Distance Education Newsletter
April 5, 2021 | Kapi‘olani Community College
Celebrate Spring with Growth!
----Professional Development Opportunities---
Apply Now for TOPP Summer 2021
As we mark five years since the launch of the Teaching Online Prep Program (TOPP) at Kapi‘olani CC, it’s time to roll out a revamped and redesigned TOPP to meet the growing online learning trends and evolving campus needs, especially post-pandemic. This summer, three new modules of TOPP will be offered to help prepare faculty to increase their technology skills, create a learning plan, and develop an online/hybrid class using the latest learning technologies.
All participants will receive a digital badge and Kapi‘olani CC participants will receive a $200 stipend for each completed module.
May 17-21, 2020 (1 Week) | Online Synchronous
Recommended for anyone ready to build basic skills in Zoom, Google Suite, Laulima, and basic ADA.
May 24-June 4, 2021 (2 Weeks) | Online Asynchronous
Create a detailed plan for active learning that aligns with the course learning outcomes. This module will prepare you for the next step of creating an online/hybrid class in TOPP: Building an Online Classroom.
June 7-July 2, 2021 (4 Weeks) | Online Mostly Asynchronous
Build an online/hybrid classroom in Laulima with guidance from the facilitators and a small group of peers. Must have completed Pre-TOPP: Course Planning for Active Learning and/or completed a Course Map. Priority will be given to those who applied to both Pre-TOPP: Course Planning for Active Learning and this module.
📆 APPLICATION Deadline: Monday, April 12, 2021
❶ Eligibility for the stipends: Any 9-month Kapi‘olani faculty/lecturer, NOT teaching during Summer Session I.
❷ Total stipend amount for each person may not exceed $600.
❸ Each module has a limited number of seats. Although the program is open to faculty from any UH campus, priority will be given to Kapi‘olani CC faculty. Applicants will be notified of their status by April 26th.
For more details, see the TOPP Information Sheet. Email: kaptopp@hawaii.edu if you have questions.
Tour Colleagues' Online Classes
Fridays, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
- February 5, 12, 19, & 26
- March 12
- April 9, 16, 23, & 30
Zoom link: https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/96315187922
Meeting ID: 963 1518 7922Passcode: sweet!
Contact Leigh Dooley (ldooley@hawaii.edu) for more information.
Free Webinars!
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
The Butterfly Effect: Reimagining Online Student Engagement (Wednesday 4/7, 7:00 - 8:00 am HST)
Alternative Online Assessment Practices: Empowering Students, Ensuring Equality & Maintaining Rigor (Tuesday 4/13, 7:00 - 8:30 am HST)
How One School Increased Graduation Rates by 20% Using High-impact Practices (Thursday 4/15, 9:00 - 10:00 am HST)
Recently-added on demand webinars:
Developing Multiple Choice Tests that Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills (60 min)
Preparing for Flexible Course Delivery: Teaching Online or On Campus (60 min)
Reduce Cheating in the Online Classroom: Shifting from Punishment to Prevention (60 min)
- 20 Emerging Best Practices for Remote Teaching & Learning (90 min)
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---Online Andragogy---
The Magical Unicorn: Tips to Enchant and Enhance Your Online Class
Grackle Docs (Accessibility Checker in Google Docs)
Grackle Docs is a Google Doc add-on that provides accessibility checks (e.g., heading, image, table, etc.) to help fix accessibility issues. All Google@UH accounts are automatically subscribed once signed in properly, allowing access to full features at no cost (licensed by the UH system).
---Data to Ponder---
The UH system data wizards have given us a way to see what courses have been converted from online to face-to-face due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In spring 2021, 346 out of 798 Kapiʻolani CC courses were part of this group.That’s 43% of our offerings.
See which subjects had the most conversions below. Any surprises?
---Useful Tech Tips---
Free, Diverse, Customizable Visuals from Storyset
Storyset allows you to search, customize, and download free graphics for your course materials and Laulima site with no need for commercial editing software or skills. Choose from image sets with the same style or customize to fit your desired color scheme to bring visual consistency to your presentation or class site. You can even animate the images and download them as GIFs if you like - all within your browser! All images are free to use with attribution.
Here's a quick little video tour to show you around:
Check out Thinglink
Looking for an interesting and more interactive way to deliver content visually? Or give visual instructions for an assignment or a project? Check out another Web 2.0 tool called Thinglink. You can augment an image or a diagram with text, video, audio, images, or web links. Here’s an example - click on the image to open up Thinglink with active links:
---The Cool Stuff at the End---
What We Are Reading, Watching, or Listening to Now
The Pandemic May Have Permanently Altered Campuses. Here’s How. (Article, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
Even the physical spaces on our campuses may change as the pandemic has accelerated trends. Flipped class approaches, group offices, and distributed shared spaces for students are some of the predicted alterations.
How to Play in the College Classroom in a Pandemic, and Why You Should (Article, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
Play is an integral part of learning, and thus would be a useful tool for faculty members to employ in their classrooms at any time. But in the present moment, when so much about life feels uncertain and deadly serious, play may have special benefits.
OneHE Community Building Activities (Website)
A repository of OER community building activities that can be easily adapted to your classes.
How to bring art and science into online teaching (Podcast, Teaching in Higher Ed, Episode 353)
So many of the questions being debated right now in higher education involve dichotomous choices (e.g. synchronous vs. asynchronous, technology vs. social) but the choices can coexist to create the best online learning experiences.
Alternative Assessments in Digital Learning in Higher Education (WCET Webinar recording)
This webinar explores the practice of using institutional portfolios to assess Gen Ed outcomes and the power and efficacy of peer review opportunities (in all disciplines).
Why I Love Teaching on Zoom (Article, Forbes)
One professor, while acknowledging the drawbacks of Zoom teaching, sees real positives, including the way that Zoom minimizes classroom hierarchies. He shares an intriguing strategy: assigning students to co-teach with him.