Billings Career Center Connect
Newsletter for August, 2024

Billings Career Center Connect- August 2024 Newsletter
From the Principals Desk
Hello Career Center Students, Families, and our Industry Partners.
On behalf of the staff of the Billings Career Center, I am happy to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! The Staff of the Career Center have had a busy summer preparing our building and programs. We are excited to share the outcome of this hard work with all of you! We hope you've had a great summer and are ready to start the year.
Here is some information on the start of the school year:
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
Freshman Only: Freshman students will go to Senior, West or Skyview for orientation day on September 3rd. Faculty from the Career Center will meet with freshmen during this time at their home schools.
Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
Career Center Students First Day (Freshman- Seniors): Welcome past and new students! Wednesday will be the first day at the Career Center for all students. Please review the Bus and Class Schedule below for class/ bussing times. Please give us a call at 406.281.5340 if you have
any questions.
Picture Day!
Lifetouch (Senior high students)- October 7th
Collective Imaging (West & Skyview students)- October 10th
Go Career Center, Go Education!
Matt Clouser, Principal
For Parents:
Student Handbook and Medical Release Form-
It is extremely important that this form be completed, signed by the student and parent/guardian. This form is to be returned to the Career Center, no later than September 13th, 2024. Students will not be allowed in shop or lab areas or be able to participate in field trips until this form is completed and returned. The Medical Release form is attached below.
Cell Phones and Electronic Device Policy Change:
Billings Public Schools recently changed its policy on student use of cell phones during the school day.
Billings Public Schools recommends students NOT bring cell phones or electronic devices to school and takes no responsibility for devices that are lost or stolen, even when those devices are placed in a classroom caddy or other storage system during the class period. Also, be aware that the school can revoke any student's cell phone privileges and require the phone to be turned in upon arrival and not returned until dismissal as a result of a student's failure to use the phone appropriately while on campus.
For High School Students: No cell phones or other personal electronic device use is allowed during class time, education or otherwise. All cell phones should be put into the school provided phone storage spot during class time. Devices can only be used before and after school, during passing time or at lunch.
If you need to contact your student during the class period, please call the Career Center main office at 406.281.5340, we can relay messages to students.
We thank you for your support in ensuring student success. Please talk with your student regarding this policy change prior to the first day of school! Thank you.
Student Advisory Board Bulletin
The Student Advisory Board is the Career Centers student council.
This year, the SAB will help in welcome incoming freshmen, help with fundraisers, and organize many other events. Senior Parking Spots is one of the first significant events that the Student Advisory Board will sponsor.
There are 23 spots available for full-time seniors who go to the Career Center. These parking spots will cost $45, but this covers the whole year! If you apply for the parking spot and get chosen, you will be able to paint your parking spot this year. This will be first come, first serve event. Follow our socials for more information on the drawing!
The student advisory board will hold elections for all unfilled spots and incoming freshmen who want to join the council later this fall.
This years elected officers are:
Student Advisory Board President: Aurora Anttila
Vice President: Kaylee Monroe
Secretary: Allegra Larson
Senior Class President: Jadyn Kitzmann Senior Class Vice President: Annabelle Sophia Money
Junior Class President: Boston Macdonald Junior Class Representitive: Destiny Paris
Sophomore Class President: Colby Paul Vice president: Wade Bekkedahl Secretaty: Katherine Englehart
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Career Center
Highlights from last year!
Home Construction
National Guard: Blackhawk Helicopter, Landing at The Career Center
Tools for Trades day, in partnership with Billings Home Building Association
Upcoming Events
Career Center Open House
Open House is a great opportunity to come in, see the building and meet your students teachers. We'll use the night to move through your students schedules so you can experience the Career Center and meet our staff.
Session 1~ 6:00 PM-7:00 PM & Session 2~ 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 06:00 PM
Billings Career Center, Central Avenue, Billings, MT, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Counselors Corner
The Career Center has our own counseling office. Ms. Peitz, soon to be changed to Mrs. Behrends, can help support students with a wide variety of needs including but not limited to scheduling, college and career exploration, and the full array of mental health needs as well as any food needs or other resources. Students do not need an appointment to see Ms. Peitz. She has an open door policy at the Career Center and students are welcome anytime it is open to get help!! She is best reached through email at peitza@billingsschools.org . Her phone number is 406.281.5386 if that works better. If you need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
As we start the year, please keep in mind the following:
Student Schedules: Schedules are available online via powerschool.
Schedule Changes: Schedule changes can be made through the Counseling or the Registrar's office. All schedule changes must be made no later than the end of the school day, September 13th.
Dual Enrollment: If your student has enrolled in a Dual Enrollment course through the school district such as College Algebra, College Writing, College Gov't, or any other college course, they will need to complete an online application prior to registering for classes. The Application can be accessed below.
Dual Enrollment Online Application
Students enrolled in College EMT or College Biology do not need to apply at this time. Those students will complete the application in the spring. If your student has completed the application already, there is no need to do so again. If they are unsure, they can contact the Main Office or the Counseling Office.
Career Coaching
Meet Our Career Coach
Vicky Cavanaugh, Room 12E
Each BPS high school hosts a Career Coach who works directly with students to create career awareness, explore career interests, introducing students to career activities that may include using Xello, attending Employer Presentations, participating in Industry Days, possibly culminating in workplace opportunities like Job Shadows, Informational Interviews, and Workplace Experience Internships. The Career Coaches work with students, teachers, parents, employers, and other organizations making connections for career-related opportunities. Please stay engaged with our Career Center newsletter for upcoming 2024-25 activities.
Refer to the Future Ready website (www.bpsfutureready.org) for more information. To request an appointment with Ms. Cavanaugh please complete the Career Center Career Coach Appointment Request Form.
Career Center Preschool
The Career Center Preschool is still accepting registrations for fall semester!
Director Cindy Keller believes in learning through play and wants students to see learning as fun.
"This is the age where you spark a love of learning," she said. "That is why preschool is so important to me. I want them to love learning."
High school students taking early childhood education classes teach in the preschool under supervision. The preschoolers benefit from more one-on-one teaching because of the high school student teachers.
Helen Joda was a high school student teacher and said it inspired her to go into teaching.
"After seeing the preschool program in action, and seeing how much one-on-one support these kids get with aspiring teachers, it was no question where I wanted my own kids to attend preschool," Helen added.
The preschool has morning (8- 10:30 a.m.) and afternoon sessions (12- 2:30 p.m.). Preschool is held three days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You can call Cindy for more information at 406.281.5362 or register at the Career Center Main Office.
Questions? Contact Us!
Billings Career Center
Principal: Matt ClouserAsst. Principal: Darwin Schaff
Phone: 406.281.5340
Website: https://www.billingsschools.org/our-schools/high-schools/career-center
Location: 3723 Central Ave, Billings, MT, 59102
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBillingsCareerCenter/
Powerschool: Parent Sign in Portal