The Patton Post
August 19th 2022
Principal's Message
Friday September 9th
We have had a wonderful week here at Patton - the students excelled at the various drills we had and have been handling MAP testing like champs!!
There is a lot of information in this week's Post that I hope you take the time to read - Rocket Club is back and the curtain is being raised on the Patton stage again for our grade level musical performances!
I hope to see some of you at the Kindergarten playdate the PTA has organized for this evening - the weather looks wonderful for it!
Ellie Chin
Absences, Early Releases and Late Arrivals
If you need to come and pick up your student for an appointment or an early release during the school day we would appreciate it if you could let the Front Office team know. You can either call in via the main number 847-398-4288 on the day of the appointment, or you can submit the Absence Form in advance (either via the website or the button below)
If your child is out sick you can also either call the office and leave a message or use the Absence Form as well.
When you come and pick your child up or drop them off, please remember to bring your phone so you can scan the QR code located on the sign by the main entrance and sign them in/out.
Also - if you are dropping your child off later than 9.05am please remember to sign them in using the same QR code.
We have had incredibly successful drills this week! Our Panthers followed instructions so well and I was so proud of how calm and quiet they were. They listened and paid attention and were the embodiment of the The Big 3 we have been following - Be Safe, Be Kind and Be Ready.
The only lot available for parents to park is the front parking lot (near the Main Entrance). The small lot - just off Patton Avenue, behind the school - is reserved for staff parking. Please do not attempt to enter this lot at the end of the day as this is a safety concern for students. We do not have staff supervision in this area and do not want students to be at risk with cars driving into the lot. Additionally, our PM kindergarten dismissal is in full swing at the end of the day in this area. If the main parking lot is full, please park in the designated areas on the streets surrounding Patton. It is clearly marked where you CANNOT park on these streets so please take note and be considerate of our neighbors.
Thank You so much for helping to keep all of our students safe.
We have some important dates coming up that we wanted to be sure you knew about!
PICTURE DAY: Monday 3rd October - more information will be coming home soon!
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES: Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October - there will be no school on these days. In the upcoming weeks there will be a SignUp Genius sent to families where you can sign up to meet with your child's teacher. Please be on the lookout for future communications.
INSTITUTE DAY: Wednesday 19th October - there will be no school on this day.
Free COVID-19 Test Kits
Free COVID-19 testing kits are now available at Patton. Should you like one or more for your family, please contact Patton at 847-398-4288 and simply request them with our front office staff.
Rocket Club - 4th and 5th Graders
Rocket Club is returning to Patton and we could not be more excited for it to "blast off"!! You should have received a signup form via backpack mail this week with all the information. Due to limited supply, Rocket Club will be capped at 84 participants this year.
Should the sign-up form have been lost in the deepest, darkest recesses of your child's backpack (we know it happens!) it is attached below as a pdf as well.
4th and 5th Grade Homework Club
Have your 4th or 5th grader stay after school on (most) Tuesdays in room 255!
Mr. Morkert will provide a quiet space where kids can work on assignments, read,
or get extra help. If interested, you must sign up using the link below (space is limited to 12). Please be sure
to note whether you will pick up your child or if they can walk home. CAP kids welcome
as well. Please contact Mr. Morkert for any questions (
Musical Performances
Grade level performances are back at Patton! After a hiatus from the stage, all grade levels will be hitting the stage this year to perform for Patton students, parents and families. Please see the flyer below for the date and time of all grade level performances. We cannot wait to share with you all the great things that we are doing in music this year!
Please email Mr Whitaker at with any questions!
Kindergarten Family Night - TONIGHT - 6.30-7.30pm
Kindergarten room reps have planned a fun, hour long event at Patton for families to get to know each other. This will be held on the blacktop (or the commons/gym if it rains)
More information and sign up details can be found on the PTA Newsletter .
First Grade Family Night - FRIDAY 16th SEPTEMBER
Our Lost and Found is filling up fast! Please take a look and, if you see anything you recognize, please have your child come and claim their belongings.
Thank You!!
Recognize a Staff Member - Give a Pat on the Back to a Patton Staff Member
Patton teachers and staff work so hard to support our students on a daily basis. We invite you to fill out this google form if you would like to recognize a staff member or a team for their hard work. We will pass on the good news to them. Thank you in advance for sending an encouraging word as we know it will mean so much to our staff.
FRI 9th SEPT: PTA Sponsored - Kindergarten Family Night
FRI 16th SEPT: PTA Sponsored - First Grade Family Night
FRI 30th SEPT: PTA Sponsored - Movie Night
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton