Professional Development Newsletter Nov 27th - Dec 1st
Our team over at UEN are getting ready to share our Spring course offerings! Check back in two weeks to sing up for courses.
In this week's newsletter, you will find:
- UENVideo with Teacher Tips, Students in Focus, and Utah's Online School Library Shorts
- UEN Homeroom Podcast: New episode on What are Networks?
- Course Spotlight on Spring 2024 Courses
- eMedia Hub Spotlight: Social Studies Hub
- Sign up for the UCET / UELMA 24 Book Club
- Upcoming Professional Development opportunities from Adobe, UCET, UELMA, UCTM, and Edcamps
- Resource Share: UEN Demo Slam Sign Up for UCET / UELMA 2024
Five Tips for Embracing the Holidays in the Classroom | UEN Teacher Tips
Join Kayla Towner as she shares five tips for incorporating holiday celebrations into your classroom. Discover how to navigate school policies, introduce new holidays and foster inclusive learning experiences. Plus, gain valuable insights on selecting engaging activities and celebrating throughout the school year.
Screen Time: It's About Quality | UEN Teacher Tips
Voices of the West | Students in Focus
Empower Your High School Students' Research Success with Gale In Context! 🎓
Gale In Context is a powerful online research tool designed to equip high school students with the resources they need to excel in their research projects. With its comprehensive collection of credible sources and advanced search tools, Gale In Context makes it easy for students to find relevant and accurate information. Best of all, Gale In Context is FREE for Utah educators and students! Simply log in to Utah’s Online School Library to start exploring.
Join Dani and Matt on this episode of UEN Homeroom as they define a network and ponder whether it should be considered a public utility, gathering insight from experts across Utah. Tune in for a conversation centered on understanding the complexities of connectivity in our modern world.
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UEN's Spring 2024 courses are opening on Friday, December 1st for all Utah educators! UEN has some great six-week courses open for registration right now! All courses listed below start on November 2nd and run for six-weeks. These courses are paced with a UEN instructor that will be there with you to answer questions and engage with your ideas every step of the way. Like all UEN courses, you can receive USBE or SUU credit for any of these courses.
Courses are quickly filling up, make sure to register today!
Welcome to the Social Studies Hub where you can access high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Social Studies standards.
The term "literacy" is too often considered solely an English Language Arts term. In fact, literacy is a term that transcends disciplines. Disciplinary literacy plays a crucial role in the cultivation of informed, responsible participants in political life - competent citizens who are committed to the fundamental values and principles of representative democracy (as explained in Utah Code 53G-10-204). We must have historically literate students with all the skills essential to understand and appreciate the rich tapestry of human history. We must have geographically literate students who are able to understand the world around them. Clearly, economic literacy is essential for the well-being of our students and nation. Civic literacy is essential for the sustaining of our democratic republic.
The resources found here are a curated collection of units, lesson plans, learning experiences, and materials that align with Utah’s Social Studies Core Standards. LEAs have the duty to select instructional materials that best correlate to the core standards for Utah public schools and graduation requirements. (UCA 53G-4-402(1(a)). Posting of resources by USBE staff curriculum content specialists does not imply the resources have received official endorsement from the State Board. Educators are responsible to ensure use of these materials complies with LEA policies and directives.
As you might know, the conference is coming up on March 19th-20th and they have some great speakers and sessions in planning right now (you can learn more at this link). This year, thanks to support from Utah Education Network, UCET / UELMA is offering a Book Club! The book club will include three authors that will be speaking at the upcoming conference: Donalyn Miller's The Book Whisperer, Richard Culatta's Digital For Good, and Carl Hooker's Learning Evolution: New Era of AI in the Classroom. The UCET / UELMA Book Club will include an option for USBE or SUU credit (you must complete two books to get credit).
The course will be launched in December, but if you would like to sign up now, you can use the form below to pre-register:
Check out recent professional development events around Utah
GEGUtah x Connect
This December Google Educator Group Utah is sharing with the global community. GEGUtah along with over a dozen other GEGs have coordinated materials to help you develop your Google skills this school year. Check out more at GEGUtah's website.
Getting Ready for UCET / UELMA Book Club
Edcamp St. George - January 6th
Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics - January 30th-31st
EdcampUtah - February 3rd
UCET / UELMA 2024 - March 19th-20th
Exciting news! Braxton Thornley and I are announcing the first UEN Statewide Tools Demo Slam at UCET/UELMA 2024! A demo slam is a quick video highlighting a tip or trick in one of your favorite UEN tools. It’s an alternative way to present!
Utah Education Network
Email: training@uen.org
Website: https://www.uen.org/
Location: 101 South Wasatch Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
Phone: (800) 866-5852
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UtahEducationNetwork
Twitter: @UENnews
UEN provides professional development for educators across the state of Utah.