The IMS Connection
Volume 21, Issue 10: June 2024
June 2024
June has arrived, and the beautiful summer weather as well. It is wonderful spending more time outside than inside.
Another successful year is coming to a close. But before we go, we still have plenty of activities ahead of us. As the year comes to a close, be certain to look at the finals schedule on our website for important, dates, times, bussing, and exam information.
Take a moment and reflect on this past year, spend some time on the accomplishments and growth the children have made. Being a positive energetic middle schooler takes so much more than just being a kid. What worked, what could be better, how can I begin to prepare for next year are a few questions that help us reflect.
The balance of home, friends, school, activities, and growing up is a never-ending journey, but flourishes during the early teenage years.
Extending positive thoughts from a friendly middle school,
Timothy P. Martin
June 2024
First and foremost, thank you for a wonderful year! Our students (your children), our staff, and yourselves are amazing to work with. I am very proud to refer to myself as a member of the IMS community. Also, the PTA deserves a special thank you for their generosity, hard work, and concern. It's hard to believe that the end of the school year is coming upon us. June is a time of celebration and reflection of accomplishment, but before we can enjoy the festivities we must keep our eye on ball, be sure that all that hard work, care, concern, and effort you have put in has prepared you for final exams and if appropriate regents exams.
Eight graders you will be missed, but rest assure that you will always have a place to return to call home as well as a special place in our hearts. Be sure to embrace high school, enjoy it, work hard, celebrate the big and small moments. It will go fast. Soon you will be considering colleges & careers. Be sure to have fun and follow your heart as you track down your purpose and set a course that will last a lifetime.
Please check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to view photos, videos, and news about amazing things going on at IMS. Our new Google Site has up-to-date info on everything you need to navigate your time at IMS, but if any questions do arise, I invite you to reach out to me via e-mail at cjuengereks@islipufsd.org or call me directly at (631) 650-8515.
Always remember, “The Journey of Ten Thousand Steps begin with a single step.”
Be Sure to Always, Always, Enjoy.
Curt Juengerkes
Assistant Principal
Islip Middle School
June 2024
Summer has arrived this month. June 21st marks the Summer Solstice, the longest day of sunlight of the year. It is a month full of so many different activities here at IMS. Whether you’re excited for our end of year concerts, field days, the 8th grade dance, or even National Donut Day on June 3rd, there is something for everyone.
We will celebrate our 7th and 8th grade musicians on Tuesday, June 4th. The 6th graders will perform on Thursday, June 13th. As always, parents are welcome to attend these evening performances at 7 pm.
As we get to the end of the school year I want to take a moment and thank everyone for a successful year. I am appreciative of the support that we receive from our IMS families and students.
Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to each of the terrific dads that celebrate this month! Whether you are a father, grandfather, uncle, or caregiver, our students would not be the same without you, and we appreciate you!
We look forward to an amazing final month of school and as always, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help your child be successful.
Ms. Jamie Wright
Dean of Students
We can all learn from our past experiences. Think about the many good things you have accomplished and share them with your children. If there are any events you could change, what would they be and how could you or others benefit from that reflective action?
Renaissance Rave
Our last Raffle of the year was a HUGE Success! We gave away a bunch of prizes! The students had a ton of fun! We are looking forward to celebrating the 4th quarter successes in September of next year. This year has been fantastic! Our IMS Students are Simply the BEST! Keep working hard and being KIND! Enjoy the Summer! We'd like to thank the staff of IMS. We appreciate your support! Our students are able to thrive and connect because of your efforts! As always, we encourage our IMS family and beyond to: LOOK GOOD! FEEL GOOD! DO GOOD!
June 5-7
It’s end-of-year field day time!
- 8th Grade: Friday, 6/7
- Bagel Breakfast Period 1 and Advisory. 8 Purple-Montauk, 8 Green-Fire Island, until books distributed
- 7th Grade: Thursday, 6/6
- 6th Grade: Wednesday, 6/5
- Rain Dates: 6/10 -6/12
- Periods 1-5 students will attend regularly scheduled classes.
- Lunch Approximately 12:45.
- 12:20 PM – 2:15 all students outside.
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- Hats
- Long Sleeves
- Water Bottles
- Blankets
- Towels
- Handheld Games
- Students should not bring their own sports equipment; it will be provided.
June 2024
Counselors spent the greater part of the month of May meeting with students to help ease their anxieties about upcoming transitions.
Middle school counselors visited Commack Road Elementary School and Sherwood Elementary School to discuss the many differences they will encounter at the Middle School in just a few short months. We discussed classes, schedules, and exciting new ventures, such as lockers and the various food choices at lunch! We hope that our upcoming 6th graders are feeling at ease and excited about beginning their middle school journey! Keep an eye out for our walk-through that will occur during the month of August. We can’t wait to see you all next year!
8th grade students were also visited by students from our high school’s Buccaneer University! They learned all about the high school and participated in games and activities mimicking the high school’s Battle of the Classes!
The end of the year is rapidly winding down, though it feels like just yesterday we were starting the 2023-2024 school year! June will be filled with exciting end-of-year activities, such as grade-level field days, the 8th grade breakfast, yearbook distribution, and the 8th grade dance! 8th graders: don’t forget to purchase your ticket to the 8th grade dance by June 7th!
Schedules for next year’s classes will be released at the end of August on your Infinite Campus Portal. If you have any questions regarding your child’s courses for next year, please feel free to reach out to your child’s counselor. Counselors are in the office through the end of June.
As Regents and final exams quickly approach, be sure to take a look at the testing schedule located on the IMS Google site. For those of you taking a Regents exam, be sure to leave your cell phone at home, as having a phone while taking the exam will invalidate your score! Here are some helpful study tips for your Regents and final exams.
We hope you have a wonderful, and relaxing Summer. We can’t wait to see you back here in September!
Students from CARE, KIC, and the NJHS participated in Veteran’s Walk-A-Thon on Tuesday May 21. high school and middle school students and teachers, along with district administrators, walked to the Islip Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial to personally meet and thank several veterans in attendance.
With the generous support of sponsors, over $1250.00 was donated to the Rusy-Bohm American Legion Auxiliary of Islip to benefit the VA Medical Center Homeless program and Honor Flight Network of NY.
This event highlights how service to others can go a long way in bringing a community together. Thank you, teachers, students, and administrators for showing your support for our clubs.
3- MS Academic Awards, 7pm, MS Auditorium
4- 7th & 8th Grade Spring Concert. 7pm, MS Auditorium
10- BOE Meeting, 7:30pm, HS Auditorium
13- 6th Grade Spring Concert, 7pm, MS Auditorium
19- Juneteenth, Schools Closed
21- 8th Grade Dance, 6pm, MS
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS
Instagram: @IslipMS