SFSS Weekly Family Update
May 3, 2024

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
This week has many activities and events.
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Our PTO has planned many treats and small gifts to shower our amazing teachers with throughout the week. Our teachers are a huge part of our everyday and we could not do what we do without them!
Monday is a Spirit Wear day! Please make sure bottoms are the appropriate length. (No shorter than mid-thigh.) Appropriate footwear must be worn. (No sandals, crocs, open toe or open back shoes.) Thank you for your help with this.
3rd - 8th graders will be taking the New York State Math Assessment Tuesday and Wednesday.
We have Ascension Thursday Mass on Thursday, May 9th at 8:30 am in St. Stephen Church. We will honor the 3rd Quarter honor roll students: Natalie Dorn, Anthony Humphrey, Griffin Peters, Elizabeth Scibona, and Katelyn Good.
Friday we have our annual May Crowning at 1 pm in St. Stephen Church. See more information below.
May Crowning
This Friday, May 10th is the annual May Crowning event at 1 pm in St. Stephen Church. All moms, aunts, grandmothers and special friends, are invited to our event. Students are encouraged to bring flowers to present at the event - flowers may be bought or picked from personal property.
Students will sit with their family as every student has a part of the rosary to pray aloud.
Students are asked to dress up for this event.
Our Amazing Students!
Spelling Bee
Congratulations to 6th grader, Lucy Humphrey!
She was our school representative at this year's Sr. Mary Smith Invitational Spelling Bee. Lucy came in 5th place out of 11. The words spelled made it all the way to the 8th grade level. We could not be more proud of Lucy!
2024 Diocese of Rochester Student Virtual Art Show
Click the link to check out our school's submissions!
Kindness Calendars
What is a kindness calendar?
A calendar with different dollar amounts for each day in May. We support in May, so we can Act in June! This is our last fundraiser of the school year!
Here's how it works:
· Ask family, friends, neighbors, etc. to sponsor a day on your “calendar”.
· Write their name on the chart next to the day they are donating to.
· Place the money in the envelope.
· Return the envelope on or before June 3rd.
· We will act on the kindness activities throughout the month of June.
· Students who have sponsors for days such as “get me an out of uniform slip” or “buy my classmates and I lunch” will receive these treats on different days in June.
Last year we raised $3,700. With that money we were able to:
- Make snack bags with encouraging messages for our local law enforcement, fire department, and EMTs.
-Purchase the new desks and chairs in 3rd grade.
-Purchase the button rug in PreK.
-Buy additional cereal for the Center of Concern which we made into a domino run.
-Purchase some dog and cat food for the animal shelter.
-Purchase the food for the hot dog, hamburger, and cheeseburger lunch on field day.
-Buy flowers to place on the side altar next to the tabernacle.
This year, we hope we can do more with the donations given. We are also looking for additional boxes of cereal for our domino event.
This weekend at Mass
Memorial Day Parade
Time to get out our spirit wear and head down to the parade, well...two parades.
An easy way for our school to market our school and have fun doing it, is to walk in the Geneva or the Waterloo Memorial Day Parade. Last year, handing out water bottles was such a hit. We are going to do it again!
A form will be sent home to see if your family will walk in one or both of the parades and who is able to donate a case of water.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Our school counselor, Mrs. Felice has a little at home challenge for our students to help identify coping skills and strategies. See the attached document for more information.