Pastels on the Plaza 2022
An Appreciation Newsletter from River Oak Staff
Class 8 Maypole Dance
ROCS Community,
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of the individuals who made Pastels on the Plaza 2022 a major success! As you may remember, our goal was to raise funds for our Waldorf-inspired school to continue specialty classes such as wood working, watercolor, knitting, music, and more. These classes are an essential part of our Waldorf-inspired curriculum and it is important to keep them thriving for our students. We are happy to share we sold every square and had many talented artists for Pastels.
River Oak has been hosting Pastels on the Plaza for over 10 years. Planning a community event requires time and dedication from our families for months leading up to the event- we could not do it without your support!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping with this event. If you have feedback to share on how to improve this event or want to be on the Pastels Committee for 2023 (starting in December) please contact Parent Council President, Nettie Walton nettie.walton@yahoo.com
Ms. McCullough and Ms. Talia Cechin
Thank you to the POP Committee
Thank you to Nettie Walton for hosting every meeting, mapping out squares, organizing spreadsheets, and volunteering at the candy land booth!
Thank you to Kaylie Edwards for securing many sponsors, pairing artists, and decorating and volunteering at the flower booth. Your organizational skills were appreciated on our team.
Thank you for Carol Sullivan for bringing knowledge from past events and helping us secure facilities and making sure we are on the right path to success. Your time dedicated was valuable!
Thank you to Talia Cechin for coordinating River Oak's operations with the city, and being the school contact for all things POP. Your patience, efforts and reliability created the stability needed to step into our first year back after COVID. We appreciate you!
Thank you to Lillian Rubie for being our artist coordinator and helping us find talented artists for the event!
Thank you to all families to attended meetings!!
Thank you to Sarah Bailey for designing this year's flyer. Thank you to Meghan Cosman, Karina Rosas, Elexa Richard, Lisa Batson, Jessica Beckstrom, Jacob Brown, Robyn Gibbs, Kara Mora, Ollie Prax-Lodge and Bobby Taylor, and all RO families who sold squares or referred a talented artist!
Thank you to our RO artists!
Kathy Dingman-Katz, Christian Mendez, Kira Douthit, Kaden Shaw, Orion Katz, Lars Brunner, Gwendolyn Johnson, Victoria Martinez, Joaquina Marin, Chris Douthit, Jeff Brunner, Ollie Prax-Lodge and Bobby Taylor, Magdalena & Jocelyn Torres, Amy Jirout, Chiara Barber, Camille Meeker, Talena Ruddick, Noel Sadlier, Morgan Cross, Parker Mitchell, Grayson Rosenberg-Hook, Beatriz Torres, Aria Walton, Kaylee Haydon, Anna Rozelski, Eveline & Sasha Rodriguez, Heidi & Steven Poor, and Rachelle Coleman
Thank you for Booth Volunteers!
A special shout out to our maintenance employee and RO parent Antonio Rodriguez for lifting all the heavy items from school and bringing them to the plaza! You're amazing!
Flower Crowns: Thank you to Jessica Welling, Kaylie Edwards, Jessica Beckstrom, Tiffany Alcaraz, April Ford, Whitney Brown, Lauren Kain, and Talena Ruddick, and more for your flower donations and helping to create beautiful crowns for May Faire!
Candy Land: Thank you to Nettie Walton, Karina Rosas, Sarah Walker, and more for donations and creating some sweet fun for the kids!
Drinks and Tickets: Thank you to Erika Coyle for your hard work during the event. Thank you to Bonnie Boek, Elexa Richard, Rachel Rorabaugh and Sarah Williams for your support of the 5th grade ticket booth- We appreciate you!
Face Painting: Thank you to Ms. Eli for volunteering her time. I saw many beautiful animals and flowers at the event!
Popcorn: Thank you to Ms. Stubben, Eryn Schon Brunner, Rosenie Phillips, Rachael Rorabaugh, Sienna Gregan, Kendra Adams, April Ford, Cary Wheeler, Kevin Clem, Sara Walker, Adriana Dakin for helping with popcorn. 7th grade raised $255 for their quilt fundraiser. Way to go!
For all the other volunteers we may have missed, we APPRECIATE you!
Inner Rising Retreats
Jared Hull Insurance Agency- Farmers Insurance
Terrena Rubio
Nilesh, Sijan, and Niva
Maxwell, Henry, and Nico
Morgan, Leola, and Aiyana
River Oak Charter School
Email: kmccullough@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: (707) 467-1855
Facebook: facebook.com/riveroakcharter