My lovely blank newsletter
February 3rd, 2025

Dear Rosewood Elementary School Parents,
We are getting excited about our annual fundraiser to be held on March 28th, 2025 at Senate’s End.
Please save the date and plan on joining Rosewood parents for a fun evening beginning at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy tasty treats, live music, and bid on fabulous silent auction items, class art projects and baskets. So book your babysitter and join all the other Rosewood parents at Senate’s End!
New this year, we are offering a limited number of spots for complimentary childcare at Capital Karate on Rosewood Drive. If you are interested in using this gifted service, please email rosewoodeducationfoundation@gmail.com. Available for children ages 4 and up. Limit 2 children per ticket. Spots are reserved after the purchase of your ticket(s).
Tickets: $35 per person until March 1; $45 beginning March 2.
Use the QR code to purchase.
We need your help to make this event a success!
Generous donations from community partners and Rosewood parents have supported the school’s educational foundation through the years. Previous events contributed to important learning tools including SMART boards for classrooms, a wireless mobile laptop lab, the gaga ball circle, soccer goals, and the digital sign. Currently, the foundation is helping plan for celebrations for an exciting centennial year in 2025. We look forward to taking on more projects to make our school special for every student.
There are three ways you can help:
1. Make a tax-deductible charitable donation as a sponsor of this fabulous event Included with this letter is a form and QR code for you to ask friends, family and neighbors to sponsor our event with a monetary gift. The sponsor will receive tickets to the event and signage at the event and after.
2. Donate an item for our Silent Auction Do you own a business that could donate a product or service? Are you willing to ask a business for a donation? Do you have a gift card you are willing to donate? Do you have a special skill such as sewing, knitting, baking, cooking, carpentry or music? Please contact Mollie Schmolze at megudridge@gmail.com to donate an item.
3. Volunteer Planning on attending? Why not donate some of your time on March 28th and meet other great Rosewood parents while doing so. Email rosewoodeducationfoundation@gmail.com to volunteer.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the event, or if you would like to volunteer and/or make a donation. All forms can be returned to the school office to the Rosewood Educational Foundation box. Please purchase your ticket online via the QR code and like us on Facebook today! http://www.facebook.com/rosewoodeducationfoundation
Rachel Hammond and Amber Watson, Event Chairs
Thank you for considering sponsorship of this fantastic event! These contributions are vital to the success of the Rosewood Educational Foundation. Donation includes tickets, advertisement and/or mention in the school newsletter. Please make all contributions by March 1, 2025 and direct any questions about sponsorship to rosewoodeducationfoundation@gmail.com
Donor Name (include business name if applicable): ___________________________________________________________________________
Donation made in honor of:
Email address:
Categories of Giving (please choose one):
___The Rosewood Eagle: $3,000 Includes 6 tickets to party, banner at event (and week following outside school) plus a week of school electronic sign advertising and a Rosewood social media post, a mention in the school newsletter, plus reserved event table with sign displaying that presenting sponsor and your choice of:
•Logo’d cups* •Logo’d napkins* •Logo’d koozies*
*first come, first served
___The Ravenel Eagle: $1500 Includes 4 tickets, yard sign at event (and week following outside school), a social media post, and mention in school newsletter
___ The Walker Eagle: $750 Includes 2 tickets, yard sign at event (and week following at school) and mention in school newsletter
___The Prentice Eagle: $250 Includes 2 tickets and mention in school newsletter
___Two-pack: $100 includes 2 tickets and an additional $20-$30 donation to the REF above the individual ticket price
Rosewood Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization so your donation is tax-deductible, EIN 51-0423116. Make checks payable to REF, and please mail to the address above or place it in the mailbox marked REF in the school office.
Thank you for your generous support! Please fill out the information below and include it with your Silent Auction donation. Rosewood Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so your donation is tax-deductible!
You may mail your contribution to the address above or place it in the mailbox marked Rosewood Educational Foundation in the school office. If you would prefer to have your donation picked up, please email Amber Watson at rosewoodeducationfoundation@gmail.com. Please make all contributions by March 1, 2025 and direct any questions about sponsorship to rosewoodeducationfoundation@gmail.com
Name or business of donor: ______________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Email address:____________________________________________________________ Item(s) to be donated:_____________________________________________________
Item(s) value: __________________________________________________
Rosewood Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization so your donation is tax-deductible, EIN 51-0423116. Make checks payable to REF, and please mail to the address above or place it in the mailbox marked REF in the school office.