Weekly Update 19
January 20th, 2024

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School year at The Fannin Building
January 20th 2024
Today, we celebrate the life, legacy, and selflessness of Dr. Martin Luther King jr.
A Message from Principal Varney
Greetings CityLab and IDEA families,
We are going to have a great four days of instruction. This week It is going to be cold; we will be opening doors at 8 am so students do not have to wait outside. Please ensure students are coming to school properly dressed for the weather. We want to ensure our students are safe. District departments will monitor the school's heating system and making any necessary adjustments for a warm learning environment. As we continue to recruit, we have 11 days left for first round applications. If you know any 8th grade families, please have them apply and choose either CityLab or IDEA as their first choice. Parents, below you will find information on joining the PTO, its a great chance to support the students and the school. The PTO facilitated great events first semester and wants to continue that trend second semester.
Upcoming Event: Mock Trial, Saturday 1/25, Location George Allen Courthouse, 8am to 8pm
Alan L Varney
Join The PTO
Parents, if you are interested in supporting our school and students the PTO is a great way to do just that. Check out the information below and come join.
Teacher and Staff Member of the month
Mr. Alex Knesnik
Mr. Knesnik is Teacher of the Month for his dedication and ensuring his Architecture students are engaged in real world application of the architecture field.
Ms. Veronica Reyes
Mr. Reyes is Staff Member of the Month for her continuous dedication to students and always going above and beyond for our schools.
Student Information
This Week
Tuesday, A Day and Power Hour
Wednesday, B Day and Clubs
Thursday, A Day and Power Hour
Friday, B Day and Clubs
Scholarships Tracker
Our seniors have earned over 4.2 million dollars in scholarships so far.
Class of 2025, Ms. Crook, our college access partner is providing multiple opportunities for college visits, FAFSA, Tutoring etc. Attached are several flyers regarding upcoming events. Stop by the ASP room on the second floor across from the library.
New scholarship Opportunity
ASP College Corner
Shout Outs
Zoned School Athletic Events
Students if you want to attend an athletic event in your zoned school please see Ms. Santos in the main office so we can get you the proper documentation. Below are the requirements
- Purchasing a ticket
- Having the printout from PowerSchool showing their zoned high school
- A current student ID for their magnet/choice school - the name must match on the student ID and the printout
Powerschool Access
Portal Para Padres
Dress Code Information
Students are expected to be in dress code outlined below starting on the first day of school. Joggers are OK. We will have some available shirts and pants that students may borrow should they have a dress code issue.
Se espera que los estudiantes cumplan con el código de vestimenta que se describe a continuación a partir del primer día de clases. Los corredores están bien. Tendremos algunas camisas y pantalones disponibles que los estudiantes pueden tomar prestados si tienen algún problema con el código de vestimenta.
School Hours
The school will be open Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Student Intake will begin daily at 8:30am and students will be dismissed at 4:35pm.
Any changes to the Bell Schedule due to testing or special events will be communicated in a timely manner.
La escuela estará abierta de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm
La admisión de estudiantes comenzará diariamente a las 8:30 a. m. y los estudiantes saldrán a las 4:35 p. m.
Cualquier cambio en el horario debido a pruebas o eventos especiales se comunicará de manera oportuna.
Supporting Students
Here’s how to practice self-compassion:
Apoyando a Las Estudiantes
School Leadership/Liderazgo Escolar
Upcoming Events
Community Corner
The CityView - January 20th, 2024
Mavericks' News
Architecture/Design Opportunities
- ACE Mentorship Program – starts in October in the large cities (HOU, SAT, AUS, DAL and FTW and Frisco/Plano), runs for 12-16wks, $1k-$20k scholarships for 11th-12th graders!
- A4LE Impact Award (for DFW and North-East TX) - $5k-$10k grant to create/improve learning spaces or support programs, great for real student projects! Deadline Nov. 4th.
- AIA Dallas The Art of Architecture Competition (for DFW and NE TX) – opens in Nov., deadline 3/29/25
- AIA Houston MGMC Design & Scholarship Competition – runs JAN-MAY ’25 for HS students in HOU area (ask if your are from other areas and it might be allowed 😉)
- AFSF Saturday Design Studio 2024 – 10/12 – 11/16 online studio workshop (details attached)
- Find the Architecture/Design School for you
- Promote Summer ARCH/DESIGN Camps – some have early ’25 deadlines… these are ’24 programs to have an idea of what could be offered in ‘25
- K-12 Spring Camps / Summer Camps at AIA Dallas (AD/EX)
Wolves Weekly - January 20th, 2024
Meet the Fannin Building Administrative Team
Ms. Forge
Lead Counselor
Mr. White
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sharp
Testing Coordinator
Mrs. Esquivel
Math Cluster Lead
Mr. Sharp
Social Studies Cluster Lead Teacher
Mr. Henery
ELAR Cluster Lead Teacher
Meet the Fannin Office Staff
Ms. Garcia
Office Manager
Ms. Padilla
Registrar - Attendance
Ms. Deavila
Data Controller
No new announcements this week
Official Attendance Notice
Talking Points
Hello Parents and Guardians,
As we approach the end of the first grading quarter, we want to ensure you have a reliable way to stay in touch with your student’s teachers. At Fannin, we utilize the Talking Points app, a convenient platform for communication between teachers and families.
Through Talking Points, teachers can send important updates such as classwork photos, announcements, and reminders. The app also automatically translates messages into your preferred language for ease of use. Teachers regularly share information regarding student grades, upcoming activities, exams, class expectations, and more.
We encourage you to use this app to ask questions about your child's progress, inquire about grades, or address any concerns you may have. Additionally, responding to teachers’ messages is essential to ensure effective communication. Even a simple thumbs-up or heart lets them know you've received and acknowledged their message.
Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting your student's education.
The IDEA/CityLab Team
Hola padres y tutores,
A medida que nos acercamos al final del primer trimestre de calificaciones, queremos asegurarnos de que tengan una manera confiable de mantenerse en contacto con los maestros de sus hijos. En Fannin, utilizamos la aplicación Talking Points, una plataforma conveniente para la comunicación entre maestros y familias.
A través de Talking Points, los maestros pueden enviar actualizaciones importantes, como fotos del trabajo en clase, anuncios y recordatorios. La aplicación también traduce automáticamente los mensajes al idioma de su preferencia para mayor comodidad. Los maestros comparten regularmente información sobre las calificaciones de los estudiantes, actividades próximas, exámenes, expectativas de la clase y más.
Les animamos a utilizar esta aplicación para hacer preguntas sobre el progreso de su hijo, preguntar sobre calificaciones o abordar cualquier inquietud que puedan tener. Además, responder a los mensajes de los maestros es esencial para asegurar una comunicación efectiva. Incluso un simple pulgar hacia arriba o un corazón les permite saber que han recibido y reconocido su mensaje.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo en la educación de sus hijos.
El equipo de IDEA/CityLab
12th Grade English
12th Grade Spanish
Family and Community Engagement
Dallas ISD Community Listening Meetings
The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees will hold Community Listening events for parents, students, staff, and community members to engage in this important process.
Need to see this Smore Newsletter in a different language?
Teachers of the Year
CityLab Teacher of the Year; Megan James
Ms. James, so deserving to be named Teacher of the Year. Not only is she an incredible educator, but she does so many additional things for the school, such as; recruiting, senior sponsor, FFA sponsor, CTE Lead, and many more. We are very grateful to have such an amazing educator on our campus doing so much to ensure our students are prepared for their future. A huge High Five to Ms. James.
IDEA Teacher of the Year: Rachael Esquivel
Ms. Esquivel, so deserving to be named Teacher of the Year for IDEA. She is an amazing educator who takes on the roles of teacher, instructional coach, data analyst, tutoring coordinator, and she has been supporting our math vacancy. She does a great job meeting the needs of students to ensure they are successful. We are very lucky to have such a tremendous educator. Ms. Esquivel the next Starbucks is on me.
Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship Academy at Fannin