Intermediate School Newsletter
December 19 Newsletter for Intermediate Families
Sodus Intermediate School - Principal Gene Hoskins
All digital newsletters for Sodus Intermediate School are posted in the left margin of the Intermediate School page of the Sodus website. The link to the Intermediate school page is listed below.
Traducción al español a través de Google:
Todos los boletines digitales de la Escuela Intermedia Sodus se publican en el margen izquierdo de la página de la Escuela Intermedia del sitio web de Sodus. El enlace a la página de la escuela intermedia se encuentra a continuación.
Location: 54 Mill Street, Sodus, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 483-5206
15-Week Student Reflections
Friday, December 16, was the end of the 15-week interim period. Intermediate students will be completing 15-Week Reflections in classes this week. Students will be looking at their grades in SchoolTool this week in classes and creating reflections on their progress for the second quarter of school. We expect to be able to send these reflections home by the end of the week. Parents should receive copies of their child's reflection over the holiday break.