DHS Rotary Newsletter
February 2022
Message from our President
Dear Fellow Rotarians:
It’s February already. Where has the time gone? It seems like it was just Christmas, and now we ‘re staring March in the eyes!
Our club has done a knock out job the last few months. The American Express Golf Tournament was a hit! Thanks to Jackie Chatman’s leadership and those Rotarians and friends that put the time in volunteering, we raised over $8000! Whew!
Next came the Beer Garden at the Top d’ Palm Springs. Again we had Jackie’s leadership and the help of many volunteers. The final tally isn’t in yet, but we raised a substantial amount of money there too.
You may ask why and what do we raise these funds for? This money, along with other funds, are used for Scholarships, RYLA leadership camp and other activities and programs. Your participation is so very important and worthwhile.
Just around the corner is our biggest and most complex event - Big Hearts. We will have a live event at Miracle Springs on March 31st. This event has many moving parts. Thanks goes out to Yesenia and the other Rotarians giving up their time weekly planning this stellar event. Big Hearts traditionally raises the most money for our programs.
February is “Peace and Conflict Resolution Month”. This subject plays so importantly both in our own lives as well as on the global stage. In the immoral words of John Lennon, “ All we are saying is give peace a chance.
Until next month my friends… Always in Rotary Service
Brian Brodowsky, President DHS Rotary Club
Big Heart Awards Planning from Yesenia Preciado
Please reach out if you would like to be involved in the planning. Email Yesenia at yeseniapreciado@yahoo.com.
Meetings Every Thursday!
Thank you to the our guest speakers in February!
Tom Moore: A tale of two pandemics
Larry Townson, Emergency training
Arturo, Acrisure Arena
The Unforgettables Foundation
We look forward to hearing from our guest speakers in March!
NEW THIS MONTH: We are excited to have hosted our first evening meeting. Moving forward we will hold one evening each month. The other three meetings will continue to be held at noon at Las Palmas Restaurant.
Rotary Cares, From Jessica Gilbert
We hope that Brian has safe travels to the PETS conference in LA!
Jessica sends her love!
From Jackie Chatman, Community Service Chair
Sign Up Link: https://volunteersignup.org/CBCJ7
Community Service Calendar
Vocational Service
District 4-WayTest Speech Competition
Led by Alan Ochsenbein
The District 4-WayTest speech competition will be held in late April 2022. We hope to make this a regular event each year. The Vocational part will focus on employment opportunities in various fields. Speech and communication skills are a significant part of jobs for the future. This year the team of mentors include Rotary Club Members Jim and Mary Wilson both of whom have spent careers in education, and Alan Ochsenbein whose career included a large amount of public speaking.Interact Club
Live Scan Reminder
Early Act
Rotarians At Work!
Desert Hot Springs Rotary Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DesertHotSpringsRotaryClub