you learn how to build a Dungeons and Dragons character, and then set out on your Adventures! Students will go on adventures guided by their imagination and their instructor while learning critical thinking, teamwork, roleplay, and puzzle-solving skills.
Family Fun Hayride - October 11
Gather your family and friends and pile on for a fun-filled hayride pulled by a team of gentle draft horses. Meet at Bunker Park Stables, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd, Andover at 6 p.m. Check-in between 6-6:30 p.m. and then a hayride from 6:30-7:15 pm. Dress appropriately for the weather. (Children age 3 and under free.)
Wednesday, September 25, we will kick-off our School Fundraiser through the STEP IT UP! program.
A separate school communication will come your way as we get closer to the start of our annual fundraiser.
Fall Transportation Evacuation Drills
On Wednesday, September 18, 2024 we will conduct the State and Federal Required Transportation School Bus Evacuation Drills. The drills are conducted twice a year, generally in the Fall and Spring.
Bus drivers will conduct the drill as they arrive at school in the morning. Students will leave their instruments, books, and bags in the bus during the drill and return to the front service door on the driver’s instructions. The Rear Door Evacuation will be practiced this fall (all students out the rear door).
As in the past, we will be including all students with special transportation needs in these drills.
Realizing the planning and assistance needed to accomplish this, we will be providing information to all special needs bus drivers and the bus paraeducators.
It takes all of us to have a great school year
As a long-standing tradition in Anoka-Hennepin Schools, view the 2024-25 back-to-school video, "It takes all of us."
What it means: The difference that every staff member makes in school communities each day is powerful. Everyone plays a role in the success of each student in Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
The handoff: With each “win” that students achieve in their educational journey, staff in the district are all working together - preparing for that handshake they will receive at commencement, before a diploma is placed in their hands. 🤝🎓
Students are in pursuit of their educational purpose at each stage in their journey:
From early learning - where students are introduced to a world of possibilities - 🌎
To elementary school - where we build community, and spark joy in learning - ✨
On to middle school - where students test their own independence, and may connect with a staff member who they can count on - 📚
And then, finally, to high school - where their own purpose may be realized as they prepare to walk across the stage on graduation day… 📖
As we approach the 2024-25 school year, it is more important than ever to focus resources on something that every staff member, student, parent, and community member would agree is an essential function of our school district - preparing our students to cross the stage at graduation.
It takes all of us! Have a great school year!
Anoka-Hennepin Middle School Attendance Policy at Events
Our goal is to provide a fun, safe and engaging opportunity for middle school students and families to support our high school-athletes as they perform in football, band, dance and cheer. The following expectations are in place to ensure that all who attend experience a safe, welcoming, and positive environment.
All five Anoka-Hennepin traditional high schools (Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park and Coon Rapids) have made the transition to online ticket sales for athletics and activities events. With the exception of boys and girls hockey, all ticket sales for events hosted by district schools will be online using GoFan Events, the official ticketing system.
Middle School Students:
Students will be admitted to events with a valid GoFan ticket, and with a valid ID and parent/guardian escort - with a 2:1 ratio of students to adults.
Unsupervised students will not be permitted entry.
The student code of conduct for school extends to all Anoka-Hennepin school events. Students running, throwing objects, using profanity, or causing other disruptions will be required to sit with their parent/guardian for the remainder of the game.
If the student’s parent/guardian is not present, an administrator on duty will call home and escort the students to the front of the gate to wait to be picked up.
There will be no refunds if a student is removed from the game before its conclusion.
If a parent/guardian has to be called about a student’s behavior, the student may forfeit their right to attend any future high school events for one calendar year.
Significant disruptions and policy violations are subject to further disciplinary action.
Students are not permitted to bring backpacks, footballs, soccer balls, etc. to games. Balls will be confiscated at the gate or by administration if brought to the stadium.
Students still on campus 15 minutes after the conclusion of a game will not be permitted to return to a game for the remainder of the season.
Middle School Parents/Guardians:
Do not drop your student off unattended at events. It is expected that parent/guardian supervise their students for the duration of the event. Unsupervised students will be escorted out of the event.
Please review expectations of behavior with your student(s) before arrival.
Please make sure your student(s) remains with you for the duration of the event.
As stated above, please be aware that students still on campus, unsupervised, 15 minutes after the conclusion of an event will not be permitted to attend future events.
Backpack Online e-newsletter gets a new name and delivery date
For years, Anoka-Hennepin Schools has published Backpack Online as a subscription based electronic newsletter. As the 2024-25 school year begins, that publication has transitioned from a weekly to a monthly e-newsletter that will be sent to all parents and guardians of Anoka-Hennepin students and subscribers.
The e-newsletter has also been re-branded from Backpack Online to FOCUS on Anoka-Hennepin Schools. The e-newsletter will be sent on the first Wednesday of each month (except for holidays) and provide an outlook on news, events and district publications to your email inbox. It will not be sent via text message.
The newsletter will keep parents/guardians and community members informed of the latest events affecting Anoka-Hennepin Schools, students and communities.
Important details for families
Parents and guardians do not need to subscribe to receive the e-newsletter if they have elected to receive emails from the district and school(s) their children attend. If families unsubscribe from receiving this e-newsletter, they may no longer receive important emails from the district or their child’s school. Learn more about communication and notifications and how to choose your preferred communication methods with AHlert.
Neighbors and community members
Anyone can subscribe or view archived versions of the e-newsletter by visiting ahschools.us/focusenews.
Seeking parents/guardians to participate in Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
A broad range of parent/guardian representation is needed at upcoming Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) meetings for the upcoming school year from families with students in all age levels - including early childhood, elementary, middle school, high school, and transition-aged students - with a full continuum of student disabilities.
What it is: SEAC (pronounced “seek”) is comprised of parents/guardians of students in the district who receive Special Education services.
Why it matters: The intent of SEAC is to advise the school district on parent involvement, current issues, program development and established department priorities. The council serves as a resource and as an advisory council for special education programs in the district.
Traffic tips for the back to school season
The back to school season is a busy time for families, school staff and our communities. There is often more traffic congestion in this season and it’s more important than ever for drivers to pay attention before- and after-school to keep families, students and staff safe.
Check out these tips from the Anoka-Hennepin transportation department as a back to school reminder:
Crosswalks: Be mindful that we are sharing the road with young walkers and staff helping them across the crosswalks or intersections. Always stop for school patrols and crossing guards.
Know drop-off and pick-up procedures: Schools have procedures in place to keep traffic safe. Make sure you know your school’s plan for the safety of all students and staff.
Use slow speeds: Use caution in school zones and be aware of your surroundings. We can all work together to ensure the safety of drivers, school buses, walkers and bikers.
School bus safety: Familiarize yourself with school bus safety tips on the road. Always stop if yellow or red lights are flashing or if stop arms are extended from a school bus. Allow extra time for students to board and exit the bus and proceed to safe sidewalks to enter school zones or return home.
Share the road: Be patient of other vehicles stopped for pedestrians or using caution in school zones. Do not pass other vehicles or school buses. Be alert, young children may take an unpredictable path as they are learning safety rules.
Thank you for your partnership in school traffic safety.
- 18 - School Bus Evacuation Drills
- 16-20 - Blaine High School Homecoming Week
- 7 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 11 - Picture retake day
- 14 - Parent/Teacher Conferences; In Person 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- 17-18 - MEA Teachers Convention, No School
- 24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences; Virtual 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- 5 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 22 - End of Trimester 1
- 25 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 26 - No School, Staff Grading Day
- 27- Conference Conversion Day, No School
- 28/29 -Thanksgiving Break, No School
Complete 2024-25 School Calendar
Roosevelt Middle School's Activities Calendar.
- Main Office: 763-506-5800
- Absence Line: 763-506-5806
- Student Services & Registration: 763-506-5960
- Community Education: 763-506-5812
- Child Nutrition: 763-506-5811
- Health Office: 763-506-5804
- Volunteer Services: 763-506-5970
- Help Desk: 763-506-HELP (4357)
This e-newsletter is published by Roosevelt Middle School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.