MAC Minute
Monday, March 10 - Friday, March 14
From the Principal's Desk
This week is dance week at Alix-MAC. Pound it Hip Hop Studio is coming in for a residency in our school where all of our students will have the opportunity to experience dance. The week will culminate with a performance from our elementary students during our Mustang Assembly.
The Alberta government survey has also been released for parents in grades 4, 7, and 10. Guardians in these classes please check your email for information on the survey and your RAC (random access code) that you will need to complete the survey; if you have not received this please contact the office and we will supply it for you. This survey provides our school with incredibly valuable feedback that we use to plan for next year. We sincerely appreciate your effort to provide us with feedback and support our school.
Here is a look at the week ahead:
Monday, March 10:
- Pound it hip hop studio residency
- 100 day celebration (grades 1-3)
Tuesday, March 11:
Wednesday, March 12:
Thursday, March 13:
Hot lunch (Hot Dogs)
Friday, March 14:
Glitter Like god spirit day (Elementary)
Pi Day (Jr/Sr)
RTI Friday
Mustang Awards (2pm)
Upcoming Important Dates
March 21 - PD Day (no school)
March 24- 28 Spring Break
April 9 and 10th PTI
Community Announcements
Alix Drop In Shinny at the Arena
We have started a new after school/Tuesday shinny at the arena from 4:00pm - 5:00pm (every Tuesday - beginning October 8th)
- The ice is split now for shinny and skating if people want to skate,
- Additionally the arena has agreed to store equipment if parents want to drop it off on the weekend and make it easier for kids to go straight after school.
-The Alix MAC School breakfast program is looking for volunteers as well to help serve breakfast in the morning, please connect with Helen at the office if you are interested - here are the particulars:
Alix MAC Breakfast program is seeking to fill the following volunteer position:
Volunteers to fill in occasionally when the regular volunteers are sick or away. The shift is from 7:30AM – 9:00AM which includes setting up, serving and cleaning up. There are 2 volunteers on each day. You will need a vulnerable sector check along with Alix-MAC School volunteer forms completed.
For more information on this position, please contact Helen Lacroix or Marian Pitt at the Alix-MAC School at 403-747-2778.
Travelling Teeth Cleaner available in Alix
I am Victoria with Tooth Travelers
As a Registered Dental Hygienist and having worked within the surrounding community for 6+ years, I have advanced my passion for taking care of our oral health. I have a goal to take the anxiety and stress AWAY, that typically comes along with a traditional dental visit and turn it into a positive and exciting experience. Much like a massage or facial! Your dental hygiene experiences SHOULD be comfortable and convenient. Which is why Tooth Travelers was created
No need to travel for your and your families dental cleanings! I come directly to you OR I also work out of the Alix and Bashaw Community Resource Centers!!
I offer early morning and evening appointments, to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule!
There is no “added” or “extra” cost to book with us! We don’t charge any kind of travel free. Our focus is to add convenience and a stress free environment to your dental appointments. We follow the Alberta Dental Fee Guide, so there are ZERO hidden costs! In fact, we are about 10% lower in fees than your traditional dental office.
Please call 403-783-1365 to book an appointment or for more information!!
What's Happening at Alix MAC
Special thank you to Cilantro and Chive and Stettler Sobeys for donating to our breakfast program. We would not be able to offer such a robust breakfast program to our students without their support!