September 5, 2024

September 6, 2024
Hello Brimhall Families,
What a great first couple days of the school year! I have seen so many smiles, heard so much laughter, and have seen each of our classrooms already developing into strong learning communities. I hope your children are coming home excited about their days and the new friendships they are creating. These first few weeks will be focused on community building as we ramp up towards really diving into the curriculum. The time we take to foster belonging will help our students be successful learners all year long.
Thank you for your patience with transportation. The beginning of each year always brings challenges with initial routing, drivers learning their routes, new drivers, and fall construction. This all adds up to delays and many wrinkles that need to be ironed out. Most of the challenges are not the fault of any one person - it is the nature of the complexity of transporting thousands of students across the district and partnering with bussing contractors. It is hard right now but it will get more consistent each day. If your driver is running late, please do not take it out on them. They are doing their best as they learn the routes. Many times, routes are late because of something out of their control at earlier start schools. When an afternoon bus arrives at school more than 10 minutes late, it is my goal to be able to text you as soon as possible to notify you of the late bus and when it leaves the building.
At school, we are monitoring when buses arrive in the morning and depart in the afternoon and I am in daily communication with our district transportation team who then review the data and attempt to make adjustments as we go through the week.
Thank you again for your patience and most importantly, thank you for trusting us with the education of your children.
Ryan Vernosh, Principal
Parent Pick-Up
Information about New Bus Routing System
Roseville Area Schools has implemented a new transportation routing system to improve the efficiency of our bus schedules for picking up and dropping off students. While this system is designed to enhance our transportation services, we ask for your patience as we address and resolve any initial issues.
If you need to request a change to a bus stop or if you no longer require transportation services, please email us at transportation@isd623.org or call us at 651-635-1638. Please be prepared to provide the following information:
- Student Name
- Student ID
- Reason for the request (for example, relocation, change in transportation needs)
Please note that we are processing requests as quickly as possible; however, any changes to existing bus stops will not take effect until after the first week of school.
You will receive updates and information about any changes via email, so please ensure that your contact details are current. This includes verifying that your most recent telephone number and email address are on file to ensure you receive all necessary communications promptly.
The safety of our students is our highest priority, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition.
Helpful Hints:
- Pull all the way forward to the crosswalk- your child will come to you
- For safety- children should get in the vehicle curbside
- Do not get out of your vehicle--staff will direct your student to you
- If your child needs assistance getting into the car-- please park and walk to get your child
- If your child is not yet outside-- Do Not wait in the pick-up lane please loop around the lot or park your car
Dismissal Times:
- K- 3:55
- 1- 3:57
- 2- 3:55
- 3- 3:59
- 4- 3:57
- 5- 3:57
- 6- 3:59
** Try and arrive at the pick-up time of your latest dismissal
Great News! Brimhall Elementary has partnered with PickUp Patrol again this year to help better manage our dismissal process (en español/em português).
- PickUp Patrol provides a layer of safety to our dismissal process by authorizing plan changes and automatically tracking dismissal plans. The application reduces interruptions, speeds up dismissal time, and is administered by our own staff.
- ALL plan changes should now be submitted through PickUp Patrol. When making changes, please do not send notes, emails, or call the office, except in an emergency.
Important Action Needed: All Brimhall Families should have received a welcome email today!
It should look likes this.
Please take a few minutes to set up your account so that we can accurately dismiss your child(ren).
Register by clicking HERE (link expires in 48 hours)
Username: email@email.com
Returning Parents: If you have already registered with this email address, you do not need to re-register.
Confirm your children’s Default Dismissal Plan
Log into your account and enter your child’s regular daily dismissal plan.
Learn more about PickUp Patrol
Access: Add PickUp Patrol to your Home Screen
We use PickUp Patrol to track: Plan Changes, Absences, Early Dismissals, Late Arrivals, Daily Dismissal Plans (default plans).
If you have questions, please contact Brimhall Elementary at Cristina.Smyth@isd623.org or support@pickuppatrol.net.
Brimhall Elementary & the PickUp Patrol Team
Health Office
Medication Drop Off Dates:
If you still need to drop-off medication.
Please visit the health office to drop off any medication and care plans. We are asking families to please have all the proper paperwork filled out before you stop by. If not, we will have copies for you to fill out when you arrive.
Especially if your student has the following:
Severe Allergies
- Student Health Plans: A copy of the current medical health plan from your student’s physician signed.
- Dispensation Forms: Any medications that your child will need during school hours. Prescription and over-the-counter medication needs to be in original container and labeled properly.
- For more information please visit our Health Page.
Any questions or concerns please contact
Angela Bykowski, BSN, RN, PHN, Licensed School Nurse
Email: angela.bykowski@isd623.org
Stine Morton, Health Assistant
Email: Christine.Morton@isd623.org
Office Phone: 651-724-6205
Important Changes to School Meal Procedures for Roseville Area Schools Students
Roseville Area Schools will continue to offer free meals for all students during the school day, including healthy breakfasts, lunches, and after-school "super" snacks. To ensure our meal programs remain effective and equitable, we are implementing some changes to our procedures, specifically regarding second meals and additional lunch servings.
Changes to Meal Procedures
Elementary Schools:
- Elementary students will no longer be able to purchase additional items such as entrées or sides. However, milk may still be purchased separately.
- We encourage students to make the most of our meal offerings by eating breakfast, utilizing the share cart, and enjoying the "all-you-care-to-eat" fresh fruit and vegetable options available with their lunch serving.
Secondary Schools:
- Secondary students may purchase additional entrées, sides, or milk if they have money in their meal account.
- To purchase additional items, students must check in at the designated cashier, receive a food tray, return to the serving line for the additional items, and check out at the designated register.
- Students with negative meal balances will not be permitted to purchase additional items.
We encourage all students to take advantage of the free breakfast and lunch offerings, which include unlimited fruits and vegetables and access to the share cart. Secondary students also have the opportunity to enjoy free super snacks at the end of each school day.
Thank you for your understanding as we make these adjustments to better serve our students.