The Patton Post
Friday, 20th September

- Principal's Message (NEW POST!)
- 1st - 3rd Grade Fitness Club (NEW POST!)
- Patton Musical Performances (NEW POST!)
- Music for Youth (NEW POST!)
- CAP - Lockdown Drill (NEW POST!)
- New Patton Courtyard (NEW POST!)
- PTA Reflections Contest (NEW POST!)
- First Grade Family Night (NEW POST!)
- RULER (2nd Post)
- Running Club (2nd Post!)
- Homework Club (2nd Post!)
- Adopt-a-Book (2nd Post!)
- Join the PTA/ABC 25 Foundation (Ongoing Post)
- 2024-2025 Calendar (Ongoing Post)
- Dates to Know (Updated Post!)
Friday, September 20th
Thank you for all your help at drop off and pick up time. Please do remember that NO students should be dropped off before 8:50am unless you are planning on supervising them on the blacktop. We are still having some students dropped off before this time and we cannot provide superision until 8:50am. Thank you so much for your cooperation.
Please be sure to have a look at the Lost and Found photo above! All these items will be donated next Friday (September 27th) unless they are collected beforehand! Because we collect so many items and the majority go unclaimed, we will donate more frequently this year so that it is easier to view the items and students who recently lost an item will have fewer items to sift through.
Our kindergarten room parents have been working hard to plan for this evening's Kindergarten Family Night in the gym. I hope many of you plan to join them!
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this VERY unseasonably warm fall weather!
Ellie Chin
Do you have energy to burn and want to get your body moving? Interested in FUN and FITNESS? If so, Join Fitness Club!
Fitness Club will meet on Wednesdays in October from 3:35-4:15. First meeting is October 2nd. (Enrollment limited to first 30 fitness fans!)
Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success of this program. Please sign up if you can help.
Please note: The club will not meet if it is raining.
Questions: Jenna Apel jenna.apel@gmail.com
Every year our amazing music teacher, Mr. Whitaker, works his musical magic with each grade level and has them perform a spectacular show for a captive audience.
Please be sure to mark your calendars with the dates below and prepare to be wowed!
As always, we wait with bated breath for the announcement of our annual 5th Grade Show! We cannot wait to find out what it is! I know some of our students have lists and are paying attention to clues (mostly imagined, at this point) and eliminating guesses on a continuous basis. We are looking forward to the big reveal! (Pssst....it's coming soon!)
If you are interested in having your child take part in Music for Youth, please click HERE for more information. They will be hosting an open house on Thursday, September 26th at 7pm at Olive Mary Stitt Elementary School.
LOCKDOWN DRILL AT CAP - Thursday, October 10th (NEW POST!)
On Thursday, October 10th the Arlington Heights Park District after school program, CAP, will be having a Lockdown Drill with the support of the Arlington Heights Police Department. CAP will communicate information with the parents of students that attend CAP, but we wanted to ensure that everyone was aware, including parents of students who may be attending after school clubs on this day.
Please do not be alarmed if you see any Arlington Heights Police vehicles outside Patton after school on this day as this is a scheduled drill.
We would like to extend a very sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Mrs Rabinowitz, our new full time PE Teacher, and her cousin, Reid Poll, from The Great Escape for gifting us with six beautiful, comfortable Adirondack chairs for our lovely new courtyard area! We were even able to select the color, and of course, we chose Patton blue!
As you can see, this area is already being put to good use by students. Mrs. Goumas has taken her class out there a few times to read and they make it look so inviting. Staff has also enjoyed eating lunch and collaborating in this space.
Looking for a way to showcase your child’s talents and artistic expression? Encourage your child to submit entries for this year’s national PTA Reflections program, with the theme: Accepting Imperfection.
Last year Patton's theme was Panthers in Progress, Progress Over Perfection. We were thrilled when we learned the theme for PTA Reflections this year was Accepting Imperfection as we focused last year on celebrating progress and recognizing the incremental steps that are part of growing. Mistakes are part of the process of learning and we embraced the opportunity to learn and improve and make progress on our goals.
Students can submit projects in various categories, including Dance, Literature, Photography, Film, Visual Arts, and Music Composition. Please look for more details on submission guidelines and due dates in the coming weeks, and feel free to reach out to Tina Shah ( tinashah1@gmail.com) with any questions!
We had many Patton panthers participate in the PTA Reflections program last year with four of our students being advanced to the state level! We are so proud of all of our students who have chosen to participate. They have found it to be a rewarding experience, and one told me last year that he hoped to submit multiple entries in different categories this year. We hope to see many participate this year.
We will be sharing more information with our students directly in the coming weeks, but wanted to share with you as well as these projects are completed at home.
To learn more about the theme and the various formats students can express themselves, please visit the National PTA website here.
FIRST GRADE FAMILY NIGHT - Friday, September 27th (NEW POST!)
We are continuing to use the District 25 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum RULER. The acronym RULER stands for the following emotion skills:
Recognizing emotions in oneself and others through facial expressions, body language, voice, behavior
Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions in oneself and others
Labeling emotions with accurate words from a nuanced vocabulary
Expressing emotions differently depending on context, situational expectations, and culture
Regulating emotions with effective strategies and supporting others in their regulation of emotions
During the school year, teachers will share more about how RULER is being implemented in their classrooms. As a school, we are excited to share that Patton’s theme this year is Regulate to Elevate. You might hear your child refer to it as R 2 E for short. As we continue to implement RULER this year, we share that everyone feels a wide range of emotions throughout the day. Different feeling words are taught at each grade level to help students accurately label their emotions. We will continue to try to find strategies that help us regulate our emotions so that we can elevate and be our best selves to help us learn, have fun, and grow. We invite all of our panthers to send in a picture of themselves when they are regulated so we can add it to our “My Regulated Self” bulletin board in the Commons. Pictures can be turned in to classroom teachers or the front office.
4th and 5th GRADE RUNNING CLUB (2nd POST!)
Are you interested in joining a club focused on FUN and FITNESS?
If so, join Running Club!
Running club meets on Mondays in October (10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28) from 3:35-4:30.
Each session will begin with a warm-up, 30 minutes of running at your own pace, strength & conditioning.
Huge thanks go to Mrs. Goumas for being the club sponsor again for this club!
Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success as they provide a safe running path. Please sign up to volunteer for at least one session if possible.
Please note: The club will not meet if it is raining.
If your 4th or 5th grader is interested in taking part in running club this fall please sign up HERE
Once you sign up, more information about the club will be sent your way.
HOMEWORK CLUB - 4th and 5th Graders (2nd POST!)
4th and 5th Grade homework club provides a quiet space for students to complete assignments or read in a relaxing setting. Mr. Morkert will be available to answer questions and provide help when needed.
It is important that you note whether you will pick up your child or if they will walk home. Mr. Morkert will bring the kids to the front doors at 4:25pm. Please be there waiting at this time.
Please reach out if you have questions. (tmorkert@sd25.org)
This club will run on Thursdays, 3:35-4:40pm, starting on the 19th September.
If your child is interested, please SIGN UP HERE and be sure to enter your child's name when signing up!
Celebrate your child's birthday, another special occasion, or someone or something important to you by donating a new book to the LMC in their honor and share the gift of reading!
For more information check out our Adopt-A- Book page on the LMC website
If you haven’t joined the PTA for the 2024-2025 school year, please consider doing so! Annual PTA membership is only $12 and can easily be completed through the School District 25 Online store! Click here to Join the Patton PTA
As a Patton PTA member, you will be able to access the Patton Student DirectorySpot App, which provides you with access to other PTA members contact information. This app is useful for planning birthday parties, carpools, and playdates.
Patton School is not able to provide you with contact information for other families. If you would like to communicate with parents of children in your child's class, the only way to access their information is through the Directory Spot App. Please do note that this is a manual process, it is not automated upon joining PTA. As a result, there is a delay in receiving access to the Directory Spot App. Please plan accordingly if you have a fall birthday coming up!
Your PTA membership gives you discounts at different retailers (see www.pta.org/benefits for details). You are also a member of the National PTA, which advocates for the safety, education, and well-being of our children.
Questions? Please e-mail ahpattonptamembership@gmail.com
The ABC/25 Foundation is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1991 by a group of caring parents to give A Better Community for District 25, hence the name ABC/25 Foundation. The mission of the Foundation is “to foster innovation, creativity, and excellence for the children of District 25.” The foundation’s Board of Directors and committee is composed of district parents, local community leaders, and school administrators that volunteer their time to serve the students of District 25.
We invite you to join ABC/25 Foundation and make an impact on District 25 student learning. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide students with projects and programs that foster innovation, creativity, and excellence. Your donation supports teacher/staff grants, school membership incentive grants, and foundation events that all members receive priority access to.
Each year, the ABC/25 Foundation grants $2,500.00 to any AHSD25 school when 25% of the school’s families become members. If you have children at multiple schools, each school will get credit for your participation, so make sure to indicate if you have multiple schools when joining. The membership grant funds may be used at each school’s discretion. Past membership grant funds have been used to purchase, among other items: lighting and sound system updates, playground equipment, app subscriptions, digital books, and Chromebooks. You may have noticed some posters hanging up at our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. We have a poster maker that is well-used for many purposes that was purchased with funds from the ABC/25 Foundation membership grant.
Please consider joining HERE!
2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR (Ongoing Post!)
Should you want to print this calendar as well, please click HERE.
Friday, September 20th - PTA Sponsored: Kindergarten Family Night
Friday, September 27th - PTA Sponsored: First Grade Family Night
Wednesday, October 2nd - National Walk to School Day
Thursday, October 3rd - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, October 8th - School Picture Day
Thursday, October 10th - PTA Sponsored: 4th/5th Grade Family Night
Saturday, October 19th - PTA Sponsored: Progressive Tailgate (Adults Only)
Thursday, October 24th - PTA Sponsored: 2nd/3rd Grade Family Night
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton