8/30 Daily Announcements
Friday, August 30th~ Dismissal Begins at 3:05

BFA Comet Soccer Clinic Information
All girls in grades 5 through 8 are invited to join the BFA Comet Soccer team for a free soccer clinic next Saturday, September 7th. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to BFACometSoccer@gmail.com.
We hope to see you there!
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Click Here for the links to the Full Month Menus for Breakfast and Lunch
Reminder to families: ALL STUDENTS are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunches through the rest of the school year.
Please complete the paper application that was sent home or for questions please reach out to Tammy Deso, Free and Reduced Meals Application Verification Officer: tdeso@maplerun.org and 802-752-2700
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Additional Daily Options:
Cheese Pizza
Sunbutter and Jelly Sandwich w/Cheese Stick
Fresh Dried or Canned Fruit, Skim White Milk, 1% White Milk, & Fat Free Chocolate Milk Offered with all meals
Maple Run welcomes your input and insights as we work together to create a new Mission Statement and Vision Statement for our district. Please reach out with any questions at 802-370-3937.
Fall Middle School Sports Information
Here is a link to the full fall schedule for cross country and soccer. Please note that there are still some possible changes to the cross country meet schedule and the soccer schedule due to current coaching vacancies and enrollment numbers. Schedule Link
Cross Country
The first Cross Country Practice is scheduled for Thursday, August 29th
Please note the date for the SATEC meet has been moved.
First Practices are scheduled for Tuesday, September 3rd.
There are some potential changes to the schedule. Those potential changes include the following:
- 5th and 6th Grade Boys Soccer - an email update has been sent with information about merging the two teams. Please check the email account that was used to register your player.
- 7th Grade Girls - At this time we have 15 7th grade girls registered and still do not have a coach. The first practices are scheduled to start on Tuesday, September 3rd provided that we have a coach. I will be in touch if the first week of practices need to be canceled. Again, if you or someone you know is interested in coaching our 7th Grade Girls Team please reach out to me directly at jtherrien@maplerun.org
We will send out updated information on Friday.
School Calendar
Attendance Phone Calls and Emails
We wanted to take a moment to let families know that attendance can be reported to Michelle Dow by calling 752-2600 or by email at satec-attendance@maplerun.org should your child be out sick, coming in late from an appointment or for other attendance questions that you may have.
We'd also like to remind families that when sending in notes to school to please include both first and last name of your child and the name of their homeroom teacher.
Bussing and Student Transportation
Please visit our busing and transportation website to see routes, find forms and get other information about busing and transportation at SATEC. Click Here for the Website
Transportation changes can be requested by calling Ruth McCarthy at 752-2604 or by email at satec-transportation@maplerun.org
You can use this form to make transportation change requests. Click here for the form.
We ask that all notes sent to school for transportation changes include both the first and last name of the student and the name of their homeroom teacher.
Please call school by 1pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to request changes
Please call school by 12pm on Wednesday to request changes