CUB Happenings
Weekly Update

Snow Day Greetings From Fox
Dear Fox Families,
Happy snow day! We hope you’re staying warm and enjoying the unexpected time with your loved ones. Whether it’s sipping hot cocoa, building a snowman, or cozying up with a good book, these moments are a special gift.
As we look ahead to the coming week, we’re excited to share updates, celebrate accomplishments, and keep you informed about upcoming events. Thank you for your continued support in making a wonderful place for our students to grow and thrive.
Stay safe and enjoy the snow!
Snow Much Fun!
Congratulations to These Newly Recognized Klein ISD Model Teachers from Fox
Fifth Grade Intermediate School Visits
Each Intermediate School will be hosting an event for incoming 6th graders and their parents. At this event, students and parents will have the opportunity to meet teachers and receive more information about their classes, clubs, electives, and more! Please be on the look-out for emails and flyers with each intermediate campus date and time.
Krimmel's Parent Night
Here is a link to the presentation Krimmel used for incoming 6th graders at their recent parent night. Here is the link to all of the families of 5th graders that will be at Krimmel next year. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YIrFcOIRhAHwoWAlhJMQjWzCeTVu86jfs3blyH_FNFI/edit?usp=sharing
Hildebrandt's Family Night for Rising 6th Graders
Schindewolf Showcase
If you have questions about the intermediate school your child
will attend, reach out to Fox's front office or your child's teacher
Volunteers are Needed to Host Classroom Valentine's Day Parties
We’re excited to invite you to join us on Friday, February 7, for the Fun Run and class Valentine’s Day parties! We’re looking for at least two room moms or dads from each class to host the parties. As a party host, you’ll collaborate with your child’s teacher to plan a fun activity, such as a game or craft, for the class to enjoy. You’ll also assist with distributing snacks and leading the activity. Our fantastic PTO will provide cookies and juice, so there’s no need to bring additional food. If you’re interested in helping, please sign up by January 27 at https://bit.ly/FoxPartyHost. At this time, about 50% of our classrooms have parent hosts.
Please note that room moms and dads must be approved volunteers. Be sure to complete the Klein ISD background check to take on this role. Thank you for helping us make this a memorable day for our students!
Planning to Attend the Fun Run and/or Valentine’s Party:
If you plan to attend, please RSVP by Tuesday, February 4 at 10:00 PM. Scan the QR code or go to https://bit.ly/FoxFunRun to RSVP. Guests who RSVP will enter through the front entrance and use the express lane to present government-issued ID and pick up a visitor’s badge.
Our Cubs will have a Valentine's Day party/card exchange on February 7. Our amazing PTO will provide a snack and juice for students . You may send Valentine’s Day cards for your child to pass out to classmates. You can also send goody bags with non-food items, such as stickers, pencils, spirit sticks, crayons, trinkets, or erasers. If you plan to order items such as cupcakes, please coordinate with our campus nurse asap as this process usually takes about weeks to approve.
We respectfully request that you comply with our procedure of not sending candy or food items for your child to pass out to their classmates. It is very heartbreaking and difficult for students to understand when they are not allowed to pass out Valentines or goody bags containing candy. We have several students with food allergies and don't want to put our young Cubs in the position of having to make a decision about whether they can eat a food item given to them by a classmate. Thanks for understanding and complying with this campus procedure.
Please be on the lookout for a flyer that was sent in the Wednesday folder with information about early Cub pick-up.
February Save the Date
February is Black History Month
5- World Read Aloud Day at Fox!
7- Valentine's Day Party/Card Exchange & Boosterthon Fun Run- RSVP Already Sent
10-14- Staff Development/Student Holiday/Mid Winter Break
21- Tribute to African American History Program
24- Class and Spring Individual Pictures
25- Fourth Grade Field Trip to Wunderlich Farm
26- Klein ISD Research Expo
28- Go Texan Day Dance during Specials- Dress Western. RSVP will be sent in February
How Can I Help My Child Learn at Home
All third quarter Family Curriculum Guides have been added on the Klein ISD website for grades K-8 for core content in English and Spanish. These documents include the following topics:
What will my child learn during the third quarter of school?
Questions to ask your child
How can I help my child learn at home?
Tools for success
Technology Available for Home Use
The student dashboard houses all the apps below and your child can access them from home.
- Progress Learning (All content areas)- Specifically targets your child's learning gaps. This was determined using a pretest. Some teachers have also created specific learning pathways. We purchased this digital resource with funds raised from our fall fundraiser. Thank you for helping us personalize learning for every student, ensuring growth and success at all learning levels!
- Amira (Literacy development)- AI-powered reading tutor designed to improve literacy and foundational skills. Amira tailors its support to meet your child’s individual needs, which is why it’s important for your child to complete Amira activities independently.
While it might feel natural to want to assist your child during these sessions, providing help can unintentionally affect the results. Amira works best when it can accurately identify areas where your child might need additional practice. If an adult provides answers or guidance, it could skew the results and miss opportunities to fill in critical learning gaps.
Use 10 minutes a couple days a week. - Lexia (Literacy development)- Encourage your child to use Lexia consistently for 15–20 minutes a couple days a week to reinforce skills.
- Waggle (Math)- Helps students strengthen their math skills. Encourage your child to use Waggle regularly (e.g., 15–20 minutes two times a week) to maintain steady progress and reinforce learning. Recognize and celebrate the milestones your child achieves in the platform to boost confidence and motivation.