River Otter News- 8/18/2024
School Hours are 9am - 3:30pm
ParentSquare Communication Tool for All Schools!
If you do not receive the invitation, visit www.parentsquare.com/signin and register your account using the phone number or email address on file with the district. If you need help accessing your account, stop by the office and we are happy to help!
2024-2025 School Supply List
Popcorn Fridays are Back!
One of our favorite traditions is popcorn Fridays! PTA kindly pops and sells popcorn to River Otters for 50 cents during lunch. All proceeds go to PTA, who supports River Otters!
Reminder- Please Park and Wait for Student Dismissal on the Side of the Road
We have buses, after school staff and evening custodial arriving as students are finishing their Anne WIen school day. If you are picking up your student at the parent drop and go area by the gym, please park on the side of the road before turning into the parent loop, so that traffic may continue to access the back of the building.
Thank You!
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Area
All morning drop-offs are at the gym doors. AWE doors open at 9 am. Students who purchase breakfast at school may be dropped off at 8:40 am at the gym doors to eat breakfast.
There is a supervised precess at 8:40 am for students dropped off prior to 9 am until -40 below.
The gym doors are a drop-and-go for students. If you would like to park, please park in the visitor area by the front doors.
Please help us remind students of safety expectations at the gym door drop and go:
Cross at the crosswalk and wait for an adult to help them across
Please do not run between cars
In the afternoon, please stay on the sidewalk until your car is at the curb for pick up
Reminder- the bus lineup is at the curb by the main doors so we appreciate you parking in the visitor parking area. Thank you so much for not blocking that area and keeping all students safe!
Thank you all for your support keeping River Otters safe around traffic and cars!
All Kindergarten Students are Dropped Off and Picked Up at the Side Kindergarten Doors at 9am and 3:30pm
Calling All Running River Otters!
The 2024 Running Club Schedule is here!. Sign up forms will be available to families at the ice cream social.
The practice and race schedule are as follows:
Tuesday August 27-practice after school
Thursday August 29-practice after school
Tuesday September 3-practice after school
Thursday September 5-race @ Chena Lakes
Tuesday September 10-practice after school
Thursday September 12-race @Birch Hill
Tuesday September 17-practice after school
Thursday September 19-race @ Salcha Elementary
Tuesday September 24-race@ Chena Lakes
Practices run from 3:40 to 4:40 p.m at Anne Wien Elementary . Students should be picked up no later than 4:45 p.m.
K-2 Boys and Girls start at 5:30; 3-5 Girls start at 6; 3-5 Boys start at 6:30. Races are approximately 2K (1.2 miles) for grades K-2 and 3K (1.8 miles) for 3rd - 5th grades.
For more Questions please email Ms. Bravo at cindy.bravo@k12northstar.org
Title 1 Student Parent Teacher Compact
Please click here to view the Anne Wien Student Parent Teacher Compact.
Leslie's Children Food for Students
With the start of the new year, we would like to update the list of students receiving our free, weekly, take-home bags of snacks provided by the "Leslie's Children" foundation. This non-profit organization was created in honor of our former principal, Leslie Campbell. Healthy bodies lead to healthy minds and these take-home bags are provided for our students so that they may have their own healthy snacks at home during the busy school week. To participate, students just need permission from their parents. Simply fill out the information below and we will be happy to send home a snack bag with your child every week. There are no fees or commitments. We are happy to nourish the minds and bodies of our students... Leslie's Children.
Please contact the office if you have any questions.
Anne Wien Elementary
Email: petra.timmons@k12northstar.org
Location: 1501Hampstead Avenue, Fairbanks, AK, USA
Phone: 907-451-7500
Ms. Missy, Office Staff x27503
Ms. Paige, Office Staff x27132
Ms. Ashly, Behavior Support x27055
Ms. Kane, Counselor x 27006