Eckstein Weekly News
October 20, 2023
Upcoming Dates
- Oct. 26: Biker Doughnut Day (8:15 am)
- Oct. 27: PM Assembly - PEP Rally (See Bell Schedule Below)
- Oct. 27: Yearbook Cover Entries Due
- Oct. 27: Haunted Library (6:30-8 pm)
- Oct. 30-Nov. 3: SPIRIT WEEK
- Nov. 3: Seventh & Eighth Grade Eagle Night (7-8:30 pm)
- Nov. 4: COVID & Flu Vaccination Clinic at Eckstein (9-3 pm)
- Nov. 7: Choir Concert (7 pm)
- Nov. 8: End of First Quarter
Reflections Entries Due - Nov. 9: Beginning of Second Quarter
Veterans Day Assembly - Nov. 10: Veterans Day (No School)
- Nov. 16: Jazz Night
- Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving & Native American Heritage Day
- Nov. 30: Orchestra Concert
Eckstein Haunted Library - Oct. 27 (6:30-8 pm)
- Eckstein students will be creating a haunted library for other students. All students are welcome to help create the haunted library and must bring in a signed student volunteer permission form, available at the library or download one below.
- The Eckstein Haunted Library is open to Eckstein students and families only!
- Students can only go through the haunted library once, so anticipate it taking 10-30 minutes depending on the line!
- Eckstein students may come on their own with a signed permission slip. Students can pick up permission slips in the library or download below.
- Siblings are welcome if accompanied by their grownup (18+)! No permission slip needed if Eckstein student is accompanied by their grownup.
Volunteers are needed! Sign-up for a spot here.
Got supplies to donate or questions? Email the librarian Erin Sterling,
Girls and Boys Basketball Tryouts will Start in December
Tryouts will be between December 5th and 9th for both girls and boys. SPS is only supporting two teams per sport this year. This means we can only have two girls basketball and two boys basketball teams. Therefore there will be cuts. Coaches will make team decisions on or by December 9th.
All athletes need to be cleared by December 1st to be eligible to tryout. There will be no late tryouts. All forms will be filled out through our online platform, FinalForms. There will be a pre-season meeting the week of November 13-17, final date and time will come out soon.
If you need support getting a sports physical or completing paperwork on FinalForms, contact Nyx Lewis. Email: or Phone: 206-252-5010.
PM Assembly Schedule for October 27, 2023
We are having a Fall PEP Assembly on Friday, October 27 during the last 45 minutes of the day. If you plan to pick up your student after 2:55 pm on that Friday, please contact Attendance ahead of time. It is very difficult to find students once the PEP assembly begins.
Bell Schedule for PM Assemblies
Period 1: 8:55 AM - 9:45 AM
Period 2: 9:50 AM - 10:40 AM
Period 3: 10:45 AM - 11:35 AM
Period 4: 12:10 PM - 1:05 PM
1st LUNCH: 11:35 AM - 12:05 PM (Class: 12:10 PM – 1:05 PM)
2nd LUNCH: 12:35 PM - 1:05 PM (Class: 11:40 AM – 12:35 PM)
Period 5: 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM
Period 6: 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM
Assembly: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Help Needed Assembling Weekend Food Bags for Our Families in Need
Did you know that Eckstein Middle School families and community members assemble 158 weekend food bags for students at Eckstein Middle School and for our feeder schools Greenlake, Bryant and Wedgewood Elementary. Bags are also delivered directly to families at SPS housing partners.
Families and students meet every Sunday from 3 to 4 PM at St Stephen's Episcopal Church in the Great Hall. Weekend bags prepared on Sunday will be distributed on Thursday to schools.
Please sign up here if available to help.
food support: Weekend Food Bag Assembly and Delivery (
Seventh & Eighth Grade Eagle Night - November 3 (7-8:30 pm)
The 7th and 8th grade combined dance is coming up on November 3 from 7-8:30.
Order Tickets on SchoolPay
You can now order tickets for $3 on SchoolPay.
Eagle Night Behavior Contracts
- All students need to have a completed 2023-24 Eagle Night Behavior Contract turned in before the event in order to attend. We can no longer accept contracts on the night of the event.
- Students received the contracts from the homeroom teacher. If they don't have one you can download one below.
Volunteers are Needed for the November 3 Eagle Night
- We especially need support in halls and the gym as well as with bake sale items.
- Even if the sign-up fills up for bake sale items, please drop off goods!
- Chips were very popular with the 6th grade dance as well as the sweet treats (and drinks)!
- Sign-up genius here:
Student Behavior at Safeway
We have received numerous contacts about Eckstein student behavior at Safeway before and after school. Please talk to your student about appropriate behavior in the neighborhood after school.
Here are some of the behaviors that have been reported to us:
- Swarming around cars in the parking lot so as to inhibit patrons ability to move.
- Stealing food and beverages.
- Blocking shopping aisles
- Rough housing in the store.
- Littering at the bus stop.
- Pushing students into the street at the bus stop.
- Speaking rudely to community members on the street, in the parking lot and in the store.
SPIRIT WEEK – October 30 – November 3
Wreath Sale to Support Eckstein Orchestra
Enjoy beautiful holiday greens while supporting your community. Our young musicians need to raise money for instrument repair, supplies and trips.
Orders can be placed through this link:
Greens can be picked up at Eckstein parking lot on Saturday December 2nd between noon and 4 pm. While picking up your wreath you can also enjoy live chamber music performed by Eckstein's own musicians and drink warm cocoa.
Thank you so much for your support!
COVID & Flu Vaccination Clinic at Eckstein – November 4, 2023 (9-3pm)
You must register ahead of time to come to the clinic. You can register here:
There is no cost to patients with approved insurance.
They accept almost all insurance plans, including Medicaid/Apple Health and Medicare, but are unable to accept Cigna and Tricare insurance.
A full list of approved insurance plans will be available during registration.
This clinic is provided by the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association.
PE Waivers Now Available for 23-24 School Year
Deadline: The PE Waiver Request Form is due by January 26, 2024.
Reasons for Waivers: Verification from a coach, physician, or religious leader may be needed.
- Physical Disability
- Religious Belief
- Directed Athletics (requires 60 hours proven with a time log or coach’s letter.)
Submission Options: You can email the PE Waiver Form to Registrar Toni Morgan at or drop it off at the Main Office to the Registrar’s mailbox.
Important Notes:
- Approval is not guaranteed.
- Failure to submit may result in PE being added to schedule.
- More info can be found on Eckstein’s website
Thank you for your cooperation.
Toni Morgan, Data Registrar
National PTA Reflections Art Contest at Eckstein
Entries including artwork and entry form due to the Main Office or Eckstein Library
by November 8.
Calling all artists, writers, filmmakers, dancers,
photographers, composers!
Do you have students who want to express themselves, share their artistic talents and ideas and have a chance to be recognized and celebrated at a local, state and maybe even national level? It’s time for the National PTA Reflections Art Contest.
Students can submit original works of art in the categories of Visual Arts, Literature (fiction and poetry as well as essays), Photography, Film Production, Music Composition and Dance Choreography.
This year’s theme is “I Am Hopeful Because…”
We had a great group of original artworks last year, but we’d like to see even more submissions this year. If you would like to help encourage student submissions, and/or help select the winners from Eckstein that will move on to the next level, please contact Deirdre Gregg at
More details and the rules for each category are included below
· 2023-24 Dance Choreography Rules | en español
· 2023-24 Film Production Rules | en español
· 2023-24 Literature Rules | en español
· 2023-24 Music Composition Rules | en español
· 2023-24 Photography Rules | en español
· 2023-24 Visual Arts Rules | en español
· 2023-24 Special Artist Rules | en español*
· 2023-24 Student Entry Form | en español
*The Special Artist division is a category for students with disabilities who receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 to have the opportunity and accommodations they may need in order to participate fully in the program
More than 300,000 students from around the country submit original works of art for this 50-year-old contest. Despite all that competition, Eckstein Middle School has done really well in the past. In the 2021-2022 contest, eighth grade student Lekha Dhaka won first place for Outstanding Interpretation in the firm production category for her film Trash, an animation that explores the impact plastic pollution has on the Earth's oceans.
lease contact Deirdre Gregg at with any questions or to learn more.
We will provide more information about deadlines and how to submit soon.