Brown Elementary Update

January 10, 2025
From the Desk of Dr. Cole Harms
Hello Brown Bears!
Happy 2025 to you all - I hope you had some quality time to rest, relax and recharge over the break.
We have kicked off this year with a lot of fun and exciting things for our students! Besides the joy of reconnecting with their peers and the work of remembering routines, the following events have been (or will be) taking place:
- Gr 3 has started STEM projects using Dash Robots during their Library/Media Arts time and they will have classroom visits from the Pawtuxet People next week.
- Gr. 4 will welcome Dr. Dave next week (thanks to the PTO for sponsoring!) to dive deeper into their Science studies
- Band students will have their concert on Thursday morning, before school.
We have had some really frigid temperatures this week, and it doesn't look like it will be ending any time soon, so please be sure to send students into school with warm jackets, hats, and mittens/gloves so that we can continue to get some fresh air during recess whenever possible. If you need assistance with getting any warm clothing, please reach out to the Main Office and we will do our best to help.
Lastly, because it made me smile, I had to share the photo below of our very own Eliza Hollander (Gr 2) and Karen Cushing twinning with sparkling sequins earlier this week! They were thrilled with each other!
Be well and stay warm,
Counselor's Corner
Student Shout Outs
Grade 2 - Abhimanyu Kandala Gokul: Anhimanyu is someone his teachers can rely on to always be following directions and working hard. He is the first to offer help to anyone who needs it and is always thinking of things he can do to help his teacher and classmates. He is a good listener and learner!
Grade 2 - Mia Gowers: Mia has shown that she truly knows what the Practice Empathy part of PAWS means. Mia goes above and beyond to include others and is kind to everyone. She helps friends when they have a challenge and always looks at things positively. Way to go Mia!
Grade 1 - Helena Rangel: Helena showed kindness when she took care of a friend who got hurt at recess. She told another student to go get a teacher so she could stay with the student who was hurt. She then walked her friend to the nurse and made sure he felt better and was ok.
EARLY RELEASE DAY on Wednesday, January 15, 2025
NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20, 2025 - MLK Day
The weather is getting MUCH COLDER, and we really value time outside in the fresh air for recess whenever it is safe to do so. Please make sure you are sending your student to school with a warm jacket, hats, mittens/gloves etc so they can participate in outdoor recess. If you need assistance in getting warm clothes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Please make sure you have completed all of your yearly forms in PowerSchool.
Please make sure you have filled out PickUp Patrol--any changes to pick ups must be completed by 1:30 pm on the day of the change.
If you are able to send snacks in with your students, please make sure they have one in their backpack every day. We will make sure no student goes hungry!
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