The Siegrist Star
Week of February 3, 2025
Siegrist would like to personally thank all the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore program. Since we started our SchoolStore Kickoff day, our Siegrist families and friends have donated over $10,000 to classrooms through our SchoolStore Fundraiser. Our classroom teachers are so appreciative of your gift card donations and our school has also received almost $3000 from merchant sales! We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone’s help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed.
Finn built a bed for his reading buddy and Jacqueline received the rare mystery reading buddy - the dragon! Students are loving their reading buddies.
If your family has not participated, there's still time! Students can win a national park book buddy just for participating. Go to schoolstore.net to complete the sign-up process and send at least 6 confirmed email invitations to family and friends. Your child will automatically WIN a national park book buddy. There are also other opportunities to win more prizes.
Help Build Our Snowman kids winter clothing drive was a huge success! We were able to not only build our snowman but a little penguin friend was stuffed with clothing donations, too. All donations will be given to kids in need city-wide through the PCR-3 Treasure Chest and community-wide through the City Union Mission.
A big Thank you to all the Siegrist families who participated in this and supported kids-in-need! ~Career and Community Student Leader Team
Lead Day
Kindergarten students have been learning about arctic animals this week. Today during Lead Day, students celebrated their learning by making a yummy polar bear snack, using teamwork by building habitats for their arctic animal figures, creating a silhouette picture of an arctic animal, and designing a unique penguin!
Upcoming Events
· February 4: 100th Day of School
· February 7: Friendship Party in Gym - No visitors
· February 10-14: Pirates ROCK Character Warms the Heart Week
· February 13: 3-hour early dismissal 12:35pm, Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
· February 14: No School, Professional Learning Day
· February 17: No School, President's Day
· February 19: 1st Grade Field Trip - Wonderscope 9:00am-2:00pm
· February 20: 3rd Grade Field Trip - Royals Stadium 9:00am-2:00pm
· February 24: - PTA Meeting at Siegrist 6pm
Click here to view the full Siegrist Elementary calendar on our website.
Chili Supper Event
BOY SCOUT TROOP 351, Platte City, MO
47th Annual Chili Supper at the United Methodist Church of Platte City
Sunday, February 2, 2025 from 4pm-7pm
Chili, Hot Dog, Dessert & Drink for only $5 per person!!
Children 5 and under are FREE
Can't Stay? We have a 'TO GO" Option
Please join us and support our troop.
🏈Chiefs Super Bowl Spirit Week: February 3-7🏆
Let's bring the energy for Super Bowl Spirit Week next week (Feb. 3-7) as our Pirates cheer on our Chiefs to a THREE-PEAT VICTORY!
Here's the game plan:
Monday – Wear a winning jersey & show what makes you a champ!
Tuesday – Rock your best game day fit—channel your inner Travis or Taylor!
Wednesday – Pajama Day—dreaming of another Super Bowl win!
Thursday – Wear 3 Chiefs colors (red, gold, white) OR 3 Mardi Gras colors (purple, green, gold)!
Friday – TURN THE TOWN RED! Wear RED or Chiefs gear!
The Platte County Special Olympics Team will be showing off their skills at the PC varsity boys basketball game during halftime. We have filled the fieldhouse seats every year for this event. We'd love to have as many people as possible come and support the boys and PC Special Olympics teams!
💗 Character Warms the Heart Week: February 10-14
February 10-14 is our Pirates ROCK "Character Warms the Heart" week, when we warm up with our good character and great leadership with fun spirit week activities! This year we are teaming up with PCHS FBLA to collect items (art supplies, stuffed animals, books, games, etc.) for Happy Disciples, a student-run non-profit that provides care packages to children fighting cancer. Participate in our spirit days and send in any donations to our schools! The class, PLT, or Advisory in each school with the most donated items will receive a donut party!🍩🍩🍩
On Thursday, we'll either be making our own hand-made notes for cancer patients, or using this form to create a digital note.
Reminder: Friday, February 14 there is no school for our Professional Learning Day. See flier for details on our spirit days and come cheer on our Pirates and participate in the activities at the Home Basketball games on February 11!
SchoolStore Fundraiser
Hello Parents,
We want to personally thank all the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore program! We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone's help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed.
If your family has not participated, there's still time! Students can win a national park book buddy just for participating. Go to schoolstore.net to complete the sign-up process and send at least 6 confirmed email invitations to family and friends. Your child will automatically WIN a national park book buddy. There are also other opportunities to win more prizes.
This safe and easy program is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products. Your child will receive a prize just for participating, and more prizes will be awarded when goals are reached.
SchoolStore does a weekly nationwide drawing each week for 1 PlayStation 5 winner. All students from all schools that send emails during that week will go in that Sunday's drawing. Every email = 1 entry. So, a student could technically send an email every week & be in every week's drawing. If someone at our school is drawn SchoolStore will contact us of the winning student to arrange delivery!
Please help now. It really will make a difference.
Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000342056 to show our valued teachers your support.
Thank you!
DIstrict State Assessment Testing Window- 2025
The Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) will be administered between April 21-May 9th, with the following week, May 12-16, for make-up testing. If you have a student in grades 3rd-5th grade please try to work around these dates so your child is in attendance and can test with his/her class. Specific testing dates, by grade levels, will be determined soon, be on the look-out for those. If your child has a commitment during MAP testing dates please let your teacher know so we can proactively determine a plan for your child to test. Our goal is to have 100% of our students take the state assessment.
Students in grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th test in the areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics. Fifth grade students also test in Science. There will be more information coming out about MAP testing in the near future in regards to best test taking tips, how you can help your child do their best on the test and specifics by grade level. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or either of the counselors with any questions you may have in the interim. Thank you for your support of your child(ren) and our school!
Activity Wall of Fame
Attention Siegrist Families!
Coach Stapleton and I are creating an Activity Wall of Fame in the Gym! If you want your student included just print out a color photo on paper of your student in their sport or physical activity and have your student bring it to school. We will make a collage out of the photos. Please do not send in photos that you want to keep. Thanks in advance for participating!
Coach Crawford and Coach Stapleton
National School Counseling Week, February 3-7
This year's national school counseling theme is : School Counseling, Helping Students Thrive. CLICK HERE and add a word or two to help us create a word cloud that showcases how our Siegrist School Counselors help our students thrive!
5th Grade Step Up Day at Platte City Middle School!
Mark your calendars for Friday, February 28th, as we welcome our 5th graders to experience life at Platte City Middle School! From 9:10 to 11:00 AM, students will join their 5th-grade teachers for a fun and informative morning designed to ease their transition to 6th grade.
Here’s what’s in store:
- Students will learn more about Middle School life and will participate in Q&A
- Students will learn about what classes they can take as a 6th grader
- Students will get tour of the building
- Students will participate in a pep rally to get them excited about middle school
PCMS can’t wait to help our future 6th graders feel confident and ready to soar into middle school!
We’re excited that yearbooks are now available for pre-order online! Starting on November 4th, you can order through the parent portal using the step-by-step instructions provided on the informational flyer. Each yearbook is $25, created by the Student Yearbook Innovation team with assistance from Coach Stapleton and Tracy Itao.
To secure a copy, make sure to place your order by March 21, 2025. If online purchasing isn’t an option for you, you can email itao.tracy@pcr3schools.org to request an envelope for a cash or check payment. Don’t miss out—there will be only a limited number of extra copies available after distribution!
🏫 2025 Kindergarten Kickoff/Enrollment
Children who have turned five years of age before August 1, 2025, are eligible for kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. Families are encouraged to view the Attendance area boundary map linked here, or call the District office at 816-858-5420 for confirmation of attendance area.
Kindergarten Kickoffs will be hosted in each elementary on Tuesday, April 15. Incoming Kindergarten families will complete new student enrollment via our online registration process. Stay tuned for our 2025-26 new student registration forms.
Zero Rate Change Bond Issue, Informational Meetings
This question will be placed on the April 8, 2025 ballot. If approved by voters, the approximately $62 million bond issue would fund the following projects identified in the District’s Long-Range Facility Plan:
- Completing Phase 2 of rebuilding Platte County High School, creating a consolidated high school building with all classrooms and programs under one roof
- Constructing site amenities at Platte Purchase Middle School activities complex
- Constructing playground facilities at Pathfinder Elementary
- Expanding parking and improving traffic flow and safety at Compass Elementary
For more information, click here, or attend an Informational Meeting:
- Monday, March 3, 2025, 6pm, Platte Purchase Middle School
- Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 6pm, Platte County High School
School Counseling
On behalf of our school counseling program, we’d like to wish all our families a Happy New Year and welcome to the second semester.
As students return to school we’d like to emphasize the importance of routines for our students. Children thrive on familiarity, consistency, and predictability of routines and now is a great time to review routines with your child(ren) and to make any “tweaks” that will enhance your child’s preparedness for school. The below is from HeadStart.Gov on routines:
“Schedules and routines in the group care setting and at home help children:
Feel in control of their environment
Feel safe, secure, and comfortable
Know what is happening now and what comes next
Know how to do an activity or task
Engage in learning”
Link to article: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/quienes-somos/articulo/importance-schedules-routines
January Counseling Lessons:
We will continue our lessons this semester and here is a look at what we will be working on together:
Kindergarten- listening skills and conversation skills using the following read alouds: Howard B Wigglebottom Learns to Listen and Interrupting Chicken
1st Grade- discussion around attitude and why it is so important using the book Baditude by Julia Cook and long term goal setting using the book What’s in it for me? By Julia Cook.
2nd Grade- learning about personal space and why it’s important using the book Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook and continuing discussions about conflict resolution using the book Up a Creek by Julia Cook.
3rd Grade- discussion about what each student’s personal best effort is and determining what that looks like in school.
4th Grade- focusing on academics this month and learning about study skills and determining what study skills are best for each student.
5th Grade- continued discussion about how attitude affects your work, mental health and overall health using the book Baditude by Julia Cook.
Data Driven School Counseling Program
Did you know that the school counseling program uses data from several different sources to inform our program? We pull data from parent/teacher surveys, social/emotional screeners used district wide, behavioral data and much more! Data is used to help us determine which students need additional support, i.e individual counseling times, what type and how many groups to form each semester, leadership groups to create to support our building's culture and climate, etc. Currently, your child’s counseling program is supporting students by offering several small groups, managing more than one leadership group, seeing several students on an individual basis, celebrating student birthdays, hosting new student luncheons, partnering with staff on our student success team and so many more ways!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or feel we could help your child(ren).
Mrs. Julia Burrows, M.S., Professional School Counselor / burrows.julia@pcr3schools.org
Dr. Lori Mann, Ed.D., Professional School Counselor / mann.lori@pcr3schools.org
Free Summer Youth Golf Camp
The Matt Madill Memorial Golf Foundation is excited to announce that we are able to host our 2nd youth golf camp (8-12 years old) this summer free of charge! Here is the link to register each child in your family! Each child will receive a camp t-shirt and receive 4 hours of golf instruction . We only have space for 60 golfers! Get registered now….spots fill up quickly! One child will win a free set of golf clubs!
Matt Madill Memorial Golf Foundation 2025 Summer Youth Golf Camp Registration Form
❄️ Winter Weather Information
Click here for information on school cancellations/modifications due to inclement weather, how the District will notify parents, as well as information on recess, Y Club, and Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Days. For the 2024-25 school year, PCR-3 will implement Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Days for the first five canceled school days. These days will not need to be made up. Any additional canceled school days may be waived, or may need to be made up (added to the academic calendar).
Additional Reminders:
Clothing and Recess
Please make sure that your children come to school dressed for the weather – winter coats, hats, gloves when necessary. There will be no outdoor recess when the "feels like" temperature is at 20 degrees or below. During times of year that temperatures can be unpredictable, dressing in layers is preferable.
In the event of school cancellation or delay, we will get that information to you as early as possible through automated phone calls and text messages, our District website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the District Hotline (816-858-2752), and local media. The message will identify what type of Inclement Weather Plan we will be implementing:
- Plan A (Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Day)
- Plan B (Two-Hour Delayed Start)
- Plan C (No School and No Remote Learning)
- Plan D (No School, No Y-Club, No Remote Learning)
Y Club
If we cancel school, our school-age child care programs generally will remain open for those families that are already signed up through YMCA (www.kansascityymca.org). School sites where child care is offered are consolidated to one or two locations. Mention of Y Club program cancellation or consolidation will be included in the District’s communication.
Northland Career Center Winter/Spring 2025 Registration
The Northland Career Center has Spring registration starting for adult & youth classes. Please click on the link below to see what is being offered. If you have questions, please contact their school at 816-858-5505.
Joining the Box Tops program is an easy and impactful way to support Siegrist Elementary! If you'd like to help out, download the Box Tops app and use Ariel Kittling’s (one of PTA's school coordinators) referral code XMKD7Q0D to get 50 bonus Box Tops after your first scan (offer valid through 10/31/2024).
Here’s how it works:
- Download the Box Tops app and sign up.
- Shop for products with the Box Tops logo, and within 14 days of purchase, use the app to scan your receipt.
- Every qualifying item adds cash directly to Siegrist's account!
With the app, you’ll get real-time updates and even bonus cash offers, so each receipt makes a difference. Thank you for supporting your school!
Pull Together!
Dear Platte County Families,
It's time to "pull" together for a great cause! The Siegrist Student Lighthouse team is collecting pop tabs donations to support the Kansas City Ronald McDonald House. We invite you to collect aluminum tabs from any cans, place them in a ziplock bag, and send them to school with your child.
Our students will handle the rest!
We appreciate your support as we work towards our goal of collecting 100 pounds of pop tabs by the end of May. Let’s pull together and make a difference for families in need!
Thank you for your generosity!
Friendly Parent Reminders
Visitors to the building: you will always need to bring your ID with you when you come into the building. We will scan your ID into our safety system Platte County uses to ensure the safety and security of our students.
Birthday Celebrations-Here is the district policy:
"We believe it is important for the school to recognize our students on their birthday and other special days. However, for several reasons including increased food allergies, preservation of the instructional day, and student equality, students are not allowed to bring treats from home or have flowers/balloons or other items delivered to the classroom for birthdays, going-away parties, or other personal events. Each classroom teacher will recognize the student in a special way to celebrate his or her birthday. (See Snacks for more information about opportunities to share snacks in the classroom) If a student receives a delivery at school, the student will be notified to come to the office to view the item. Parents will be responsible for transporting the item home. Birthday party invitations may only be distributed if invitations are given to every student in the class."
If your child has a transportation change for the day, please call the office before 2:00 PM. This ensures we can process the change in time before dismissal. You may also send a note with your child or email Anne Klopp at klopp.annemarie@pcr3schools.org.
If we do not receive a call, note, or email regarding transportation changes, we will follow the information already in our system to send your child home.
For any permanent transportation changes, please refer to the "Important Links" section below.
Additionally, please click on the "Transportation Expectations" button below to review important bus and car rider guidelines with your child.
Student Illness/Injury:
If you're unsure whether to send your child to school due to illness, please click the button below. Our nurse has provided important information on her Siegrist webpage about when to keep a sick child at home. There is also guidance on what happens if your child is injured while at school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Heather Guzman at guzman.heather@pcr3schools.org.
Treasure Chest Support
The PCR-3 Treasure Chest is a stocked resource center providing food, milk, and toiletries for PCR-3students and families in need. Qualifying families will receive a weekly form via email to sign up or can call 816-858-7001 for assistance.
Families will receive an email with approval to come to the Treasure Chest on Wednesdays from 4-6pm at the new Treasure Chest site (south side of Paxton building).
Important Links
Siegrist Library Facebook Page
Lunch Schedule and Visitor Lunch Sign Up and Letter Day
School Closing Notification/Winter Weather Information
Linq Connect for Lunch Account Payments
Before & After School Club Programs sponsored by Northland Career Center (NCC)
Watch D.O.G.S. Sign Up
Join Girl Scouts
YClub Before & After School Information
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Winter Weather Information
Permanent Transportation Changes
Open Positions at PCR-3
Now accepting applications for teaching positions for the 2024-25 school year.
Come join our community, our team, our family, our tradition! We have several current opportunities available and are now accepting applications for teaching positions for the 2023-24 school year. Check out this video from our staff, sharing what makes Platte County School District special and what a new staff member will love about PCR-3, then visit ➡️
www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/careers/currentopenings to apply! #PCR3Proud 🧡🖤
Upcoming Community Events & Flyers
Here are some opportunities our families might be interested in!
You can always contact us at anytime by phone or Email. If you have a specific question for administration, please email us at sutton.johna@pcr3school.org ( Mrs. Johna Sutton, Principal) or powers.michael@pcr3schools.org (Mr. Michael Powers, Assistant Principal)
Email: itao.tracy@pcr3schools.org(Administration Assistant)
Website: http://plattecountyschooldistrict.com/siegrist
Location: 1701 Branch Street, Platte City, MO, United States
Phone: (816)858-5977
Facebook: facebook.com/SiegristElementary/
Twitter: @Siegristelem
⏲️ School Hours of Operation
- Office is open from 8:15AM - 4:30PM
- Students can enter the building- 8:30 a.m.
- Official start of school- 8:50 a.m.
- Dismissal- Car Riders, Walkers and Y-Club-3:35 p.m.
- Dismissal-Bus Riders- 3:50 p.m.