Eagle Connect: January 2025

January 2025
A Message from Principal Dr. Chris Botts
January 2025
Happy end of the first semester and welcome to the new year (2025). Seeing that year might resonate a little differently with families who have seniors who will graduate this Spring. It has been a pleasure serving as your student(s) principal and hope they have a great last semester. As parents and caregivers, I hope you make the most of this time with your student. Time sure does go fast! We have quite a few updates, so please read the News & Notes section carefully.
News & Notes
Administratively, we have a big change. Mr. Mitch Linn is officially re-retiring and he will not return in January. We have greatly appreciated Mr. Linn, his leadership, and seeing his passion for working with students. Fortunately, we were able to secure Mr. Dave Hickerson to take over in January as assistant principal. Mr. Hickerson formerly served as the principal at MSHS and has spent a majority of his retirement as a sub administrator for many school districts including Derby, Goddard, and Basehor-Linwood. Mr. Hickerson will take over as the 9th grade administrator. We wish Mr. Linn all the best and welcome Mr. Hickerson back to MHS!
As we return from winter break, the start of second semester will be on Wednesday, January 8th. Students will have new classes at this time. Please have students check Skyward but please know that counselors will still be balancing schedules so some may change.
Starting 2nd semester, there will be a new cell phone policy in place for USD 266 high schools. In short, students cannot have their cell out or in use during class time. This includes all block classes and FLEX. Students will be allowed to use their devices during passing periods and lunch. Here is the new policy. Because we know many students use their phones to listen to music during down time in class, we have been able to get Spotify unblocked on all student chromebooks. However, students will need to have wired headphones in order to listen to their music.
If students are found to be in violation of this policy, the school consequences would be as follows:
Verbal warning from teacher/staff member, written notification by teacher to parent/guardian
Confiscation by teacher/staff member, device taken to office and picked up by student at the end of the day, student will complete a behavior reflection sheet, parent will be notified of the violation Parent/guardian will need to pick up the device at the office, and this policy will be signed by the parent/guardian picking up the device. Discipline will be assigned to the student:
1st offense: 1 hour detention
2nd offense: 2 hour detention
3rd offense: 3 hour detention
I want to thank everyone for the donations of non-perishable food items, coats, hoodies, and cash! We collected almost 700 pounds of food and a ton of clothes for both Maslow’s Pantry and Harbor House.
The winning Flex classes were: 1st Place (Burgett); 2nd Place (Sauer); 3rd Place (Utt and Schantz)
The new McDonalds at 37th and Maize Road opened recently and invited the Maize High School band to perform and help celebrate their grand opening!! Thanks to all the band students and parents for their support!
For all underclassmen, we will begin the 25-26 enrollment process in late January and early February. It is a good time for students and parents/caregivers to begin talking about classes, electives, and opportunities for next school year!
Have an awesome new year!
With Eagle Pride,
Dr. Botts
Stay Connected
Visit our school website at www.usd266.com/mhs.
Connect with Dr. Botts at cbotts@usd266.com or 316-722-0441.
Maize High School is located at 11600 W. 45th St. North in Maize.
January Students of the Month
Attendance Matters for Credit!
Students may have 5 absences per class, per 9 week term. Students will risk losing credit for classes after the 5th absence. Professional documentation is the only way to have an absence excused and not count toward credit and/or Truancy.
If you need to call out a student for an appointment we ask that you call in as early in the day as possible. We start answering phones at 7:00am. By doing this, we can ensure that your student has a pass to leave at the time you need them to leave.
MHS Lunch Policy
Maize High School does NOT have an open lunch policy. Any student called out during 3rd block will be marked absent for the entire block unless returning with professional documentation. Parents/guardians wanting to take their student to lunch without an absence may do so by coming into the office, signing your student out, and having that student back within their 30 minute lunch period.
MHS does not accept food deliveries or outside food to be delivered to a student. Outside food may NOT be taken into the commons area during lunch time.
Flex Fridays
Flex is a for credit class for graduation. On Fridays, students have the opportunity to leave Flex early if they adhere to the following rules:
1. Students MUST check in with their flex teacher before leaving.
2. Failure to check in will result in an absence in Flex and a 1 hour detention.
3. Students can not leave if they have more than 5 absences in the current term.
4. Students can not leave if they have a tardy in any block.
5. Students must not be on the D/F list.
6. No disciplinary issues for the week.
"Flex Week" starts on Friday and runs to the following Thursday. Example, If a student is tardy to 3rd block on Friday that will count for flex NEXT Friday and not that day.
Students who do not have an immediate ride or ride the bus must stay in flex class until the final bell rings.
If you need to call out your student for flex class we ask that you do so as early in the day as possible.
Counselor's Corner
Greetings from the Counseling Department at Maize High School!
Betsy Manning, Director of School Counseling
School Counselor for students whose last names begin with A through B
Office Phone: 316-350-2120 & email: bmanning@usd266.com
Katie Shephard, School Counselor for students whose last names begin with C through G Office Phone: 316-350-2118 & email: kshephard@usd266.com
Megan Bleier, School Counselor for students whose last names begin with H through L Office Phone: 316-350-2119 & email: mbleier@usd266.com
Katie Wiechman, School Counselor for students whose last names begin with M through R
Office Phone: 316-350-2147 & email: kwiechman@usd266.com
Anne Debes, School Counselor for students whose last names begin with S through Z Office Phone: 316-350-2114 & email: adebes@usd266.com
Diane Close, College & Career Advocate for all students
Office Phone: 316-350-2281 & email: dclose@usd266.com
Kami Smith, Counseling Secretary
Office Phone: 316-350-2122 & email: krsmith@usd266.com
MHS Counseling Facebook Page
Follow us on our Facebook page, MHS Counseling Center, for all the latest updates from the MHS Counseling department.
Important Dates
January 29th - 30th - Senior announcements will be delivered from 10:30 - 1:30 in the Commons
February 3rd - 5th - Enrollment meetings for 25-26 school year
February 12th - Course Requests for 25-26 school year due to Flex teachers
February 13th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 8 - 3:40
February 25th - Junior ACT and Sophomore Pre-ACT testing
March 5th and 6th - Cap & Gown delivery in Commons 10:30 - 1:30
April 11th - Last day to turn in pictures for the Senior Slideshow
May 13th - Last day of classes for seniors
May 14th - Senior parade, breakfast, graduation practice
May 14th - MHS Graduation @ Hartman Arena @ 6:30 PM
Senior Slideshow Pictures
Senior parents/guardians are invited to submit pictures of Class of 2025 seniors for the senior slideshow that is shown before the commencement ceremony and during the senior breakfast in May. For each senior, one baby/toddler picture and one current picture may be emailed to mhsseniorpics@usd266.com. JPEG format is preferred. Please submit photos by April 11th.
Junior ACT Test Date
All 11th grade MHS students will have the opportunity to take the ACT during the school day on February 25th. Since this test is offered by the district, students do not need to complete registration.
National ACT Test Date Reminder
Friday, February 28th is the last day to sign up for the Saturday, April 5th ACT test. To sign up for an ACT test date, students and parents need to create an account at my.act.org. Students who wish to use Maize High School as a test center should enter the Test Center Code 213970 during registration. To ensure Maize High gets a copy of your test scores to list on your transcript, use the High School Code: 171-885. If paying for your student to take the ACT presents a financial hardship for your family, or if you qualify for free or reduced lunches, please contact your student’s counselor for information about fee waivers for the ACT.
General ACT Test Information
ACT scores can be important for a variety of reasons; for example, students can show proficiency when applying to community colleges and avoid taking a placement test. Some colleges also give students credit for introductory math and English classes if they score well. ACT scores and GPA are often used to award scholarships, which are a great way to congratulate students for doing well academically.
Students can take the ACT up to 12 times, but most don’t need that many practice tests. More than 50% of students who take the test more than once will increase their scores, so at least one full test in addition to the one provided by Maize High is recommended. Maize High will provide a paid ACT testing date for all MHS juniors in February during a designated school day.
To sign up for a Saturday ACT test date, students and parents need to create an account at my.act.org. Students who took the ACT provided by Maize High during their junior year will already have an ACT ID number to use when setting up their accounts (contact your school counselor for this ID number). The ACT is offered on Saturdays in June, July, September, October, December, February, and April. Saturday test locations include Maize High School during the months when school is in session. MHS juniors do not need to register online for the February during-school test date provided by MHS.
To use Maize High as a test center, use the test center code: 213970
To make sure Maize High gets a copy of your test scores to list on your transcript, use the high school code: 171-885
Students can take the test at any point in high school. To determine the best time for your student to take the ACT, consider these things:
Pick a time of year when your student doesn’t have activities on Saturdays (especially sports)
Choose a test date after your student has completed Algebra II (or is taking any higher-level math).
Complete Chemistry I before taking the test to improve Science Section scores.
By October of their senior year, students should have submitted at least one ACT score to the college(s) where they plan to apply for admission. When they take the junior year test provided by Maize High, they will have the opportunity to send the score to at least 4 colleges. Most colleges will allow students to submit a higher score to improve their eligibility for scholarships even after their application is accepted. Check with specific colleges to find out what options and deadlines apply.
ACT Workshop
Power Prep ACT Workshops take place at MHS throughout the year. Each workshop includes two evening sessions covering practical and relevant information on how to increase your ACT score. The cost of each workshop is $85. For more information regarding workshop dates and registration, please go to http://actprep.info/maize .
Driver’s Education
Online Driver’s Education is a district course offered to high school students who meet the minimum age requirement of 14. This course is offered each term during the school year with a limit of 40 students each term. The book work is available 24/7 online, and the driving is done after school. Drive times are typically 3:00, 4:00; 5:00 PM for one hour. The course is pass/fail (.25 credit) and the course cost is $200. It is recommended that students obtain a learners permit before enrolling in this course. If you would like to enroll in Online Driver’s Education, the student and parent/guardian must both attend the enrollment night.
Term 4 Driver’s Education Enrollment Date/meeting:
March 4, 2024 at 6:00 PM MSHS Commons
Questions – contact Brent Pfeifer (bpfeifer@usd266.com) or John Anderson (janderson@usd266.com) Click here for link to district Driver’s Ed website information.
NCAA Eligibility for Student Athletes
Many student athletes wish to compete at the highest levels in college sports; however, NCAA Division I and Division II sports have high standards of academic achievement that require special attention to class selection and GPA throughout a student’s high school career. Please click on these NCAA Division I and Division II Fact Sheets for a quick overview of current standards, and contact your school counselor early on with questions regarding potential eligibility.
College and Career
College & Career Center Updates
All students are invited to utilize the College & Career Center as a resource to navigate the high school experience through developing and updating their Individual Plans of Study. One-on-one assistance is available to students as they work to align future career interests with courses offered through MHS and MCA. Current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are encouraged to schedule an appointment to discuss their plans before enrollment in February. Updating current plans will make the 2025-2026 enrollment process go smoothly.
Mark your calendars!
Upcoming College Tours open to sophomores, juniors & seniors
January 13th FAFSA Completion Event -
January 21st Presentation during FLEX in the C & C Center for students interested in an apprenticeship program. This includes Electrical, Ironworkers (welding), Plumbers & Pipefitters (HVAC), and Sheet Metal.
January 30th WSU Tech
February 17th College Visit to Newman University
February 21st College Visit to Friends University
March 27th College Visit to Fort Hays State University
April 3rd - College Visit to Pittsburg State University
April 16th - Career Fair for seniors planning to enter an apprenticeship program or go directly to the workforce. This will be held in the MCA Hub.
April 23rd College Visit to Butler Community College
In preparation for senior students and their parents to complete the FAFSA which is now open, make sure to complete the FSA ID in advance. Go to studentaid.gov, “create, " and click the “start now” button. Please remember the student and parent must have separate email addresses and phone numbers. Student email addresses SHOULD NOT be their school email address.
2025-2026 Fusion Newsmagazine
Buy a yearbook!
Now is the best time to buy the 2024-25 yearbook. The cost is $45 but will go up to $50 in March! You can purchase the yearbook by clicking on this link.
Recognize your senior!
Celebrate your student's final year in high school with a senior tribute. You can purchase eighth-page, quarter-page, half-page and full-page tribute by going to the Jostens website.
Nurses Corner
Health Matters by Dana Desjardins, MHS RN
Maize Illness policy from the Student Handbook: 15.1 Illness
Students who are ill should never be sent to school. Students with temperatures at or above 100
degrees will be sent home. They must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing
medication before returning to class. The school health rooms are set up to give first aid to the sick and injured, do screenings, and give necessary mediations and care for students with chronic health problems. Ill students need to be picked up quickly in order to prevent the spread of disease to others. The school attempts to provide a safe and accident-free environment. For further policy information please visit the Maize District website.
- If you are unsure, always call the school nurse before sending an ill student to school at (316) 350-2123 or (316) 350-2137.
Important Resources for Parents and Teens
Suicide Crisis Lifeline – call or text 988
Poison Control – 1-800-222-1222
Prepped & Ready – Parent videos and toolkits- steps to take before a crisis.
Songs for Charlie – (english)thenewdrugtalk.org (spanish)lanuevadrugtalk.org– expert advise, free
tools and education to help families stay connected and stay safe.
United Way of the Plains – 211 Information and Referral service for community resources.
Over the Counter Medications Policy 2024-2025 School Year-
No more carrying over the counter medications! All medication must be brought to
the school nurses office. The parent may log in to their Skyward Account, go to Online
Forms, then click on Over the Counter Medication Consent Forms. Click on what over
the counter medications you would like the school nurse to give.
If you would like your student to take something other than what the school nurse
has for over the counter medications, sign and return the medication form and bring the medication
into the school nurse. Please click the link below.
Prescription Medications - Will your child be taking prescription meds at MHS? You will need to print the medication form, have the prescribing doctor fill it out and return it to MHS Nurse with the prescription. Parents or an adult must bring the prescription medications to school in their prescribed bottle. Please click the link below for the the medication form.
Inhalers, EpiPens, Diabetic Medications, Seizure Meds – All need a signed medication form. Parents can print the medication form and have their doctor's send the health plans to the school nurse. Print the medication form and have their doctor send the health plan to the school nurse. Again, the link to the medication form is below.
Students Going Home - Have your teen check out through the school nurse if they are going home sick or have injured themselves during the school day. We are here to help them get home safely.
School Nurse Office Hours: 7:20am to 2:55pm Monday through Friday. Phone 316-350-2123.
Be safe and take care!
Immunization Requirements for the 2024-2025 School Year
Zero Reasons Why
You are no doubt a parent or caregiver who deeply cares about the wellbeing of a teenager. As an adult who cares, there are many ways you can help improve the mental health of the teens in your life.
Zero Reasons Why is a teen led organization seeking to break the stigma of mental health. The teens involved in the campaign believe one of the biggest barriers to their mental health is when parents or caregivers don’t recognize mental health as a real or valid health concern. Having an honest, empathetic conversation about mental health with their parents can be challenging, let alone accessing additional support like therapy when needed. For information on the Zero Reasons Why campaign and for support in having conversations related to mental health with your teen please visit #zeroreasonswhy.org
Do you know the mental health supports available at Maize High School? Did you know there is a mental health intervention team member in each school grades 5-12? For more information on the MHIT program please email your behavioral health liaison Ashleigh Hughbanks at ahughbanks@usd266.com
Important Student Resources
Did you know that if you text 741741 when you are feeling depressed or suicidal, a crisis worker will text you back immediately and continue to text with you? Many people don’t like talking on the phone and would be more comfortable texting. It's a FREE service to ANYONE - teens, adults, etc. - who lives in the U.S. It's run by The Crisis Text Line.
You. Matter. #youmattertome
Maslow's Closet
Maslow's closet is currently taking donations. Maslow's closet provides, food, clothing, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies to families in the Maize area. This assistance is available to any student in any Maize school.
Athletics and Activities
- . Our most up-to-date event schedule is available at bit.ly/MHSschedules. You can also follow us on social media. On Facebook, search for Maize Eagle Athletics and Activities. On X, you can find us at MaizeEagleAD and on Instagram at MaizeEagle_AD
- If you are going to an event, you can purchase tickets in advance by going to our GoFan page at bit.ly/MHSEaglestix
Upcoming Eagle Events
World Languages Department Trip
Ever dreamt of riding to the top of the Swiss Alps? Seeing the curving streets of Monaco? Learning to dance Flamenco in Spain? Come join the World Languages department in the summer of 2026 for our 11 day trip to Switzerland, Italy, France and Spain. Students and families are welcome! For more information contact Mrs. De La Torre (adelatorre@usd266.com), Ms. Prendes (aprendes@usd266.com), Mr. Mercado (vmercado@usd266.com) or Mrs. Moon (amoon@usd266.com) for more info!
National Honor Society
New Inductions!
Maize High School inducted 49 Juniors and 23 Seniors into the National Honor Society for the 2024-2025 school year. Congratulations to all!
Maize High School Eagles Doing Great Things
Nine Maize High School Orchestra students participated in Wichita Honor Youth Symphony concerts over the Fall Break. They did a great job! Congratulations!
Jack Bowen- violin
Lyla Lansdown- violin
Jordan Vogt - violin
Mack Carlo - viola
Jennifer Speer - viola
Johanna Speer - viola
Katelyn Wheeler - viola
Jaeson Chan - cello
Logan Tener- cello
Mrs. Sauer's Foundations Class
Mrs. Sauer's Foundations class worked hard on their art lesson plans for the preschool children at the ECC. The class was also busy providing babysitting for community members.
FAID Class
The Fashion, Apparel, and Interior Design (FAID) sewing classes invited family and friends to join them for their December Show & Sew. Students' term work and creativity were showcased. Students and guests created gnome ornaments or hot coco gift bags.
Eagle Updates
Spirit Central
Check out the Spirit Central website for all your Maize Eagle spirit gear! You can purchase online and then choose to pick-up at the school or have the merchandise shipped to you! All proceeds support the Maize High Business Professionals of America club.
Morning Bus Traffic Reminder
Please be mindful and YIELD the right of way to the buses when they arrive in the morning. Please DO NOT try to dart in between the buses. Allowing the buses to pull into the parking lot and proceed to the south entry doors is priority. Thank you - Crossing Guard Staff
2nd Chance Breakfast
The second chance breakfast is a great opportunity for our students that arrive late. The kitchen will be open 9am to 9:20am,we ask that students only come down during their block 2 passing period (if they missed early morning breakfast which is 7:10am to 7:30) and not their bathroom breaks.
Moxi Mondays
Maize USD 266 Food Service and MOXI Junction, a coffeehouse and bakery in Maize, are making Mondays a little easier with MOXI Mondays during school breakfast. Check out our breakfast menus to see when your student will have the opportunity to select a freshly baked carmelita bar from MOXI Junction as a part of their school breakfast. Students can select a carmelita and add choices of fruit, juice, and milk.