CJHS- Family Connection
Weekly Events
Friendly Reminders
- See Something, Say Something/ Anonymous Alert- when using these to report incidents please remember to give details so that the situations may be fully investigated by admin and counselors. Please tell us who, when, and where in addition to what happened.
- Please remember to follow the driveway all the way around when dropping off or picking up your students in the car line.
- Please do not enter the bus lane in front of the junior high gym or pick students up in this area during the times of day that buses are running.
This Week's Events
Band: There will be 2 more opportunities to purchase instruments for your band student. These will take place on August 27 and 29 from 5-7 p.m. at the junior high library.
Volleyball: Congratulations to the CJH volleyball teams on their success this past Thursday! Keep up the great work!
8A won 2-0 (1-0 record) 25-17, 25-11, 8B lost 0-2 (0-1 record) 24-26, 18-25
7A won 2-0 (1-0 record) 25-14, 25-5, 7B won 2-0 (1-0 record) 25-17, 25-13
The next games will be against Howell on Monday, August 26, 8th grade games will be at Howell Middle School starting at 5:00 p.m. 7th grade games will be at home in the CJH gym with games starting at 5:00 p.m.
Cross Country: The CJH Cross Country teams competed this past Saturday, all participants did well, congratulations to 8th grader, Maria Gonzales, she placed 10th!
The next XC meet will be Saturday, August 31 in San Antonio (Selma- SA Patriot XC Invitational)
Football: Games will start in September
Pep Rally: Please notice the themes for this season! Remember that your shoes must still be in dress code and your out fit must be part of the theme. You may not wear sweat pants, athletic shorts, or pajama pants to school on these days.