Magee Parent Newsletter July 2024
May 2024

Important Dates
Important Dates
7/24: Registration/Schedule Pickup 12PM-5PM
7/25: Registration/Schedule Pickup 8:30AM-3:30PM
7/31: Magee 6th Grade Parent Welcome Meeting 2:30
7/31: 1PM-3PM Meet the Teacher Hours
8/1: First Day of School
8/6: Boys Basketball/Girls Volleyball season starts
8/13: Open House
Schedule Pickup
Please see the attached flyer for information on schedule/supply pickup/fees/picture IDs. Schedules will not go "live" on StudentVue until the night before school starts.
PTA Interest
Magee Adds a 7th Period
Magee students will get one more elective this year in their daily schedule. This will bring their total of electives up to 3! We are very excited for this opportunity. Some students will have Math Enrichment as part of their elective program.
Elective Offerings:
- Band
- Orchestra
- Computers/Technology
- Art
- PE
Interscholastics Season 1
Roadrunner athletics start soon! Magee students are eligible to participate in Season 1 athletics that start on August 6th. No prior experience is necessary. Season 1 sports are boys basketball and girl's volleyball. All participants must have a completed Athlete Packet and AIA Participation form on file to play. Note the AIA form requires a doctor/nurse to sign off on it. Any doctor or nurse can conduct the physical (not just NextCare).
2024-2025 TUSD Interscholastics Information.pdf
Boys basketball is coached by Mr. Yates and Girls volleyball is coached by Ms. Jones.
TUSD Adopts New Reading Curriculum for Upcoming Years
TUSD has adopted a new reading curriculum for the upcoming school year. The governing board adopted the materials after several months of open public review and comments. An overview of the curriculum can be found at the following website below.
Savvas Learning: My Persepectives English Language Arts website
Digital Demo Login
Username: ELAearlyReview
Password: Welcome!
Volunteer Application
We can ALWAYS use volunteers to help out on our campus. Please fill out the form on the link below to get the process started.
Odyssey of the Mind Club Places in International
World Finals clip Magee gets 3rd Place Trophy (youtube.com)
Come join our legendary Odyssey of the Mind club at Magee. All students from all grades are welcome. Odyssey students work on group related projects in different areas such as drama, structure, engineering, etc. The team has consistently been a source of pride at Magee and regularly achieves at the local, state, and national level.
Please contact our 6th grade Social Studies teacher Ms. Letson if interested.
Parents Canvas Access
Magee teachers have placed their class syllabuses some assignments on their CANVAS accounts. Each student and parent can also access their accounts. Magee is in a multi year process with other TUSD campuses to slowly integrate learning materials online. Directions to access your child's CANVAS accounts can be found here...
Canvas_ Parent_Guardian Access_.pdf
Important Note: Select Tucson Unified School District when the site asks for your school.
Magee adds Rocket League for the 2024-2025 School Year
Magee's computer skills classes will add ESports as part of its curriculum for next school year. The program's coordinator, Ms. Marshall, will blend the popular online game into her weekly curriculum. The well-equipped computer lab at Magee will receive some upgrades to handle the demands of the program. If your child is interested, please reach out to the Computer Skills teacher Ms. Marshall or the school counselor, Ms. Coleman.