Family Wellness Wednesday
Vol. 4 Issue 2 - OCTOBER 2024
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Academic Corner
Reading stamina is a child’s ability to focus and read independently for long-ish periods of time without being distracted or without distracting others.
Reading stamina is something that parents can help their children develop. Here’s how:
1. Vary the way the reading is done
Parents can think about this in terms of having their child “read to himself, read to someone, and listen to reading.” Some combination of the three should make up the reading time, especially for new or struggling readers.
2. Choose “just right” books
If your child is at a stage of being able to read alone, help him choose books that he is able to read independently. This means he should be able to decode almost every word in the book correctly.
In this situation, avoid using books that are too difficult to read alone. If your child will be reading with you, choose books that are lively and engaging.
3. Set reasonable goals
Most toddlers and preschoolers find it difficult to sit for long periods of time, even with the most engaging book! When starting out, limit book time to just a few minutes and work up from there. For elementary aged readers, consider starting with 10-15 minutes of reading time, and work up from there. Add a few minutes to your reading time every week or so.
4. Celebrate progress
Without getting too caught up on the number of minutes spent reading, celebrate the time that is spent reading. Share your favorite parts of books read, plan the next visit to the library, and share progress with other family members.
Spending longer periods of time reading means fewer interruptions and more time reading what you love. As your child moves into higher grades, having reading stamina will help your child navigate the longer texts and assignments. Using these tips can help develop more stamina in your reader
By: Reading Rockets
8 Ways to Have a Great School Year
It’s that exciting time of year again when summer vacation draws to a close and a new school year emerges. A new school year equals a fresh start. And who doesn’t need a fresh start this year?
Here are eight ways to help make this the best school year ever.
1. Plan Healthy Lunches
2. Family Dinners
3. Dress for Success
4. Set up a Sleep Routine
5. Get to Know your Teachers
6. Create a Distraction-free Learning Area
7. Talk About Bullying
8. Ask your Kids about their Concerns
To read more about each section, click on link below.
Skyward Tips
Did you know that the 1st grading period ends on October 11, 2024?
Please take some time to review your student's grades with them and discuss a plan to raise their grades to finish strong for their first report card for the year. Be sure to discuss the expectations for your household involving grades. Below are a few links to help with the conversation.
Instructions to View Student Grades
Below you will find the link to view your student’s grades. Using the link below, allows you to see actual grades before they are posted. Parents have the option to view grades daily or weekly to help their student be academically successful. See the link below in English and Spanish.
Parent Instructions to View Grades (English)
Parent Directions to Set Up Emails to View Grades Weekly
Parents are also encouraged to set up email notifications of their student's grades. You can set up a weekly email to be sent with the student’s grades and attendance. Below you will find the link to help set up the emails.
Parent Directions to Set Up Emails to View Grades Weekly (English)
Parent Directions to Set up Emails to View Grades Weekly (Spanish)
Parenting on the Go Workshops
The purpose of these sessions is to educate and empower our families with knowledge to support their students at home.
All sessions are from 6- 7:30 p.m. And if you are unable to attend session, don't worry!! You can always watch the recorded session.
Click here to view all of our workshops for this semester and pre-register!
Click here to view our past recordings.
(Our last topic was on Elevating Parent-Teacher Conferences. We shared many helpful tips so please make sure to go back and watch!)
Immunization Clinic at GPISD!
Our Health and Wellness Department is hosting an immunization clinic on Saturday October 19, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm at the Grand Family Service Center.
For additional information on how to sign up, please contact your school nurse.
Parkland Offering Flu Shots
Toddler Time!
Do you have a toddler at home? If so, come join us!!
Get ready to shake, rattle and roll as your toddler dances, marches and runs their way to literacy success!
Join us monthly at either Grand Family Service Center or at Dickinson. Dates and times can be found on the flyers below.
This interactive discovery time gives your child the opportunity to explore their world with new friends as they begin to move about. It's a lot of fun and we would love for you to join us!
Message from Bilingual/ESL Department
Join us for a Parent Workshop on the Benefits of Bilingualism
GPISD parents and families of emergent bilingual students,
We would love for you to join a Zoom meeting to hear the benefits of bilingualism and how it impacts your child's development.
Your insights and input are essential in helping the Texas Education Agency (TEA) determine what new information and resources are needed to promote bilingual education. Come share your ideas of how we can share this important information with other parents and families in Texas.
Please register for one of the two Zoom meetings below:
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (C.T.)
Thursday, October 10, 2024
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (C.T.)
Counseling Services & College Readiness Department
Is your student ready to tackle their college list or application?
High school students will learn what to expect when they begin the college application process and how to submit applications. Seniors will also get the chance to apply to a college on-site! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get valuable information and assistance, we will see you there!
Register here: ⇢ https://forms.gle/SFYMh5faeSh8q7FT7
Optional Insurance for GPISD Device
We are excited to announce our new Call 4 Care initiative, allowing parents to call 972-522-7070 for assistance with mental health, food, clothing, and other essential needs.
The Counseling Center provides support for students facing behavioral or emotional concerns, including depression, anxiety, grief, and self-esteem issues, with services offered both in-person and virtually.
Also, the Social Work Hub offers clothing, uniform support, and food assistance, including monthly food boxes and extra meals during holidays.
We also provide school supplies, hygiene products, and other items to assist families at home.
If your family needs support in any of these areas, please do not hesitate to reach out through Call 4 Care at 972-522-7070 or visit our website www.gpisd.org/Call4Care if your family needs assistance.
Does your family live:
- in a homeless, domestic, or other similar type shelter
- in a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation
- in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
- doubled-up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship
If you answered yes to any of the above, your child might be able to receive help through a federal law called McKinney-Vento Act.
Please click here to provide us with some basic information and someone will reach out to you.
Parents we want you! Join our School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
GPISD Grand Family Service Center
This facility provides a wide array of essential services, including assistance with student registration, language proficiency assessments, assistance with lunch applications, access to food, clothing, school supplies, and much more.
Established with the objective of minimizing travel across the district, the center offers a supportive and welcoming environment to efficiently meet the diverse needs of our families.
Looking for a job? We can help!
Buscando trabajo? Nosotros podemos ayudar!
Join us at the Senior Wellness Fiesta
Súmate al Senior Wellness Fiesta
Creating Positive Healthy Communities
ROSAesROJO delivers health and well-being education to Hispanic women and their families in the U.S. by creating positive health communities where culturally tailored and accessible chronic disease prevention programs are at the center.
Maria Herrera, LCSW
Email: maria.herrera@gpisd.org
Website: https://www.gpisd.org/FamilyCommunityEngagement
Location: 1301 E Coral Way, Grand Prairie, TX, USA
Phone: 972-522-3196
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GPISDfamilyengagement/