BCHS Jag PRIDE Newsletter
January 2025 Edition

The Spring Semester is in Full Swing!
BCHS Families,
We are on the move! The mornings have been cold, and the days are going fast! It is hard to believe that we are deep into the spring semester already. Before we know it, it will be time for graduation and another summer break. But before we get there, there is so much learning to do. As a reminder, be students should be communicating with teachers (and parents) about grades. Be sure to check PowerSchool and work hard to submit assignments on time. This time of year tends to feel like there is lots of time to get caught up on late work because we are just starting again, but that can cause more trouble in the end for student grades. Stay ahead instead of focusing on catching up so you are ready for assessments or know what questions you need to ask when you need help. You can do this, Jags!
At the January 28th Governing Board meeting, BCHS was awarded our A-rated Banner for our Arizona Department of Education A-rating for the 2023-24 school year. This is truly a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, staff, and community. We are proud to have been awarded A-ratings for student's performance on state tests, our graduation rate, and student growth since 2019! Congratulations, BC! I couldn't be more proud!
Mrs. Brittany Sutton
Jaguar Life!
Congratulations to Our FLINN Scholarship Semi-Finalist: Cyra Khourdepaz!
Congratulations to Cyra Khourdepaz for being named a semi-finalist for the prestigious FLINN Scholarship. Cyra is BCHS’s very first student to make it this far in the competition! Absolutely amazing! The FLINN scholarship provides full college tuition, housing, study abroad funding, and other incredible benefits. Congratulations, Cyra! We are so proud of you and are excited to hear about your continued journey in the FLINN competition!
BCHS PRIDE Focus of the Month & Be Classy Winners!
To support our Jaguars, BCHS implements our Paw Pride PBIS program. Our goal is to reward students for demonstrating their BC PRIDE Characteristic behaviors: being Prepared, having Respect, showing Integrity, being Disciplined, and ensuring Everyone is united.
Here are the details:
"Be Classy" Cards: When a staff member sees a student following the monthly goal OR a student going above and beyond,, the staff member gives them a Be Classy card. The student will then fill it out and put it in the bowl at Ms. Susie's desk in the front office.
Each month, we will draw 10 winners for our PAW PRIDE Winners of the Month to recognize their demonstration of BC PRIDE!
Our January Winners are:
Connor Nottingham-Nisim
Jesse Los
Madeline Kouvelas
Airanna Gonzalez
Tavian Hayden
Andrew Rodriquez
Camryn Hall
Dryden Kreis
Kayden McGill
Jakeb Schott
By February 28, 2025, reduce vaping incidents by 2% from January by reteaching expectations through morning announcements and video announcements that incorporate reminders and education about vaping as evidenced by vaping suspension data.
We can do this Jags!
For our January goal, Mrs. Woods (Dean of Students) and Irina (Security) went to the first period classes in costume that showed excellence in being on time to school to give them positive praise and a reward! We LOVE when our Jags are on time and prepared to learn!
BCHS STUGO Brings Home Awards for Leadership & Community Contribution!
A big congratulations goes to our Student Government on such an incredible achievement at the AASC State Convention, bringing home for the second consecutive year the top three awards in all categories.
They earned the Outstanding Council of Distinction award which is given to councils for their contributions to the school community. The Charitable contributions award- platinum level given to councils that raise $3000 plus in service projects. Last year, BCHS raised $25,000 for Make a Wish Foundation and Mother's Grace. They also earned the Community Service Hours Award- platinum level that is awarded to councils that contribute 300+ hours, with our council having 780 hours of community service in one semester. This speaks volumes about the commitment, teamwork, and leadership of the council. Congratulations to our BCHS student government and their advisor Mrs. Ferrer for their amazing achievements for their service!
Our AZ Teacher of the Year & Ambassador for Excellence are Showing Up Around AZ!
Arizona Teacher of the Year, Mr. Burnton, and Finalist/Ambassador for Excellence have been spotted out and about as some pretty cool events in Arizona. Over winter break, Mr. Burnton and Mr. Donovan were in the Fiesta Bowl Parade and also were guests at the game!
Mr. Burnton also delivered an inspiring talk about the power of embracing technology in the classroom to enhance learning and prepare students for the future at the Arizona School Board Association Conference. His innovative approach is transforming education!
Both Mr. Burnton and Mr. Donovan are hard at work on other opportunities to promote education, learning, and growth for students and teachers. We are excited their adventure unfold!
The Class of 2025 - First Graduation Meeting Information
Panoramic & Cap and Gown Pictures are This Wednesday, February 5th!
We had our very first graduation meeting with the Senior Class of 2025 on January 29th where we covered our countdown to graduation and also senior class expectations. Students received a paper copy of the countdown and the Panoramic and Cap & Gown Picture Order forms, but I also wanted to send them digitally. (If you are reading this on the website, please follow the link below to our resources on our site). The Panoramic picture is next Wednesday, February 5, at 7:30 am in the gym. It is optional for students to order the picture, but we love all seniors to be there for the photo as we memorialize this amazing class! Cap and gown pictures are optional and will be taken in the auditorium lobby during both lunches. Grad Photography provides the cap and gown for these pictures.
There is also a letter regarding senior expectations to ensure they are leading by showing exceptional behavior and Jag PRIDE as well as keeping up on their grades to ensure they all have the credits to get to graduation! Our seniors are amazing students that I cannot wait to see honored at our commencement ceremony! The class of 2025 can do this!!
As a reminder, all graduation information and resources are posted on our website here at http://bchs.dvusd.org >Student Life > Seniors & Graduation!
Resources from the meeting are also linked below:
Check Us Out at BCHS.DVUSD.ORG!
We are so excited to share the updated BCHS website with you at http://bchs.dvusd.org. The new website is organized to help access important information as well as show you all about BCHS.
Here are some helpful tips for navigation:
- Click on the headings ("Student Life," "Families," "Academics," "Athletics," of "About") for a page that accesses all information in that category. This may be easier than scrolling on the pop up menu, but that is an option as well.
- Scroll down on the home page for our calendar with upcoming events and dates.
- Scroll further down on the home page, past the second red menu bar, for quick links to common items such as Flex Time info, All Things EQ, our Newsletter, Principal Communications, Campus Tours, et cetera.
We are excited to showcase this new website and to use it to continue communications and resources on all things BC!
Attendance Office Tip
We want to welcome our new Attendance Clerk, Ms. Alicia Vasquez who will be helping you with your student attendance needs. Our former Attendance Clerk, Ms. Angelina Stohlmann, is taking a new position at BC as our Secretary for Activities.
If your student is marked absent accidently by a teacher, please contact the teacher or have your student pick up an attendance change slip at the Attendance Desk. The teacher needs to verify and sign off to make the correction to fix your student's attendance.
Reception Desk Tip
We are happy to assist our parent and guardians at our reception desk in the front office; however, please remember parents/guardians must show proper photo identification so we can verify who we are speaking to or releasing students to for student safety and security. We so appreciate your understanding and support!
Helpful Links
PowerSchool Parent Access
Canvas Parent Access
BCHS Student & Parent Handbook
Submit your student absence through our friendly form!
See Something, Say Something: Report Anonymous Concerns Here!
Stay Updated with our BCHS Website
Jaguar Athletics!
Spring Sports Tryouts
Athlete of the Month
Sports Spotlight!
All Girl Stunt
All Girl Stunt for Cheer took 1st place at REGIONALS! Great Job Ladies! Heading off to Nationals in Feburary!
Girls Wrestling
Girls Wrestling took 1st place overall at the Payson Tournament with five 1st place finishes, one 2nd place finish and two 3rd place finishes!
Boys Wrestling
Boys Wrestling had their first shutout against Dobson, 68-0. Great Job Coach Wilbanks!
BCHS Hall of Fame Night
On Friday, January 24, 2025, Boulder Creek High School proudly celebrated its Hall of Fame Night, welcoming back an outstanding group of athletes, a dedicated coach, and four exceptional teams for their well-earned inductions. The evening began with a special dinner, followed by a recognition ceremony at halftime of the boys' varsity basketball game.
This year’s inductees included: West Tunnell (Baseball, 2012), Alex Dykuizen (Basketball, 2010), Ryan Crane (Basketball, 2010), Darien McKinley (Track & Field, 2010), Claire Grover (Swim, 2018), Darian Slaga (Basketball, 2015), Axel Birnbrich (Swim Coach, 2008), Taylor Davis (Football, 2008), Daniel Lozano (Track & XC, 2017), and Cory Crooks (Wrestling, 2016). Additionally, four legendary teams were honored for their state-level achievements: Swim - 200 Medley Relay (2007 & 2008), Swim - 200 Freestyle Relay (2009), and Track - 4x800m (2007).
It was an incredible evening of recognition and celebration, highlighting the rich history and lasting legacy of Boulder Creek athletics. Congratulations to all of our Hall of Fame inductees!
We use GOFAN for all home events!
Types of ticketing available
1. Single game tickets on GOFAN - https://gofan.co/app/school/AZ12766
2. Boulder Creek Student pass, online or in the bookstore for $30. Please add the athletic pass symbol to your students I.D. by having it re-printed at the Bookstore, prior to an event.
3. Family pass punch cards, $60 at the bookstore only. 20 punches per card, can use 1 or 20 punches at each event.
4. There are NO backpacks or water bottles allowed into any BCHS event. please plan accordingly.
Follow Boulder Creek Athletics!
Insta - @BCAthleticsjags
Facebook -@ Boulder Creek Athletics
Boulder Creek Ticketing
Jaguar Learning!
Congratulations to our Visual and Performing Arts Students of the Second Quarter
We are proud to recognize the following outstanding BC fine arts students as the fine arts students of the second quarter for their dedication, creativity, and excellence in their craft: Visual Arts Student of the Quarter: Chloe DeVries – for exceptional creativity and commitment to the visual arts. Performing Arts Student of the Quarter: Anora Biggs – for outstanding performance and dedication to the performing arts. Your hard work and passion continue to inspire the BCHS community. Congratulations to our talented Visual and Performing Arts students!
BC has a Top Tech Challenge First Place Winner at Universal Technical Institute!
Congratulations to Travis Duran on taking 1st place in the Top Tech Challenge at UTI last Saturday. Travis won a $7000 grant and a Snap On Tool Set! Congratulations, Travis! We are so proud of you and are so excited for your learning & growth!
BCHS Interact Shares Learning with Anthem Rotary
The BCHS Interact Club shared Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) experience with the Anthem Rotary Club. RYLA is through Rotary International District 5495 where high school students can attend an all expense paid leadership camp where students are empowered through challenging courses, inspirational presenters, and amazing activities where they find their leadership strengths. It is located in Prescott, Arizona at Camp Pine Rock. This was a great opportunity to share ideas to grow our leaders at BCHS!
Visual Math
BCHS Algebra and Geometry students are learning math in creative, visual, and gamifying ways! In our Algebra 1-2 classes, students created maps through algebra coordinates to apply their learning. In Geometry, students used their geometry skills to visually! And in Mrs. Toel's Geometry Honors classes, students are using a board game to apply and practice geometry concepts collaboratively in class. Learning can happen in many ways! Great job to our teachers on creative planning as well as to our students for their learning and growth!
Congratulations BC DECA on Bringing Home 24 Medals at their District Competition
Congratulations to BCHS DECA on an incredible competition last week! BC rocked DECA District competition! The following students earned medals:
Two medal earners:
Parker White
Eric Boateng
Jesiah Bruington
Derrick Boateng
Tatum Ducey
Emily Martin
Brissa Haggard
One medal earners:
Chase Lile
Anderson Pollock
Daubry Pletnick
Kaitlyn Knutson
Josiah DeVries
Kate Whitmore
Nicole Henderson
Samuel Eby
Tyler Mau
Japneet Kaur
Ella Hintze
Our Jags can’t wait for the State Competition February 27-28! Congratulations again, DECA and to your teachers Mr. Naber and Mrs. Blagg!
The BC Guiding Coalition is Hard at Work
The BC Guiding Coalition is a team of teachers, classified staff, department leaders, our interventionist, and administration that work collaboratively to support student learning opportunities at BCHS. The team met this month to review first semester data to determine supports to help with student progress in learning. We were able to celebrate some wonderful growth at BCHS students had the highest growth on the NWEA Map Assessment in Reading out of all of the high schools in the district! Our students also did show excellent growth in math! These assessments allow us to progress monitor student learning throughout the semester. This then helps our teachers see areas where students need additional support to prepare them for next learning as well as state assessments, such as the ACT.
NHS Students Support Ann E's Closet with Clothing Drive
A huge thank you goes to our National Honors Society for their amazing clothing drive in January. NHS had a clothing drive on Saturday for Ann E's closet. One hundred and ten bags of clothes and other items were donated by our members during the 3 hour window!! Absolutely amazing! Thank you so much NHS for your caring and support of others!
Just a reminder that we do have a drop box in our parking lot to support Ann E's closet if you would like to donate to support this organization that helps families in DVUSD.
BCHS Employees of the Month!
Congratulations to our employees of the month!
Certified Employee of the Month:
December: Ms. Frankie Logan, Visual Art Teacher
Classified Employee of the Month:
December: Mrs. Angelina Stohlmann, Secretary for Activities
Thank you for making BCHS AMAZING! #JagPride
Getting Involved!
Buy a BC Yearbook & Senior Ads!
The 2024-2025 Yearbook is available to purchase online through Jostens using this link. The link is also available on the DVUSD online payment system and on the Boulder Creek web site.
Senior ads can be purchased here: https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/yearbook-ads?rcrdu=395
Also, check out our BCHS Yearbook on Facebook @BoulderCreekYearbook
Join Our BC Parent Association!
Thank you so much to our incredible Parent Association for warming us all up with a January soup and salad lunch! We are so grateful for the kindness, great food, and support!
Our Parent Association is always looking for membership to do amazing things for our students and staff! Please reach out to Beverly Jones about supporting BCHS through our Parent Association! bcjagparents@gmail.com
Show that Jaguar P.R.I.D.E!
BC Jaguar PRIDE means that our Jaguars are Prepared, Respectful, have Integrity, are Disciplined, and show that Everyone is united! To ensure a safe, focused, and positive learning environment, we PRIDE expectations with students on Thursday in second period.
- This includes our expectation that students keep their cellphones on silent mode in their backpack so students can properly engage in learning.
- Students should be prepared with a fully charged iPad each day and any other items required for class to help with their success.
- It is also critical that students are in class and on time to be present for learning which is critical for their success.
- We also expect our students to be respectful of classrooms, school and personal property each and every day.
Please review our BCHS PRIDE expectations in our Student/Parent Handbook . Taking time to show Jaguar PRIDE is important as we work toward our mission of providing “a safe learning environment with rigorous academic opportunities for all students to graduate as productive, responsible, and contributing citizens!”
Upcoming BCHS Dates & Events
Please always check our website for the most up-to-date events information at http://bchs.dvusd.org.
Catch more BCHS Information and Celebrations on our Social Media Platforms!
- X (Twitter): @bchs_dvusd
- Facebook: @BoulderCreekHighSchool
- Instagram: @bouldercreekhigh
- TikTok: @BoulderCreekJaguars