Library Newsletter
Ms. Holloway's News you can use
Coming soon...
Stick with Reading
October Minutes DUE NOV. 4!
Keep tracking for November!
1. READ!
2. Track the number of minutes you read each night on your reading log.
3. Have a parent or guardian sign off on your totals
4. Turn the minute log in at the end of each month for a chance to win additional prizes
TOP READERS for October
KG - Vivian M (480 minutes)
1st - Andrew B (2400 minutes)
2nd - Louis L (1783 minutes)
3rd - Henry A (1465 minutes)
4th - Wally C. (3016 minutes)
5th - Gwenyth N. (1853 minutes)
2024 Spelling Bee
Classsroom spelling bees -- completed by Nov. 15
Aldridge Spelling Bee - Dec. 18
Click the image to go to the slideshow.
Library Lessons
November 4-8
No classes - Book Exchanges Only
Nov. 11-15 (A week )
Digital Citizenship
Nov. 18-22 (B week)
Digital Citizenship
Nov. 25-29
Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
Library Calendars & more...
Native American Heritage Month
Manatee Appreciation Month
Nov. 11-15 - National School Psychology Week
Nov. 11-15 - Natiopnal Young Readers Week
Nov. 18-22 - National Book Awards Week
Nov. 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Nov. 25-29 - National Game & Puzzle Week
1 - Diwali
2 - Dia de Los Muertos; All Souls Day
3 - Daylight Savings ends (Fall back & gain an hour)
3 - World Jellyfish Day
5 - Election Day
8 - National STEM/STEAM Day
10 - International Tongue Twister Day
11 - Veteran's Day
11 - World Origami Day
13 - World Kindness Day
18 - Mickey Mouse's Birthday
20 - Education Support Professionals Day
22 - Substitute Professional Day
23 - Doctor Who Day
23 - Fibonacci Day
28 - Thanksgiving
October Choice Boards
Library Expectations
Book Care
Michelle Holloway
I have been a Librarian since 2013. I have been in education since 1999. I have taught 3rd grade, 1st grade, & technology applications before becoming a library media specialist. Along with being a certified School Librarian, I am certified in Elementary 1-8, ESL, Information Processing Technologies I (PK-12), & All-Level Music (PK-12).
Bachelor of Music Education (BME) - Tulsa University
Master of Liberal Arts (MLA) w/ an emphasis in Educational Technology - Southern Methodist University
Master of Library & Information Science (MLIS or MLS) - Texas Woman's University
Certification in Archives & Special Collections - University of Southern Mississippi
Email: michelle.holloway@pisd.edu
Website: https://www.pisd.edu/aldridge
Location: 720 Pleasant Valley Lane, Richardson, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-0027
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AldridgeOcelots/
Twitter: @AldridgeOcelots
Instagram: @aldridge_ocelots
In education since 1999 Librarian since 2013