East News
Middle School Robotics Competition Team
Middle School Robotics Competition Team: Do you like robotics? Are you interested in challenging your skills designing , building , coding and learning life skills by being part of a team? If yes, the competition robotics team may be the team for you. Please complete the robotics application by May 17th. Robotics Application: https://forms.gle/biNa7rSLibcySqsr7
Upcoming Choir Concert
Hello Choir Families!
This is a reminder of our final choir concert on May 8, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will feature the 6th and 8th grade choir from Gahanna Middle School East. This concert will be performed at Gahanna Middle School West (350 Stygler Rd). The call times are as follows:
- 8th grade - 7:00 p.m. in the choir room
- 6th grade - 7:15 p.m. in the choir room
Students are to perform in concert dress and remain seated until the performance has concluded. Please let Mrs. Harding know if you have any questions <hardingp@gjps.org>.
The students are required to wear concert dress.
6th Grade - black dress pants, black dress shoes, black socks, black shirt, black dress, and/or black tights.
8th Grade - black dress pants, black dress shoes, black socks, blue choir shirt (tucked into pants)
Jeans, athletic wear, crocs and/or slides are not acceptable for concert dress.
2024 Last Day of School Volunteers Needed
2024 Last Day of School: Middle School East & East Student Council are so excited to host our last day of school celebration! As in years past, each grade level will have 1 hour to enjoy a few inflatables, eat light snacks & enjoy time with friends. This will happen the morning of Friday, May 24th (our last day!)
We do anticipate needing adult volunteers at each activity to monitor and help as needed. Attached you will find sign-ups for each grade level's time - thanks in advance if you are able to help out! (You may have to copy and paste the link into your browser).
- 8th Grade Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/g...E9-49368543-8thgrade
- 7th Grade Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/g...E9-49372226-7thgrade
- 6th Grade Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/g...E9-49368536-6thgrade
Please reach out to Ember Hobbs (hobbse@gjps.org) with any questions.
Awards Night
The GMSE Awards Night letters of invitation has been sent out via US Mail to those students who qualify (3.5 GPA and above). Our awards are given out on May 9, 2024 at Peace Lutheran Church. We will have three separate events, one for each grade level.
- 6th Grade: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
- 7th Grade: 6 - 7 PM
- 8th Grade: 7:30 - 8:30 PM
Peace Lutheran is located on the corner of Clark State and Hamilton Roads (455 Clark State Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230). We will be in the Connections Center towards the back of the building, there is plenty of parking if you enter the lot from Clark State road and following the drive back and to the left of the building, just past the entry for the Connection Center.
School Supplies for the 2024-25 School Year
I know that it is hard to believe, but it is time to start thinking about the 2024-25 school year! We have our school supply list ready to go and our Yubbler (on-line ordering) account is also up and running as well. You are welcome to use the supply list to shop between now and the start of the school year OR you can use Yubbler to place your order.
Yubbler will deliver your supplies right to your home and the GMSE PTA shares a portion of the profit. Acting quickly through Yubbler will also provide families with a discount
- April orders: 20% off core items
- May orders: 15% off core items
6th Grade Update
- Rising 7th & 8th Graders interested in joining the Middle School Robotics Team, please complete the team application by May 17th. Competition Robotics Team Application: https://forms.gle/FkFZFp8oayA1MUbT6
- Math 6: Last week students worked on surface area & volume - this week we will focus on finding percents - we’ll even go on a shopping spree at the end of the week! We will have our final car race this week and will start analyzing all of the data we’ve collected!
- ACE 6/7: Students are in their last unit - we are solving equations with fractional and decimal coefficients as well as working with percent increase and decrease. They will be bringing home their unit 12 equations test this week!
- ACE 7/8: Students are working with probability and will have an assessment on Friday.
- ACE ELA: Students are finalizing graphic novels this week and will create a Pixar pitch that will be voted upon to determine our favorite story ideas. From there, the writers of our top stories will work with their Talent Acquisition team to bring their Pixar story to life.
- ELA: Students will continue working on their graphic novel in preparation for Friday’s Artist Alley. Please ask to see the hard work your child has been doing taking the written word and transforming it into images, speech balloons and settings.
- Science: In Science class we are studying the grouping, identification and classification of rocks and minerals. We will have one more test this quarter and end with our exciting outdoor field trips to Ohio Caverns and Highbanks Metropark.
- Social Studies: Students will be finishing the unit of Ancient China and moving on to our final project of the sixth grade academic year. We will introduce our “Create a Country” project soon! The purpose of this project is to apply what we have learned over the course of our sixth grade year. Students will receive guidelines and information in class.
7th Grade Update
Rising 7th & 8th Graders interested in joining the Middle School Robotics Team, please complete the application by May 17th. Competition Robotics Team Application: https://forms.gle/FkFZFp8oayA1MUbT6
Ace 7/8 students are working with probability and will have an assessment on Friday.
All ELA students are finalizing their hero speeches this week. Photographs of heroes should be emailed to their teacher this week, and we are currently collecting hero RSVPs, as stated in the invitation. Please check in with your student about how they are doing with these tasks!
8th Grade Update
Mark your calendars- Success Fair in ELA is this week May 8 and 9! More information will come from your student’s ELA teacher. Students will need a trifold and binder for the project. Parents are welcome! Talk to your students about when they present.
Field trip permission slips for students not going to DC will be going out today. Please send them back with your child to their ELA teacher by Friday this week.
Yearbooks were passed out today to students in their House. If your student was absent today and they ordered a yearbook, please have them check with their House teacher.
8th Grade Awards Night is this week on Thursday at 7:30pm!
GJPS Central Office
The Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools Central Office and Maintenance buildings will be moved to new locations this summer to create more parking space on the high school site.
Our Central Office will be in a portion of the second floor of the office building at 630 Morrison Road as a result of a three-year lease that the District has entered into. You can learn more about the move and what it means for the current site on our website: <https://www.gahannaschools.org/news/details/~board/district-news/post/central-office-and-maintenance-buildings-moving>.
Important Dates:
May 28 Last Day for Central Office at Current Location
May 29-30 Central Office Closed for Move to New Location
May 31 Central Office Opens at New Location
The GJPS Heart & Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
Gahanna, Ohio 43230