The Titan Brief
New Mission Weekly Newsletter
November 13th, 2024
Dear Titan community,
We’re happy to see that Quarter 2 is underway and we have some great events coming up! Spirit Week kicks off next Monday, so encourage your child to show their school pride all week, towards Thanksgiving recess. On Wednesday, 11/27, we’ll have a Pep Rally to celebrate and bring everyone together.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and let’s make this quarter fantastic!
Warm regards,
Kareem & Karen
School Calendar
Our school calendar can also be accessed via ParentSquare or the New Mission Website.
Tuesday, Nov. 19th 6:00 p.m. | Parent-Family Council Meeting | In person or via zoom.
Wednesday, Nov. 20th, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. | Governing Board Meeting | Zoom Link
Thursday, Nov. 21st | School Picture Retake Day
Thursday, Nov. 21st, 6:00 p.m. | Prospective Student and Family Information Session
Wednesday, Nov. 27th | Half-Day of School | Early Dismissal at 12:00 p.m.
Thursday Nov. 28th & Friday Nov. 29th | NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Recess
December 23 - January 3 | Holiday Recess
Homework Academy is every Tuesday & Thursday from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m., unless otherwise specified. Learn more here.
Titan Highlights
Ways to Support 8th Grade Washington DC Trip
To donate to the 8th Grade Washington DC Trip, view the GoFundMe here: https://gofund.me/eeec93e7
Early College and Career Pathways | ✨Senior Spotlight✨
Meet Osato, Early College scholar and senior of the class of 2025. Osato is enrolled in our Health Science Pathway and is currently in her third year of college courses at Umass Boston. She is a scholar in our Eli Lilly Mentoring program and is passionate about Biochemistry and Sociology. She is an extrovert who takes pride in all her accomplishments and is thankful to have mom as her vessel of inspiration. In her non academic time, Osato focuses on supporting people in her community as a PCA. She is an example of perseverance and leadership.
Congratulations, Osato on your senior year!
New Mission Athletics
New Mission Athletics: Coaches Information
Girls Soccer: Head Coach, Danielle DuBois (ddubois@bostonpublicschools.org)
Boys Soccer: Coaches Jose Gonzalez (Varsity - Jgonzalez5@bostonpublicschools.org) and Tim Maher (Junior Varsity tmaher2@bostonpublicschools.org)
Football: Coach Ryan Conway ( Rconway@bostonpublicschools.org)
Girls Volleyball: Coach Modesto Gomez (mgomez2@bostonpublicschools.org)
Boys Basketball: Malcolm Smith msmith8@bostonpublicschools.org
Girls Basketball: Brandon Wilbur bwilbur@bostonpublicschools.org
Indoor Track: Jose Gonzalez jgonzalez5@bostonpublicschools.org
Swimming: Richard Mojica rmojica2@bostonpublicschools.org
Wrestling: Nyerrie Hale nhale@bostonpublicschools.org
From the PIC Office
From the PIC Office | Apply for a PIC Internship!
How will you earn your paycheck this summer? Apply for a PIC internship at application.bostonpic.org. Ages 16+. Wages range from mostly $15 - $18 per hour. Programs run from July to mid-August. Students need to complete the application, send their resume to Nick the career specialist, and set up a meeting with Nick on a Monday, Thursday or Friday during school hours. Students can reach Nick via text (617-913-1648) or email nfarrington@bostonpublicschools.org. The sooner you apply the more opportunities available. Thank you!
Breakthrough Greater Boston is Recruiting 7th Graders!
Breakthrough Greater Boston (BTGB) is a year-round, tuition-free program that offers ten years of academically intensive out-of-school time services to highly motivated, traditionally underserved middle and high school students in Greater Boston.
Learn more about Breakthrough Greater Boston here: https://breakthroughgreaterboston.org/
Additonal Information
*New Mission Early Dismissal Policy*
All requests for early dismissals must be submitted in writing (written note or email) and sent to Anna Lane (alane@bostonpublicschools.org), Norma Colon (ncolon@bostonpublicschools.org), and Kareem Cutler (kcutler@bostonpublicschools.org) with 24 hour advance notice. Early dismissal requests that do not follow this protocol are granted at the discretion of the school leaders.
While early dismissals are not encouraged, it is recognized that events that cannot be scheduled otherwise arise. Frequent or chronic early dismissals shall result in a parent–school conference to determine whether additional action is necessary.
Middle School students must be picked up by an ASPEN-registered adult. High School students, with written permission, are permitted to travel independently.
Please reference our full Attendance Policy here.
📣Join ParentSquare for Up-to-Date Communication
ParentSquare is a new resource that Boston Public Schools and New Mission will be utilizing for school-wide communications. Please use the resources below to get up-to-date communications from the school:
Download ParentSquare App: ParentSquare - App Store | ParentSquare - Google Play Store
Translated Family Resources (Google Drive Folder)
Family Overview Videos: Arabic | English | Haitian Creole | Portuguese | Spanish | Vietnamese
Please note that the district is working on having more materials available in all major BPS languages.
All Student Schedules are now available in ASPEN
ASPEN is a valuable system for accessing your child's grades, schedules, and teachers' information.
To log into ASPEN, visit https://sis.mybps.org/aspen/logon.do and click "Sign-in with Google". Using your student email address and password, you can log in to ASPEN portal. If you are in need of your security code, please contact your child's Advisor or Anna Lane at alane@bostonpublicschools.org
If you are having additional trouble logging in, clear your internet cache or restart your web browser. If the problem persists, please contact BPS OIIT at 617-635-9200.