Making Tracks
December Edition
December Dates to Remember
12/4- STAAR Reading Interim grades 3-5
12/5- STAAR Math Interim grades 3-5
12/6- STAAR Science Interim grade 5
12/10- Santa pics
12/10- UIL Speaking Events grades 2-5 (Celeste)
12/11- Elementary Academic UIL Competition grades 2-5 (Tom Bean)
12/17- Christmas Concert for LC-2 at 6:30
12/17- TCTA Bake Sale- please donate baked goods to Mrs. Herron
12/18- AR Fun Day 12-4
12/19- Christmas Parties for classrooms
12/20- Early Release at 1:00 pm
12/23-1/07- Winter Break
Classroom Christmas Parties
12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days
Accelerated Reader (AR)
AR is in full swing. Students are checking books out from the library and taking AR tests. They can earn free books from our book vending machine as well as fun time on AR Fun Day at the end of the 9 weeks. It is recommended that students read about 15-20 minutes each night. This helps build reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. Parents and families can use AR book find to find books.
Students may have about 45 minutes of homework per night. 15-20 minutes of homework time should be reading. This means that subject level (math, reading, science, social studies) homework should not take more than 30 minutes. If your child is struggling with homework or spending more than 45 minutes per night working, please reach out to the teacher. Our teachers are here to help answer any questions and may even offer strategies that will help support your concerns at home.
Safety Reminders for Drop Off and Pick Up
Student and staff safety is a top priority for WCISD.
Staff Birthdays for December
December Birthdays
Elisha Silva- 11th
Kimberly Thacker- 18th
MacKenzie Barnes-22nd
Megan Smith-22nd
Kathy Gardner-27th
Sylvia Marks-30th
Concerns or Questions
We ask that you please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions or concerns that you may have. They are the first point of contact. Please contact teachers and Mrs. Shawn with any transportation changes by no later than 3:30. If you need further assistance, you may use the office contacts below:
Mrs. Crump
(903) 496-2032
Mrs. Garner
(903) 496-2032
Mrs. Shawn
(903) 496-2032