Bridgeview School Bulletin
October 2024
Dates to Remember
October 2nd School Custodian Appreciation Day!
October 14th NO SCHOOL - Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 15th Board of Education Meeting @ 6:00PM
October 23rd End of Quarter 1
October 28th through November 1st Red Ribbon Week: Daily activities coming soon!
October 29th Picture Retakes
October 30th Q1 Report Cards Issued Electronically
October 31st School Improvement Day - Early Dismissal (11:15AM)
October 31st Halloween Parade @ 9:45AM (weather permitting)
Click here for more information about Halloween!
November 1st Bobcat Attendance Celebration
From the Desk of Mrs. Del Prete
Hello Bridgeview Families,
Wow! I can't believe October is already here. The days are just flying by! With the change in months we also start to see a drastic change in our weather. Days are getting wetter and colder. Please keep in mind that unless the temperature (plus windchill) is below 20 degree and/or it is raining/snowing, students will be going out for recess daily. Please be sure students are dressed accordingly (coats, hats, gloves, etc).
Our walk-a-thon was a HUGE SUCCESS! Thank you to all of the Bridgeview School friends and family members who donated to support the event. We will be utilizing the donated money for numerous fun activities during our school year. We will also purchase equipment for students to use during recess/ PE classes, and hope to have a volleyball net installed in the grassy area of our playground in the near future.
In other news, student arrival is going much more smoothly! I want to send a huge thank you to all the parents who are following the procedures that was shared via video a couple weeks ago. If you missed it, or need a refresher, click here. Following these procedures will keep things moving and will help our students, parents, and staff arrive to school safely.
Thank you always for your support, love, and care for our staff and students.
Until next month,
Bobcat Business with Mrs. Borst!
Bridgeview Bobcat Walk-A-Thon!
Monday, September 23, Bridgeview Bobcats participated in their annual Walk-A-Thon. We all walked down to Wierzba Park and completed as many laps as we could! This activity is used as a fundraiser for PE and Recess equipment.
Students in Mr. Burnette's PE classes are learning the rules to soccer. Here, Kindergarten is showing what to do when waiting for the next direction! I see some future FIFA champions in this picture!!
Independent Reading with 5th Grade!
Ms. Weaver brought one of her Reading Blocks out to enjoy the fresh air while also enjoying a book of their choosing! Sounds like the perfect afternoon!
Immunization Reminder!
Health/Physical Examinations & Immunization Records due October 15th!
As required by law, all new students, as well as students entering grades K, 2, and 6, must receive health examinations and immunizations and submit completed health forms by October 15th. In addition, all Kindergarten students are now required to have a lead screening test done and the results given on the physical. This requirement now falls under our zip code of 60455.
Thank you to many of the families who have already completed and submitted these forms. In accordance with Illinois law, failure to comply with these requirements by October 15 of the current school year, or 30 days following registration for first-time registrants, will result in the student's exclusion from school until such requirements have been met. All sections of the child examination form must be completed including the health history, which must be filled out by the parent.
If you are in need of additional assistance, our school health aide, Jori Floyd at jfloyd@isd109.org or 708-496-8713, would be happy to assist you in answering questions or connecting you with resources to complete these requirements.
Bridgeview School Bobcat Leaders
Hello Bobcat Families!
Following procedures from last year, we have an online form for attendance reporting. While guardians will still be able to call in, we are also offering an attendance form for families to submit attendance digitally. If your student will be absent, please use this Attendance Reporting Form or call us at 708-496-8713 to report the absence.
Thank you!
Bridgeview Office Staff
Does Your Child Have a Cell Phone at School?
Is Your Child Celebrating a Birthay?
If your child has a birthday during the school year and you would like to recognize the special day, please think about sending non-edible items such as pencils, stickers, erasers, etc.
For Our Bus Riders
All lunch menus will be shared weekly by the district on Parent Square.
Don't Be Late!
8:10AM 1st Bell
8:15AM Tardy Bell
2:30PM School Dismissed
All students arriving late to school (after 8:15AM) must report to the office for a tardy slip. Every 5th tardy a note will be sent home. Continuous tardiness may constitute other disciplinary consequences. Our goal is for all students to arrive at school on time each day. When students are late, they miss instructional opportunities. Please keep in mind that students arriving after 9:15AM are no longer considered tardy, but will instead receive a half day absence.
Being late is detrimental to all students' learning, especially if it occurs on a consistent basis. Be sure to do all you can to prevent tardiness. Your child will thank you for it!
Lawn Care Application Notice
Calling All Substitutes!
Indian Springs SD #109 is looking to add to its list of available substitute teachers and paraprofessionals. If you are interested in being a substitute in our school district, please contact Marilyn Leja, School District Receptionist, at (708) 796-8700. The eligibility requirement to be a substitute teacher is to possess a teaching license or substitute teacher license (the substitute teacher license requires a Bachelor's Degree). The eligibility requirement to be a substitute paraprofessional is to possess a paraprofessional license. Feel free to contact Marilyn Leja for further details.
Bridgeview Elementary School
Email: cdelprete@isd109.org
Website: www.isd109.org
Location: 7800 S Thomas Ave Bridgeview, IL 60455
Phone: 708-496-8713
Instagram & Twitter: @BVGoBobcats